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Your Army's Theme Music


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Before every game using my fallen angel/death guard army I listen to ”tattered banners and bloody flags” - Amon Amarth.

” There comes Lopt, the treacherous Lusting for revenge He leads the legions of the dead Towards the Aesir's realm


The march in full battle dress With faces grim and pale Tattered banners and bloody flags Rusty spears and blades


Cries ring out, loud and harsh From cracked and broken horns Long forgotten battle cries In strange and foreign tongues


Spear and sword clash rhythmically Against the broken shields they beat They bring their hate and anarchy Onto Vigrid's battlefield


There comes Lopt, the treacherous He stands against the God His army grim and ravenous Lusting for their blood


Nowhere is longer safe The earth moves under our feet The great world tree Yggdrasil Trembles to its roots


Sons of Muspel gird the field Behind them Midgard burns Hrym's horde march from Nifelheim And then Fenris wolf returns


Heimdal grips the Giallarhorn He sounds that dreaded note Oden rides to quest the Norns But their web is torn


The Aesir rides out to war With armor shining bright Followed by the Einherjer See Valkyries ride


Nowhere is longer safe The earth moves under our feet The great world tree Yggdrasil Trembles to its roots


Sons of Muspel gird the field Behind them Midgard burns Hrym's horde march from Nifelheim And then Fenris wolf returns”

Fits the space puppies as well.

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Oh I've only just seen this thread. I like a lot of the suggestions here but I'm going to go down a different track for my Night Lords. I'm gonna plump for the overture from flames of Paris by Boris Asafyev. Now granted its probably the upper hive cultured psychopaths within the 8th Legion that would truly appreciate this classical choice, but given the apparently lyrical nature of the Nostroman language maybe even the street scum gangers would like the musical interplay of a full orchestral piece.

I couldn't find a link to a performance of this but trust me its got all the themes to work a bit of skinning pit magic towink.png

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