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future plans for your chaos spacemarine army.

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Paint my last 6 obliterators.


Convert some terminators from the DV set (4 initially).


Finish painting my 2 squads of noise marines.


All just finishing projects, really.


There just isn't really anything that captures my imagination in the new book, so I can't think of any new projects.

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Today morning I have finished painting of my 30th Chaos Space Marine. I am now happy with two squads with pistols and chainswords and a squad with bolters (6 plasmaguns and 2 plasma pistols inclueded in these squads). I have also assembled and primed 5-man hunting group of Warp Talons and 3 tank-hunting terminators. My newest addition is going to be 15 (second hand) Possessed whose colors are about to change. I am also planning new squad of raptors however, I would like them to look more like regular Chaos Space Marines with jump packs so I am constantly annoying my friends with "do you have some spare jump packs" question.

So at this moment I am happy with my HQ - Three chaos lords (twin lightning claws, TDA with twin lightning claws and powerfist+BBoS), Sorcerer and Khârn

Elites - terminators, berzerkers, possessed

Troops - as above not gonna add anything in near future

Heavy Support - Oblits, Hellbrutes

Fast attack - Warp Talons and I would like to add Raptors (3 are done already)

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Prolly' not what you were asking for, but my future plans involves me selling it.


Sadly, this is also what I'm probably going to do with mine as well.  My Alpha Legion , if ever fully rebuilt, will likely only see action as a Heresy force...

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Prolly' not what you were asking for, but my future plans involves me selling it.

Why don't you move to HH instead? It gave me all I ever wanted from my army! After all, it would be way better to see veteran like yourself making next step instead of leaving.
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Prolly' not what you were asking for, but my future plans involves me selling it.

Why don't you move to HH instead? It gave me all I ever wanted from my army! After all, it would be way better to see veteran like yourself making next step instead of leaving.


I second the HH approach. It really is a very fun 'codex' (even for Chapters that have yet to get their special unit).

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I started my current Chaos Space Marines as an allied detachment for my Necrons. The idea was to breath life to old Necron codex C'tan worshipping cultists so the allied detachment only had an HQ and two squads of Cultists. Gameswise they did exactly what I wanted, being cheaper scoring troops I could stick backfield while saving more points for all the crazy tools Necrons can field. Later I've actually started to find the tricks of CSM codex and have fielded them on their own. Even added the Heldrake to my collection.


One thing I've noted:


We actually have VERY strong Troops section. Its not strong because we have one troop to rule them all (Purifiers/Grey Hunters), but because we have a Troop slot for every conceivable purpose. And, mind you, since our HQ entry cost is very cheap when compared to othwer power armour codices and thus taking marked HQ is easy I count Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Thousand Sons and Berzerkers as Troop choices here.


Cultists are actually great. Really great. They don't kill everything on board. Sometimes they kill nothing on board, but they still win games. The catch is that using Cultists as your backfield objective sitters you save a crapload of points for the rest of the army. This is what makes CSM different than GK, SW or any other color of Space Marines. Sure, 170 point squad of plasmagun Chaos Space Marines is a bit worse for abilities than equivalent 170 point Grey Hunter squad (sans character), but for the price of the second Grey Hunter squad you can take three (!) mini-blobs of cultists or two bigger ones... or for the price of two GH squads (characters included) you can have two Plague Marine squads with double plasmagun each and two MSU cultist squads to keep the fort while your PMs march for glory.

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I just finished up a Juggerlord and ordered some Spawn and tyranid bits. I have two types of lists I play.


My aggressive CSM is(about to be, already did some games with proxies for the spawn and loving them) Juggerlord/Spawn, Beserkers/Rhino, cultists taking mid-field. Slaaneshlord on a Steed with bikes outflanking, MSU of Noise Marines with Blastmasters for backfield firesupport and scoring options, two oblits and a hadesfiend. I ally with daemons for Horror/Herald deepstrike dakkastrikes, hounds supporting Juggerlord and Soul Grinder for more firesupport.


My Tzeentch list involves Daemon Princes flying around murderizing and terrorizing with psychic powers with horrors, Thousand Sons/Rhino and cultist taking midfield and Tzeentch Heralds using divination to buff my Hadesfiend/Noise Marines, and deepstriking flamers. Prescience/Daemonforge is huge.


They're both similar just swapping Khorne CC for Tzeentch shooting and trickery. Both are really fun, but play very differently. Both have adequate fire power but one is all about the RIPPING AND TEARING while the other one is Just as Planned.


My Next step is a more fluffy piece. I really want a Sonic Land Raider. I've seen a lot done right and wanted to be bold and also throw in a speaker/jack for music like I've seen some people do. I also have some Slaanesh Chosen(If you haven't examined Chosen, just look at their Attack characteristic and their wargear. *coughthreeatackseachcough* tool them up with PW's and a Dark Apostle and watch them shine) that I don't use enough and want to put them in it and name it the Pain Train. Lower points I would just use them as regular CC geared Noise Marines. It would probably go in the first list, and at least 2k. 8 Slaanesh Chosen with IoE and PW's, Dark Apostle, Slaanesh Lord, Dirge Caster and Extra Armor. Expensive, but made of murder.


I can't decide on a Heldrake, I think it's the physical model mostly. I have a daemon prince and two custom Lords of Change(Or other DP's if I need them) that I would rather use. Though that new High Elves Phoenix looks like it could be fun to convert into a metallic version for a 'Drake.

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Prolly' not what you were asking for, but my future plans involves me selling it.


Heresy! Brother Nimh leaving Chaos?! Will you start some new project or leaving the hobby entirely?

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Prolly' not what you were asking for, but my future plans involves me selling it.

Why don't you move to HH instead? It gave me all I ever wanted from my army! After all, it would be way better to see veteran like yourself making next step instead of leaving.


I second the HH approach. It really is a very fun 'codex' (even for Chapters that have yet to get their special unit).


I'd switch to HH, I love the design philosophy a lot more, but... I want to play Chaos marines, not just Traitor marines,  and, at least at the moment, the HH stuff really doesn't deliver there.


Plus, I like a varied game where I'm sometimes playing against loyalist marines, sometimes guard, sometimes eldar, or orks, or nids, or whatever.  Variety on the table, even if I'm always playing chaos.  And Heresy, that's just all marines all the time.  Not very satisfying to me.

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 Heresy, that's just all marines all the time.  Not very satisfying to me.

depends on who you're playing, but:


HH FAQ 1.0:

Designer’s Note: This means that while you are, of course, free to have fun and play games against

your friends using any forces you like, and Horus Heresy forces will be broadly ‘a fair fight’ with

Codex forces of the same scale, certain rules anomalies and inconsistencies may be thrown up that

you have to deal with, although these should not seriously affect the game in most cases. (For

example, certain units, such as those with the Stubborn special rule are at a premium costing in

Horus Heresy armies over their regular Codex counterparts, owing to the results of play testing

within their own sphere.)

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Prolly' not what you were asking for, but my future plans involves me selling it.


The second thing I see coming back is this and I already don't want to ask why. 


As for me, possibly loot or buy the codex/rule books and find an old IW Warsmith to add to my last army idea.  I'll probably get to assembling the Plague Marines I have but that leaves me with a Defiler and Rhino that are currently several miles away.  Oh right, those are far yonder too. 

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Prolly' not what you were asking for, but my future plans involves me selling it.


The second thing I see coming back is this and I already don't want to ask why. 


As for me, possibly loot or buy the codex/rule books and find an old IW Warsmith to add to my last army idea.  I'll probably get to assembling the Plague Marines I have but that leaves me with a Defiler and Rhino that are currently several miles away.  Oh right, those are far yonder too. 


If you not already seen, you can still buy the Iron Warriors warsmith model on the Games Workshop web site :)




As well as the currently being built/painted stuff I posted last time.


I think my future plans with the Iron Warriors will be


- Convert more Obliterators for both Heavy & Elites

- Get another Heldrake on the go:  The first one I bought back in Oct never arrive until turn 4 for over 30 games in a row

- More Cultist.  This will also led into a Chaos Guard army that I can have as a stand alone force or allies or cultist.  Already got some Leman Russ painted for my Chaos Guard force last year.

- Another Fiend model, I think I will add another Forge & Maulier (sp?) fiend army to my force as I really enjoy building & painting the models

- Dreadnought, always been a fan of Dreadnought & after building & painting the Forge World one, would like to get another added into my force.  Not sure weapon wise what I will arm it with.

- Some different arm Terminators for my current units just so I have the models there & for bigger games.


Then of course ever event I go to, always seem to add a new model or two.


I've always got something new I will want to add to my Iron Warriors force as it a never ending collection.






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I'm tired of using counts as plague marines, so I'm currently adding bionic marines and will be purchasing the siege shield marines over time.


I will be adding some great coat Humans from wargames factory as allied Traitor Guard with accompanying Manticore.

The rest is finishing the various models I currently have such as my Maulerfiend... I do however want another Maulerfiend. I basically want a artillery style list (manticore, predators big units of CSM with aerial support from two drakes) and a blitzkrieg of heavy armour (with my Land Raider).


Essentially, in my local, I want each list I bring to represent a point in the campaign, blitzkrieg for the attack and more defensive armies for defence


Finally I'm waiting impatiently for Forgeworld to release the Volkite Culverin's so I can make my Iron Warrior Noise Marines.

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I think its pretty amazing just how many people the new codex has brought back. I have personally been playing 40k for 13 years, CSM for 11 of those 13. I had roughly 4k in chaos (unpainted), i now have roughly 9k, including Daemons, since the new codex's have dropped


In total i need to paint....


- 2 Undividided Sorc's, 1 w/ TDA, 1 w/ jump pack

- Nurgle TDA Lord

- Typhus

- Slaanesh Bike Lord

- Prince of Khorne

- Bloodthirster

- Abbadon

- 1x Khorne CSM x 10

- 2x Bezerkers x 10

- 3x Plague Marines x 7

- 2x Cultists x 20

- 2x Zombies x 20

- Bloodletters x 20

- 4x Rhino's (2x Khorne, 2x Nurgle)

- Possessed x 10

- Nurgle Terminators x 5

- 2x Helbrutes

- Slaanesh Bikers x 5

- Slaanesh Raptors x 10

- 2x Heldrakes

- Seekers x 5

- Predator 

- Lascannon Havok's x 5

- Defiler

- Soul Grinder 

- Vindicator


I believe thats it, I may be forgetting something however lol.

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Yes, but the general concensus seems to be that the HH:B Legion list is simply overpowered compared to normal codices.


General consensus probably hasn't played the HH:B Legion very much.

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Yes, but the general concensus seems to be that the HH:B Legion list is simply overpowered compared to normal codices.


General consensus probably hasn't played the HH:B Legion very much.

General consensus also likes playing overpowered codices.

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Yes, but the general concensus seems to be that the HH:B Legion list is simply overpowered compared to normal codices.


General consensus probably hasn't played the HH:B Legion very much.


To my Tau, they're just Horde Marines.  I've killed Angron twice-the guy won't take him any more.  I almost want to buy the model so I can rip it's head off and put it on my Railhead that keeps dropping him, "Skulls for the skull throne" and all that.


I've pretty much put my guys into stasis.  My primary army (Tau) got an AWESOME book, and this army...well I'm going to just wait until something more useful comes out, be it a new Heresy book or a new Vanilla Marines book.  Paint them every once and a while when I'm tired of painting Blue.

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forget general consensus and see for yourselves:


the faq sais it all: roughly fair but on the too-costly-to-be-good-side of things if anything.


that people percieve it as overpowered has two simple reasons:

1) lords of war. yeah these are supposed to be overpowered - they're primarchs! just keep in mind there are no lord of war slots in a normal FOC...

2) lots of options - the rules are made to let you do any legion. but only 1/4 of those make sense and they come with a prohibitive price tag. do the math, regular 40k is more op.

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