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The art of sisters


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Lovely to see that the picture inspires discussion :3


General lack of backpack spikes and chainsaw teeth is the simple lack of skill to make em look good(consistently) :sad.:

(Tips or links are greatly appreciated)

And the eyes are white since, umm, the Emperor told me to?


And to keep the topic on sister art in general

Pic is not of my making, but I am really intrigued that the lower torso is covered by the cloak first and not by the armor. Or mayhaps she does not have we lower part yet? This armor gives more of a feeling that the upper part is a single piece, that would be lowered to the shoulders. Little bit like a medieval plate armor.


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The white robe makes her look like a black templar. >>


The fact that it appears to come out from under the torso armour does imply that it's an arming robe of some sort to be worn under the armour, although the belt makes that a lie and the latex leggings just make me cringe.

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The white robe makes her look like a black templar. >>



Well, they are the Sisters' role models, after all.


...come at me :devil:


Anyway, what sticks out most to me in that one is the butt of the gun.  It's apparently twisted.  But I dig the face.


Also apart from a couple of frag grenades she's out of ammo, tsk, tsk. 

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It's the way the face and hair is so clean and bright, while everything else is murky, with the head wound looking like a poorly-applies post-production filter.


There are plenty of murky/gritty anime art styles that could have been mimicked for the sake of the artwork. If the head were done in the style of Kento Miura, for example, it would have worked a lot better.

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It's the way the face and hair is so clean and bright, while everything else is murky, with the head wound looking like a poorly-applies post-production filter.


There are plenty of murky/gritty anime art styles that could have been mimicked for the sake of the artwork. If the head were done in the style of Kento Miura, for example, it would have worked a lot better.


I agree it could be better, but it's still pretty good for what we got. I'm definitely in the camp that I kind of wish there was more to this than just one fake screenshot though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Watch!  She's gonna do a super hero landing pose!  Look look look!"




On a related note, imagine Angel Dust as a Battle Sister, hoo-whee that'd be fun to see. I can picture her just :censored: -slapping cocky Astartes across the room like Colossus, complete with that fantastic "DONG" sound effect. :laugh.:


Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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  • 2 weeks later...




Okay, turns out they have more:






Edited by Fulkes
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