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Your Army's Theme Music


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Kastor - Catalyst by Linkin Park fits the Thousand Sons pretty well too (the lyrics may say "Thousand Suns", but it sounds pretty similar).

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0:00, Horus, grievously injured, lies in a coma, while within him a terrible battle is fought between hope and hatred.

0:52, the battle is over, horus wakens and the heresy begins, and he begins preparing his Legions for war.

1:15, the loyalist segments of his traitor legions sense there is something wrong and try to right it

1:40, but to no avail, Horus's influence spreads

2:36, the dropsite massacre, war breaks out, wages throughout the galaxy

3:25, Horus's forces arrive at Earth

3:50, The seige of Terra

4:29, Horus lies slain, the Emperor mortally wounded, the seige is broken, the heretics fled.  But all is in ruin, with no winner in the civil war, the age of man seems to be at an end

5:05, the Emperor is entombed within the Golden Throne, hope yet lives.

5:37, The Empire begins to rebuild, a new age dawns.

6:25, The Empire grows strong, encompases the entire galaxy, the great enemy all but forgotten

6:53, But the traitor legions are not dead, within the Eye they live, undergoing a terrible metamorphosis.  Embittered by defeat, corrupted by daemons, mutated by the warp, they are slowly reforged into something terrible and new.

7:31, They are no longer merely heretics and traitors. The Eye of Terror weeps, and the galaxy looks on in dawning horror as the Chaos Marines flow forth in a tide of bloodshed and death.

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well...obviously the official GW soundtrack is Bolt Thrower: Realm of Chaos (1989)


aside from that, this is how I think the realm of chaos would actually sound like: Sunn O)))
(note: this is on the fringe of being considered "music" - please equip your headset, put up the volume and bring about an hour of time, since all of the following "songs" are >10mins and should be savoured in their entirety to have a lasting effect on your psyche...)

Cursed Realms (of the Winterdemons):


Decay2 (Nihil's Maw):


It took the night to believe:




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Yeah, Bolt Thrower is the obvious choice. Not to mention how awesome Bolt Thrower are.



Also, if you're not afraid of epic geek levels, Bal-Sagoth are great as well:



That one is probably as cheesy as it gets, but it's awesome. So bombastic and melodic -and all about stars and evil gods and forbidden knowledge. 

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My Alpha Legion unveils their ambush to Skrillex's remix of 'Reptile's Theme." Or if I'm going harder rock (like most of the above posts), I'll go with Disturbed's cover of "Land of Confusion." I think that one really sets the tone for the rebellion of an entire world. 


Also, I don't remember who mentioned "Cult of Personality," but that's a GREAT pick that does not instantly spring to mind when you first think of Warhammer, but after a second of consideration you realize "oh, that's everything in this setting in a nutshell."

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My CSMs are a DIY Chapter that I tried to make look like a glam-rock band. I named my Chaos Lord Zed Leppard (a mash-up of Led Zeppelin and Def Leppard, with a little bit of rearranging letters) and my sorcerer is named "Chains" Cooper (Alice is his given first name, but he has everyone call him Chains). I originally called them Wyld Stallyns, after the excellent adventures of Bill and Ted, but recently I've changed the tone for them, making the band more like a prog-rock band, but still overall metal. I imagine my bikers would be playing their own music, but everyone else is like the rest of the band, with the exception of my obliterators who have MoN. 


But anyway, my pregame music would be Passive by A Perfect Circle, since that's the band that I named the army after, and during the heat of battle, my guys would be playing Take No Prisoners by Megadeth or Space Lord by Monster Magnet.


If I win, I imagine Zed would bust out We are the Champions by Queen, or maybe something from Black Sabbath. I dunno, lots of songs would work for that.


But if I lose, we're going out on Man in the Box by Alice in Chains.

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Word Bearers - Annapurna by Om.



I figure the Book of Lorgar would read less like a darker and edgier version of the Bible and more like a less Elder Scrolls-y 36 Lessons of Vivec ("The Spokes are the eight components of chaos, as yet solidified by the law of time: static change, if you will, something the lizard gods refer to as the Striking. That is the reptile wheel, coiled potential, ever-preamble to the never-action.") - somewhere between madness and pure metaphysical truthiness. Om's lyrics give me that same vibe, combined with the droning riff and the drums I can't help but picture the Word Bearers marching to this. Electric Wizard's Supercoven (there's a few barely-audible F-bombs in the lyrics, otherwise I'd link it here) is also a good one for Word Bearers.


Not sure if I'm qualified to find theme songs for other legions but here goes:


Black Legion - No Black Sabbath yet?

World Eaters - Gonna go with

by Thorr-Axe.

Emperor's Children - Some wub-wub would probably be appropriate but I'm thinking Losing Touch With My Mind by Spacemen 3 for EC - it's loud, sleazy, has obnoxious tambourines, and it's probably about addiction, come on.

Thousand Sons - Vinum Sabbathi by Electric Wizard (again) for no other reason than "forbidden sorcery" and mention of being imprisoned on some godsforsaken moon for it.

Death Guard - Funeralopolis by Electric Wizard (yet again. Also more inaudible F-bombs so no link).

Night Lords - The Outsider by Electric Wizard (I'm done with the Wizard, I promise). Sounds like something they'd blast on the interplanetary vox in the middle of a torture-fest.

Iron Warriors -

by Kyuss ("I'm a-loadin', a-loadin', my war machine...")

Alpha Legion - ...I got nothin'. I prefer to view 'em as closet loyalists myself.

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