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The art of sisters


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I've never seen that before! Awesome.


Bolters against dreadnoughts? Oh, honey...



A curiously under-equipped force, really. I do like the work though, even if the artist has deliberately gimped the Sisters to make sure the Dreadnoughts have a chance!


If MkOll can defeat a Chaos Dread with nothing but a tree (okay, the tree was projectile capable, but still...), then Sisters with Bolters should be simple! :laugh.:


Yeah, he knows little of Sisters otherwise they'd have enough melta to turn even the TS's dust to slag :tongue.: Great conversion work but as always whenever I see a diorama I can't help but feel the models would be better used on the table top :tongue.:

The weapon choices aside, I do love the work put into it. And yes, I look at the models and feel sad that they'll never see a game :sad.::laugh.:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh god the memories. I'm getting flashbacks to Dune, Dune II, Master of Orion II and the Kyrandia trilogy.

"14 of 32 Adepta Sororitas transports landed on Daemon World."


"Would you like to research Promethium Level 2?"

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  • 2 months later...

It might be their "ohh pretty" stances when its clearly Mucaloid Spores heading their way for a Boomingly Explosive good time....


Vs the Lead whose all "oh crap"

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Somehow I can't help imagening an Inquisitor in front of the Sisters in the second pic, who after a successful mission assissted by these Sisters goes:

"... Since the Transport back to your Convent isn't due to arrive for another week, who of you would like to learn, how to properly torture a Heretic?"

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Perhaps they're Jacobus' Celestians? (Seraphim would have been a better moniker, but as they don't have jump packs...)
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They're just new recruits posing for a picture. They haven't been on their first deployment yet. Probably they will post this to social media and get made fun of by the vets in their unit who have actually purged heretics. The one with the power sword will get NJPed for playing with the Sister Superiors weapon instead of taking it straight to the Armoury like she was supposed to.
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Why be upset about the faces?  I've known plenty female actual soldiers who had very beautiful faces and it in no way detracted from their competence.  I've also known a few who looked like the south side of northbound hog, but guess who was invited to the photo op?  Given that the Sisters are the Emperor's literal Angels of Death (as opposed to the Space Marines being the figurative ones) it's not surprising that someone would depict them angelically.


The female form can be attracive without being inherantly "sexualized."  The other humans depicted in the grimdark are either grotesque in some way (bionic attachments, scars, IG-style grizzled, chaos mutation, etc) or a version of stylized masculine beauty (virtually every Space Marine, every Primarch, the Emperor Himself, swashbuckling Rogue Traders, etc.).  The difference here is simply that the largely male audience doesn't look at the Space Marine art and think "beefcake" rather than it being evidence of an actual difference in portraying the sexes (In this case.  There are hundreds of depictions that are obviously sexual in nature.)


I'll give you licking her teeth like that to be vaguely suggestive, though.

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