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The art of sisters


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If you click on the first picture, it'll send you to a deviantART deviation with this in the description:


Sororitas snapping seductive selfies! For the emperor! A selfie isn’t a selfie without at least one decapitation.




And it's a good thing she's wearing a glove; that plaguebearer hair must be vile. :tongue.:

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I actually like that. It looks like a later mark of the armor like it'd been through a few generations. That or a heavier armor.



Edited by Fulkes
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The LightWristSaber is a bit...out of place? and her eyes are a bit too Chaos-y but otherwise nice piece.

Meh, if anyone asks just say it's a blessed relic of your Order, if they express doubt then stuff the nosey git into a Penitent Engine for doubting the Emperor's benevolence in bequeathing such a holy weapon into you and your sisters.

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It was a casualty of falling academic standards in art schools.


As far as I know, the only people in 40k who use wrist-mounted power weapons are the Eldar. I actually mistook it for the piece of rubble behind her being a beaked daemon spitting fire.


That said, I'm pretty sure that it's a photo collage rather than an original work. The background is much, much higher quality than the Sister, whose face is a totally different style to the rest of her, and whose ribbony white bits look like they were scribbled on with a mouse as an after thought.


It's not just her spine that's wrong. Look at the distortion of her chest, its like looking at someone's reflection in a convex mirror.

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Storm bolters are generally not considered 'power weapons'.

Whoops, my bad, I completely blanked the "power" part if that sentence, nearly 18 hours without sleep does not help with reading comprehension. :sweat:

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Bioware! Make. A. Warhammer. Game. NOW.



I'd rather not Bioware make a [Warhammer 40,000 game]. I don't want second lieutenant Mira to come back with a jacket instead of combat armor to show off her latest breast job along with her new L'Oréal hairdo, an entire order of the Adepta Sororitas with their tits hanging out as they battle heretics, the camera to make a huge zoom on your female navigator's butt every times she talks, a whole race of bisexual space minxes with as much concept of personal space as the World Eaters have of mercy or a dating sim with tsundere dark eldars wearing nothing above their belts.

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