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future plans for your chaos spacemarine army.

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Planning to add multiple legions to a brand new chaos marine army. I've done chaos in the past but never ended up happy with the results so this time I'm going to nail it. Large terminator/zombie death guard army, preheresy colors. A small alpha legion squad and some bits, Iron warriors also, and then some death guard newbies in the fresher green colors. 100 Odd marines all up.

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I'm building an army of Mutants, using the Ork rules to be allies for my CSM.  In addition to that, I've got a couple more tanks to get, plus some berzerkers, and I'll have my 15,000 points of CSM built!  With Apoc coming back out, I'll probably add 3 Lord of Battle, and possibly a Brass Scorpion and Shadowsword to try and reach 20,000 with allies.  :)

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I'm just hoping to paint the the rest of my Death Guard army by the end of this year. I've been painting them for years and I'd actually like to see them finished of. I keep revisiting old models and improving them rather than tackling new ones. geek.gif

This is what I'd like to do:

• rebase the army (in progress)

• retouch the rust effects on all the metal areas

• build and paint my dreadnought

• build and paint my daemon prince

• finish painting my predator

• build and paint 4 plague marines, 5 raptors, 6 havocs

• retouch the "dirty" areas on my older plague marines

• strip and repaint many, many Plaguebearers and Nurglings

Does anybody have any advice for both motivation and improving the speed at which I paint actually? I'm terrifically slow at painting!


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Verbal Underbelly

Get an airbrush. it prob could save you time on large ammounts of the same color. Nurgle shouldnt take too long for the first couple of colors other than Metallics. Just dry brush all your models for the highlights.


If you're on the details then just continually use the same color until all models have that color done on them. Ex. If your painting Boltgun Metal on one of your models do it to all of them.


Paint them in bulk like 5-10 models at a time depending on size of the model and type of the model. If you're doing your That Dreadnought do the DP and the Predator all at the same time. That way you have all of them going together. Same with the infantry do the Plague Marines and the Havocs together or some combination all at once.


For your retouching wait to do that when you get to that color while your painting something else. So ex. when your painting the rust on new models touch it up on the old models.


To the thread

For my chaos models I'm switching God Khorne to Slaanesh. I wanted to have 2 armies going to paint so I dont get bored with one. So while I'm painting my Khorne army I am also painting my Slaanesh army.


I just don't look forward to building and painting Heldrakes.

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Well now I have seven bikers to assemble and customize, hopefully a squad of Obliterators too soon. But the overall plan for my army is to make a Warband worth its name in proper Rogue Trader fashion with traitor guardsmen, mutants, xeno mercenaries, cult troops and all those thing that make a warband an actual warband. For this year I have yet to invest in a proper miniature's bag, in a Daemon Prince and in some Spawns. So that is another 100+ Eur that go into my army.


In the next year I will see if something catches my eye but probably it will be just two squads of Raptors and perhaps another Helldrake. My aim is to hit 3000 points of painted Slaaneshi army. 

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My current army has one Marine sad.png. I just wish I could bring myself to play more, but I just can´t see the merits

Yeah I wish GW would at least have the decency to re-brand it as Chaos Cultists and Heldrakes instead of Chaos Space Marines, though really I suppose that's 'On Us' because we're buying what's effective at netlists and for tournaments and such. I'd probably suck a lot at tournaments. My win-loss in normal games isn't too good, but my armys unit by unit Kill Death Ratio is awesome, I mean, Khorne would approve.

I just can't believe that Warp Talons can't assault the turn they arrive-they don't have frag grenades, what's the fear? I'm guessing that it'd be "too close to Vanguard Veterans", which is why we're the only Space Marine army that doesn't have drop pods, the Space Marine Universal Special Rule (ATSKNF) and Land Raider variants.

I guess I'd just like to see how GW's Designers would use Warp Talons in a 1500 point game (none of those "we threw everything against the wall" games they've been publishing now, though that is cool and I support that).

Well, I've got 3 different HQs, 60 Cultists, 20 CSM, 2 Helbrutes and Heldrake at the moment. On my desk 4 Obliterators are waiting for painting. Out of my collection I regularly use almost everything (almost, because the Chaos Lord in Terminator armour rarely sees the field). Sure, the core of my Troops slot is Cultists, but I don't think my list would work without the heavier CSM for support, so they aren't redundant in my opinion. I'm actually pretty pleased with basic CSM entry because it has so much options that you can basically build them to suit a number of very different roles. Still, they are a "side dish" whereas my Cultists and Heldrake are the "beef". However, if I were to run a "Legion" army instead of Renegade one, I would probably go for Slaanesh or Nurgle. Both have Troops that are both awesome and cost-effective enough to use without point-saving cultists... Though you can get some wonderfull combos with zombies and Plague Marines.

All-in-all, I think there is a big problem in the 40K community as a whole and its the fact that internetz has made us lazy. Instead of trying different combos we just accept the latest internet rant as the literal, absolute truth, buy the net list and join the raving chorus shouting that the very net list we (and 100 others) own and play is the ONLY competitive choice. I guess its easy and makes us feel accepted in the bandwagon but its not all there is. The metagame varies so much from play group to next and even between tournaments (if you are into tournament scene) that the latest net list is probably only "good" instead of "best" in any particular meta.

The other route... Not believing internetz is always right, not believing GW always screws things up and not taking the "general consensus" on what is good and what is not isn't easy. Nine times out of ten when you are testing a new concept you literally step into crap. But one time out of ten you might find a nugget of gold. My main army is Necrons which I have played with 3rd edition and current 5th edition codices in both 5th and current 6th edition. I've played a lot of crappy lists, but I've also come up with at least one list that has BECOME the internet lists everyone buys and plays... Well, the Flyer/Wraith/Heldrake list you see now isn't mine, so maybe I should say used to buy and play, but still.

One of the reasons I've stayed out of the 40k hobby for so long is it costs too damn much. Its great you've been playing and experimenting for a long time, I can't afford to experiment without proxy. At that point I'd rather just not buy models, and at that point I don't even see a point to anything besides Lore or 40k video games. Which for the record, aren't getting any better.

Sometimes you need the rants as a pre-test to see if something is worth it. Just hearing about the new allies rules and the new meta, I've already dropped my desire to start saving and picking up again. I seem to have an OCD just for planning lineups and lists.

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Finish my deamons Engines.

Finish my World Eaters Legionnaires

Finish my Dark Mech Cyborgs Allied forces( Tau's Exoarmors)

Finish my Skullraider Mk II

Finish my Reaver Titan.

Finish my Reaver Bikes squadron.

Redo my Juggerlord

Redo my Brass Scorpion.

Rebase a whole lot of models.

Complete Painting on my Skullhawk

Complete Painting on my Chaoseagle

Redo my Khorne Contemptor.

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- complete my Iron Warriors linebreaker army

- stick to Chaos because evil is good

- get a Baledrake or two..

- play as much as I can

- kill loyalists and have fun doin' it

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