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The art of sisters


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I'll give you licking her teeth like that to be vaguely suggestive, though.

She was just trying to get the spinach from her Greek salad out of her teeth before the photo op...happens to me all the time

Edited by Sororita Katya
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I'm going to throw my hat into the ring.


I think the problem is less the existence of cute or pin-up-y Sororitas art, it's that that sort of nonsense sometimes seems to outweigh the more heroic  or gritty art. For example: I know a guy on tumblr who posts pinups of traitor Astartes from the Horus Heresy era. Lots of pictures of, say, Khârn and Abaddon looking muscly and flexing, with big soft sensitive eyes and wry mouths. Not my thing, really, but it makes him happy, and he's a very good artist. Anyway, the point is that when I see that, I don't think "ew, how weird, it's a pinupy Space Marine!" I think "well, that's unique" and I move on. Because in general Astartes are depicted in a way that's entirely congruent with their representation in in the fiction. If you do a Google image search for "Sisters of Battle," though, the second result is the long-haired, smooth-faced, escher-girl (that is, the infamous "boobs and butt" pose) battle sister from the cover of the newest codex. The second row of images includes a ridiculous (if adorable) anime interpretation of a battle sister.


If you Google "Space Marines," you don't get anything demeaning for pages and pages.


That's an important context.


Nobody cares about occasionally lambasting or sexualizing Sororitas, any more than I don't care if someone occasionally lambasts or sexualizes Space Marines. What's annoying is that the discordant representations sometimes seem to outnumber the concordant representations.

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That's because the models are guilty of the same thing as all GW power armoured models, in that the armour itself is the same size as the person wearing it should be.


If you doubt me, just compare a helmet with a bare head. The two bits are exactly the same size, even though one should fit inside the other.


GW's habit of painting every Sister like her armour is clad in shined latex does not help either.


I really like those, especially the Hospitaller.

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The hospitaller does seem to me to have that synth skin issue, particularly in the thighs and abdomen though.

I didn't think that when I initially saw it(liked it more as a slice of life pic), but on a second look I noticed the abdomen area looked like it was some kind of cloth rather than hard plates. I always assumed that the whole torso piece was solid and decorated to look like cloth.

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I've just seen two Rhinos with murals on the "'Eavier Metal" Facebook page. They are fantastic! :wub.:


Rhino one


Rhino two


I can't remember if the Facebook page is a "public" one, or whether or not you have to join it to be able to see posts etc.

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There's some fantastic stuff in this thread!

This is my first post in the Sororitas section, actually it's the first time I've ventured out of the works in progress bit and posted anywhere else, but then I only really go there and here so it had to happen some time. I just put this up in my scratch built/converted sisters thread but thought I'd share it here as well as it seems a bit more fitting, so here's a picture I done did.



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That art style looks familiar, bazaza - is that the first Sister you've done?

The style looks familiar to me as well, but I can't think where I've seen it.

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@WarriorFish- That's half the fun of being self employed! I should have a better idea of where I stand tomorrow as it was a dead cert up until a couple of weeks ago when the editor who's usually my champion told everyone he was leaving. Bit of a bugger as I have to schmooze again and I'm notoriously rubbish at it. 


@*Furyou Miko- It's been my profession for 16 years so there are jobs out there, admittedly I've also been skint for 16 years which I'm sure is just a coincidence :wacko.: She's the first sister I've drawn in a while, I used to draw them a fair bit as they've always been my favourites but back then I drew in a far cartoonier manner and it was years and years ago.


@Aquilanus- God I've spent years honing this I hope it wasn't someone similar! :laugh.:

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It reminds me of gorillaz album covers, that might be why the style looks so familiar.

That might actually be what I was thinking of!

Edited by Aquilanus
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Interrogator Shiana Raine of the Ordo Xenos, formerly a Sister Superior of the Order of the Grey Shroud. You can see that the markings have been removed from her armour.




My Dark Heresy character. To be brief: She was presumed KIA along with the rest of her fledgling Order (40 or so Sisters), but had in fact been recruited by an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor due to her connection with the Big Evil Cult^tm that had laid their world low.


In the years since she has avenged her fallen Sisters, killed a corrupt Inquisitor without permission (literally sparking a brutal Inquisition War in the Calixis Sector between the pissed off Xanthites and the chuffed-to-bits Mono-Dominants who wouldn't let them assassinate her...) and had to make the difficult decision of whether to return to the Sororitas (possibly as Repentia) or embrace her new life as an Inquisitorial Agent. She chose the latter and accepted an offer from a female Ordo Xenos Inquisitor to serve as her Interrogator.


Killing the corrupt Inquisitor without permission, stopping the return of Haarlock (prewrit adventure) and turning up alive after being marked amongst the honoured dead by the Sororitas has made her rather infamous amongst those in the know. She therefore has a bit of an awkward relationship with the sectoral Sisterhood. Some think she's awesome, others think she disloyally abandoned the cause and, generally speaking, everyone has an opinion!


We're still playing the game after like six or seven years and dozens of sessions. Recently switched to Dark Heresy 2nd Edition and rebuilt the characters. She had the iconography removed from her power armour, dyed her hair red in honour of the fallen and is busily serving as her new master's right hand. She has a Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Power Mace and Blessed Combat Knife. She's particularly good at knifing people ...

Edited by Shifte
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