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The art of sisters


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Sorry. Thought I used [ img ] and [ /img]. Must have mistyped something and not caught it. That or I misunderstand what you mean since I'm used to php.


Either way, I'll be in my quarters pleading for the Emperor's forgiveness, Miko-sama.

Good boy.


Actually, now you've said it, I've done some testing and roughly half the time the forum converts [img ] tags to the incorrect, non-working format of its own volition.


I've noticed that the forum does that more often if members have the BBC code "switch" set to "on". If it's switched "off" (i.e. you can see the BBC code, rather than the results), it tends to be more stable.

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When posting images I just click the little icon that looks like a picture and paste the URL in there. No mussing with BBCode that way.


Edit: Spotted this one on Facebook.



Edited by Fulkes
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Top one looks like a scene from a Deathwatch game.


Second one makes me cringe. The art is mediocre, but the bolter looks like a standard Godwyn pattern, and it describes the armour as 'lighter'.


Sororitas power armour is not 'lighter' power armour.

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Aren't oversized pauldrons the point of Warhammer 40,000 though, along with the rule of cool and the shootatmefirst back banner? :laugh.:


I'd call the sororitas-pattern power armor lighter... because the wearer is much smaller than a space marine and as such would carry a lesser amount of ceramite, which logically should be lighter... in weight.


It's also possible the artist used the Fantasy Flight Games books as reference, since I've seen enough rants about them on dakka and warseer to know their lore is different (or at least disagreed with) from the Games Workshop lore. If the artist has nothing else to go to for references though, it's not surprising they think it's indeed lighter armor.

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The reference to "lighter" armour in my mind was as 'Raven said - that as a Sister is human and not post human, it would be less heavy than a Marines.


I have no doubt in my mind that it is as equally as effective as it's more cumbersome counterpart :smile.:

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I wouldn't be surprised if the sisters' armor was better than the marines', because the Adeptus Mechanicus supplies the latter because of ancient oaths whereas it supplies the former because the Ecclesiarchy throws money at them.

Motivation; it matters. :wink:

To remain on topic though:


Just ignore the 'hit the middle of the circle for extra damage!' rosarius around her head. :tongue.:

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Just ignore the 'hit the middle of the circle for extra damage!' rosarius around her head. :tongue.:

Why? Celestine has one as does almost every model with an Iron Halo...





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Aren't oversized pauldrons the point of Warhammer 40,000 though, along with the rule of cool and the shootatmefirst back banner? :laugh.:

Only for Space Marines. no other army in the game has them. You're thinking of Warcraft.


These particular shoulderpads don't even look like Sororitas shoulderpads, which is even more of a sin.

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Good cosplay skills, but definitely needs more robe.

Probably, but I kind of like the shorter robe look on the armor too.
It's a bit more functional at least, I always considered that those long tabards and cloak could easily get in the way while in combat, Emperor forbid it gets caught on something at an inopportune moment, like a grenade lands at your feet. Plus I assume (or at least really, really hope) that whatever material Sororitas robes are made out of is fireproof, for obvious reasons. Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Top one looks like a scene from a Deathwatch game.


Except the armour is wrong for Deathwatch.


Also the marine has Very short arms!


Edit: Added picture for reference.

Edited by Scion of Ferrus
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Hey! first off, thanks for you all for collecting these cool SoB pictures, this thread has been a great inspiration of mine for many years now.


I will further increase the collection, by adding a picture of my own :3

Took nearly 4 years to complete. Mostly due to taking a too big undertaking for first project and then giving up after first month. Yesterday after glancing this thread again, I decided to power trough and finish this. 





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That is some very nice line and shadow work, although there are, as always, some questions that come to mind upon closer examination (mostly the toothless chainsaw and if she's really blind?).

Blind faith? :3

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Hey! first off, thanks for you all for collecting these cool SoB pictures, this thread has been a great inspiration of mine for many years now.


I will further increase the collection, by adding a picture of my own :3

Took nearly 4 years to complete. Mostly due to taking a too big undertaking for first project and then giving up after first month. Yesterday after glancing this thread again, I decided to power trough and finish this. 





Direct link for more massive picture


Ah Grasshopper!

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That is the light of the Faith  burning within her shining through her eyes.:)


And I just assumed that the chainsword was on and whirling so fast that you can't see the teeth.

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