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If the game were like Bioware's you'd have two choices: "save entire planet" and "sacrifice everyone to Khorne"... no thanks. Now if we're talking in the style of The Witcher that I could get behind. Let us scurry around covering the galaxy in greys and living out "the ends justify the means" and more. That's the Inquisition game we need and deserve.

Suffer not the awful writing.


Also that's a terrible cough you've got there Sanguinius, sounds Nurgley...

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Bioware! Make. A. Warhammer. Game. NOW.



I'd rather not Bioware make a [Warhammer 40,000 game]. I don't want second lieutenant Mira to come back with a jacket instead of combat armor to show off her latest breast job along with her new L'Oréal hairdo, an entire order of the Adepta Sororitas with their tits hanging out as they battle heretics, the camera to make a huge zoom on your female navigator's butt every times she talks, a whole race of bisexual space minxes with as much concept of personal space as the World Eaters have of mercy or a dating sim with tsundere dark eldars wearing nothing above their belts.


(Un?)fortunately, CD Projekt RED are slated for the next 3-4 years on Cyberpunk 2020 development. Maybe the next license after that? Once can only dream.

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Well, Electronic Arts are making Warhammer Total War through The Creative Assembly... and guess what? Chaos is a release-day DLC to sucker people into preordering it instead of waiting for reviews to state whether their product is worth anything or not. :tongue.:

Seriously, that's like the Huns not being available from the core game in Attila Total War.

*psssst. the topic. the TOPIC*

Ah, yes.


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@CaptainHelion: Because most people don't seem to realise they aren't flamers, they're heat rays essentially, they're the weaponised lovechild of a Microwave and a Hair Dryer, it's not flammable liquid, it's pure unyielding heat.


*feels something poke the back of his head* Huh? Oh my, speak of the devil. Hullo Moderati-standing-over-me-ominously-with-a-Meltagun-pressed-against-my-temple, can I help you? What's that? The topic? What topi- *THWACK* Ah yes, that topic, my apologies... Hmm? What's that? Stop narrating this conversation for the other readers, the joke has run it's course? Well if you insist...

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Heresy her Fleur de Lis tattoo moves from right cheek to left cheek!


If she had more faith in the Emperor and less in the Inquisition, she would not be in this mess.

Perhaps the Inquisition symbol is actually a Sword Hilt?

Also as an aside to the subject matter - Nice Threads!

Edit: Spelling.

Edited by Scion of Ferrus
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Bioware! Make. A. Warhammer. Game. NOW.



I'd rather not Bioware make a [Warhammer 40,000 game]. I don't want second lieutenant Mira to come back with a jacket instead of combat armor to show off her latest breast job along with her new L'Oréal hairdo, an entire order of the Adepta Sororitas with their tits hanging out as they battle heretics, the camera to make a huge zoom on your female navigator's butt every times she talks, a whole race of bisexual space minxes with as much concept of personal space as the World Eaters have of mercy or a dating sim with tsundere dark eldars wearing nothing above their belts.



Ehhhh....I don't know about this assessment since the Mass Effect armor is usually fairly conservative and works well as armor (there are a few characters who probably need to put some more clothes on but it's still a far cry better than this assessment makes it out to be).


And shirtless Dark Eldar exist. See Wracks and Grotesques. Though I'm surprised there aren't shirtless Wyches.


That said, the writing is the part that has the biggest chance of failing in my mind, not the character design.

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Sorry. Thought I used [ img ] and [ /img]. Must have mistyped something and not caught it. That or I misunderstand what you mean since I'm used to php.


Either way, I'll be in my quarters pleading for the Emperor's forgiveness, Miko-sama.

Edited by taikishi
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Please can we keep the images in this thread Sister's appropriate.  The discussion of high heels as weapons is seriously in danger of running its course too. :p



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Sorry. Thought I used [ img ] and [ /img]. Must have mistyped something and not caught it. That or I misunderstand what you mean since I'm used to php.


Either way, I'll be in my quarters pleading for the Emperor's forgiveness, Miko-sama.

Good boy.


Actually, now you've said it, I've done some testing and roughly half the time the forum converts [img ] tags to the incorrect, non-working format of its own volition.

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