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future plans for your chaos spacemarine army.

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I was just interested in seeing how people are thinking about developing their csm (if they plan to, I dunno, you may be super happy with your csm, if so tell us what you are so happy with!)


I'm fairly happy with my beast/spawn rush army, so I'm moving on to trying out lots of plague marines (I'm thinking 4-6 5 man squads,) with obliterators and possibly nurgle demon support. Still in the early planning stages, and it may fail horribly, but There's always spawn to fall back on.

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I have pretty much enough of everything to last me a lifetime, but want to add at least one more Heldrake, and finish the two WIP Forge/Maulerfiends that I'm scratchbuilding to go with my one.


The intention really is to get the tens of thousands of points I own actually painted into a cohesive force, which is going pretty well - but just requires time and effort. And, LOTS of stripping.

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Well I'm planning on spending £400 plus at warhammer world tomorrow restarting my entire Nurgle marine army which I lost interest in trying to go with with mostly large squads of plague marines, CSMs, Havocs and death shroud terminators going for a power armoured horde. I am just so bored at the moment plus for once have money go spend so going crazy, planning on modelling all my squads so undead style with zombie/ skeleton style units
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I am planning:

3 squads of Noise Marines (Styled more like Chaos-touched heresy-era Destroyer squad survivors, with warp talon bits mixed with Mk3 armor and Volkite guns). Two squads will be points-optimal base+Blastmaster units, and one will be a Kill team, and therfore extra fancy.

A pair of new Rhinos with Dirge casters (made from model train tornado Sirens)

A Land Raider with Dirge casters (yeah yeah, I know. This one will also have tornado siren-based sound equipment)

To paint the first Heldrake I have built.

To build and Paint the second Heldrake I have purchased.

To basecoat and dip the 80 cultists I own.

If I get through all of that plus the terrain I'm building for the FLGS, I have a Chaos Warhound that I'd love to get built and painted before Gen-Con in August.

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I like our codex Chaos Space Marines & from Nov last year my army went from 1500pts to 5000pts in the space of two months.  Everthing I have so far are fully painted & converted, that 120ish models + 14 to 15 tanks.


I still got plans to add to my army.  Pretty much


- Currently adding a fourth Chaos Marine unit arm with the Forge World breacher shields.

- Planning on adding a Rhino transport for my unit of Chaos Marines arm with Breacher shields.

- Currently painting Cypher who will be a "count as" Chaos Lord with Murder Sword & of course Plasma Pistol.

- Currently gather parts/bits from the Ravenwing command & Deathwing Knights so I can convert up some Fallen Angels.  They will ether be Chosen or another squad of Chaos Marines.  In general they will be ether added to my Iron Warriors or I can always have them as allies to my Chaos Guards.


There a lot I am planning on adding in the near future as well.  It just so I got chose when it come to gaming & I just enjoy building, converting & painting models for my Iron Warriors force.


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Hey everyone!

I'm the same as Chaeron, I've been collecting CSMs like a fiend for roughly 12 years.

The only things I would consider adding would be things I don't have, like a heldrake(!) or a maulerfiend. Not amazingly keen on the heldrake model though.

On the other hand, with "counts-as" I've found the allies rules have opened up a whole host of conversion opportunities. Recently I've been working on some bits I bought a few years back, and been forging it into the Dark Mechanicus. I've been using the Necron book as I think it fits the best, although I also picked up the tau book as I have a couple of massive obliterator-things I've been converting that aren't quite represented by the necrons or CSMs. I think a Dark Mechanicus army using Necrons with Tau allies perfectly represents the different agendas of my hereteks, and It also allows me be creative with the different basic troops. Plus I couldn't resist turning a couple of monoliths into massive daemon engines/shrines to go with the rest of my Iron Warriors!  

My plans for the rest of my chaos army mostly concerns painting. I've got around 50 Chaos Marines/Havocs and a handful of vehicles that unfortunately aren't going to paint themselves. 

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I'm painting all my NL back to Black Legion. Still have 12 terminators, and say eight or ten squads to go. All vehicles and characters are done.

I don't plan to buy anything. I've been quite disappointed by our new units. I'm not interested in Fiends, or Helldrakes. And I have above 10k points of CSM already.

I would like to start a raptor cult army, or a slaaneshi warband, but not enough to spend my money.

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I plan on filling out my Night lords with more CSM squads and rhinos, then moving on to a contingent of Iron Warrior/dark mech allies for the warband and then some decimators, mauler/forgefiends, predators and possibly more heldrakes. I've always got a least a few ideas for what to do next....

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I plan of finishing my current 2000 pts. Then I might get some terminators or some IG allies built up.
But I think I'm just gonna get really big into this Horus Heresy stuff.

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I have a ton of Thousand sons and other chaos marines to finish painting, plus I just bought them a bunch of allied demons, so I'll be busy a while.

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But I think I'm just gonna get really big into this Horus Heresy stuff.


Ditto. Mainly because I want an actual all-termie traitor force.


Never thought I'd take the dive, but.... Word Bearers, here I come...

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I'm planning to repaint my night lords to black legion and add some HH stuff to my world eaters, and, of course, going to buy HH Abaddon. And I want to start HH night lords legion with NL upgrade kits. Not going to buy those retarded products of Kelly's acid trip like heldrakes or any allies though.
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Pick at daemon engine conversions when the mood strikes me. Wait for some better chaos marine infantry models in the style of the starter box figs. Paint Cryx models. Spend most of my hobby time drawing & updating my liveblog of some kid's homestuck liveblog, instead of bothering with minis games.
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  1. My 3000+ Night Lords are going onto the shelf. Moving from "gaming" to "modeling when bored".

Finishing what I have on bench right now for Emperor's Children (up to 3000 I guess) and no more CSM for me until next codex, or probably ever. If Emperor's Children army will continue to be boring to play - will sell it away.

Moving to Horus Heresy, my plan is to have 2600 unpainted army in 2-3 month.

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  1. Paint all my miniatures I still haven't painted yet (must be around 80, I guess).

Slowly sell off my metal miniatures apart from the characters, to get a mostly plastic army.

Buy and paint some IG artillery to bring back the IW feel to my IW - a good siege needs a proper shelling of the enemy by tremor cannons!

Maybe a Warhound titan... in the future.

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First I need to finish the last 7 marines & Predator Annhilator for my Emperors Children / daemon warband ( as soon as they are done i will post them for all to see).


Then I plan on going back to my roots with a New Death Guard Force. I have sold my two previous Nurgle armies, but with this 3rd version i am planning 4 Blight Drones as I adore the models.

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My future plans for my CSM:


Lets see:

1. Add a Helldrake for my tournament list

2. Built a Bloodthirster & Built varouis Daemon Princes
3. Built Paint up 50 zombies for Typhus list idea

4. Paint the Chaos Land Raider I had built for Typhus

5. Make a Chaos Lord on Palaquin & some Nurglings while I'm at tit.

6. Add a squad of Noise Marines for the fun

7. Add a squad of Thousands suns for tun fun

8. Paint Abbadon

9. Built some Chaos guard to use as Allies

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I want a Helltalon, or maybe convert a Heldrake into something that looks a bit more 40k.

I have also been thinking of a Vindicator...


Other than that, I'm mostly waiting for the the next HH book from Forge World. This current CSM codex just sucks the fun out of playing with the forced challenges and things like that, so I'm holding out for the HH list. I have actually gone back to playing orks a lot lately. (Thanks Kelly. :( )

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I've got a load of stuff to wade through;

  • Finish building and paint my counts-as Typhus and his 100 strong zombie escort.
  • Paint my Mauler.
  • Finish my Helbrute.
  • Finish the remaining Plague Marine squads (I think it's three squads of seven).
  • Finish my third Rhino.


Once I've got through that which could be a while, I admit, I'd like to;

  • Buy more Helbrutes off eBay for some converting fun. Wouldn't mind having enough to take each loadout in the Codex, we'll see.
  • Add three more Rhino's so all my Plague squads are mechanized. 
  • Add in a Predator.
  • More Obliterators.
  • 1-2 Heldrakes.
  • Nurgle biker squad. 
  • Add some allies. Right now I'm thinking maybe of Traitor Guard.
  • Add some Apocalypse goodies; Fellblade, the Nurgle Baneblade (forget its name), Titan(s), Thunderhawk.

I love my CSMs, but have to work on them in chunks. I may never do another army, but will probably take years amassing my collection bit by bit.

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1. Convert 8 Mutilators during the summer. Top priority.

2. REALLY want 10-12 Havocs with Autocannons.

3. Would like to have a Defiler in some point of the future.

4. I'll get a Helldrake when I figure out how to transport it safely.

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Ok where to start. I have bought the entire chaos space marine army ex novo, no second hand models, no stripping and lots of assembling. In short time, a week or two I plan to star my first picture log here on B&C while at the same time I will use my fluff powers to give my models life. Today I also had my usual luck when I was awarded with a 25 Eur discount on all 40k things so I happily went home with Codex: Daemons, a Herald of Slaanesh and Daemonettes of Slaanesh, so you see where I am at. 


In short I have to assemble, paint and base the following:


- Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor

- Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armor

- 10x Chaos Terminators

- 20 Noise Marines

- 10 Chaos Space Marines

- 3x Obliterators

- Helldrake

- Forgefiend with Hades Autocannons

- Maulerfiend with Magma Coils

- Herald of Slaanesh

- 20x Daemonettes of Slaanesh

- DV Hellbrute

- DV Chaos Lord

- DV Cultists

- DV Chosen

- Fabius Bile

- Lucius the Eternal

- 5x Possessed

- Chaos Chaplain (a standard chaplain conversion)

- Chaos Space Marine Command Squad (a standard command squad conversion)

- Havocs

- Warpsmith

- Dark Apostle

- Daemon Prince

- Chaos Spawn

- 10 Bloodletters of Khorne


+ I have to buy and prepare a Feldherr miniature case. 


So this is the general draft of my project for this year, of which half has to be assembled, basecoated and ready for the 1st June for the tournament, than I have the whole month of July to paint. Since I am a stubborn sort of fool (no wonder that I am knee deep in law studies,...) the whole thing should not be that hard. As for today, I have a daemonic book to open and read.

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Trying to decide if I want to do a high toughness list (lord on juggy, max spawn and oblits) allied with khorne daemons, or if I want to do an armored rushdown list (helbrutes, maulerfiends, landraider with berzerkers), OR make daemons my primary and work in whatever I can, OR start emperor's children with daemons.


So yeah... I don't have a plan. Just a lot of soul-searching. It's raining today, so I'll probably just gaze out the window in deep thought.

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