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Chaos contemptor dreadnought

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Rulewise he can have one. Modelwise you have to change the elbow joints. It was some work to get everything fit together. Okay, you can´t have a CML but you can have a Havoc launcher.

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Havoc launcher + Soul burner is a nice pair of S5 blast weapons to deal with light infantry. A plasma cannon would pair well.


The contemptor is basically an awesome choice, arm it to compliment your armies weaknesses.

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The marine equivalent is so much better. Sucks for chaos, GW and FW seen to be in tandem with if its got chaos in front of it lets make it worse. But f.em, butchers behind a agies line with quad gun. Does the contemptor gain sky fire. It says AA if it stands still but I'm unsure if that becomes sky fire.
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IA aeronautica p. 38: If the Contemptor-Mortis remains stationary in the Movement phase, it gains the Skyfire and Interceptor special rules for that turn.


and it costs 40pts less than the chaos version...

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The marine equivalent is so much better. Sucks for chaos, GW and FW seen to be in tandem with if its got chaos in front of it lets make it worse. But f.em, butchers behind a agies line with quad gun. Does the contemptor gain sky fire. It says AA if it stands still but I'm unsure if that becomes sky fire.

I don´t think the loyal one is better. The Inv save of the loyal one depends on if you are in CC or range combat. The CSM one has always the same "Inv"-save and it´s a bit better.


IA aeronautica p. 38: If the Contemptor-Mortis remains stationary in the Movement phase, it gains the Skyfire and Interceptor special rules for that turn.


and it costs 40pts less than the chaos version...

The Chaos Contemptor does not have the option to go Mortis and it does not have the AA rule. You should stop thinking of the Chaos Contemptor as another version of the loyal one. It has different rules to keep a difference between CSM and SM.


Do we know what slot the Chaos Contemptor takes in a FOC?  I still haven't found anywhere published by GW to say if it's an Elite or a Heavy Support...

Good question. I would go for elite.

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The Chaos Contemptor does not have the option to go Mortis and it does not have the AA rule. You should stop thinking of the Chaos Contemptor as another version of the loyal one. It has different rules to keep a difference between CSM and SM.

partly true - the rules are not much different exept for +1HP. the real difference is that the mortis version actually serves a battlefield role that makes sense in the current rules, while the others are just bigger, non-transportable versions of dreadnoughts that nobody fields anymore anyway ;)

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The Chaos Contemptor does not have the option to go Mortis and it does not have the AA rule. You should stop thinking of the Chaos Contemptor as another version of the loyal one. It has different rules to keep a difference between CSM and SM.

partly true - the rules are not much different exept for +1HP. the real difference is that the mortis version actually serves a battlefield role that makes sense in the current rules, while the others are just bigger, non-transportable versions of dreadnoughts that nobody fields anymore anyway msn-wink.gif

Nobody fields them due to AV12 being weak, and krak grenades combines with the hull points rule. Having AV13 removes kraks from the equation and a chance to ignore glances is great.

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you get av13 with an ironclad/soul grinder for less points and a drop pod/DS to get it into effective range. without transport, it's just good for shooting, but you get ranged AV13 with a pred for half the points. and even those options are rarely taken because they are not efficient.


the chaos one has 4+ against glances but only 6+ against pens, the imperials get 5+ against both (ranged). anything behind an aegis or in ruins gets 4+ against everything ;)

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you get av13 with an ironclad/soul grinder for less points and a drop pod/DS to get it into effective range. without transport, it's just good for shooting, but you get ranged AV13 with a pred for half the points. and even those options are rarely taken because they are not efficient.

the chaos one has 4+ against glances but only 6+ against pens, the imperials get 5+ against both (ranged). anything behind an aegis or in ruins gets 4+ against everything msn-wink.gif

Erm. The Chaos Contemptor's rule is not a save, it rolls to ignore the effects of glances/pens.

If you put a chaos contemptor in cover (ruins) , it gets a 4+ cover, then ignores a glance/pen on a 4+/6+.

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Erm. The Chaos Contemptor's rule is not a save, it rolls to ignore the effects of glances/pens.



If you put a chaos contemptor in cover (ruins) , it gets a 4+ cover, then ignores a glance/pen on a 4+/6+.


oO true! totally read over that! this is actually nice.


so if it had proper ranged weapon options (more than 1 heavy weapon for 250+pts) , it could stay in cover for 4+/4++...


or you equip it to actually kill stuff, for example 2x DCCW/HFlamer/Tzeentch to get 4++ without cover walking into close range...


hm...nice, but doesn't really solve the problem I'm afraid =/

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Yeah, it's problems are more in the offensive punch for the points category.  It doesn't have enough long range firepower to be worth its cost at range, and while it can pile up some respectable close range offense, it lacks the speed or transport needed to get into range with enough time left in the game to actually make use of it.

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Erm. The Chaos Contemptor's rule is not a save, it rolls to ignore the effects of glances/pens.


If you put a chaos contemptor in cover (ruins) , it gets a 4+ cover, then ignores a glance/pen on a 4+/6+.


oO true! totally read over that! this is actually nice.


so if it had proper ranged weapon options (more than 1 heavy weapon for 250+pts) , it could stay in cover for 4+/4++...


or you equip it to actually kill stuff, for example 2x DCCW/HFlamer/Tzeentch to get 4++ without cover walking into close range...


hm...nice, but doesn't really solve the problem I'm afraid =/


A lot of people said they would take chaos dreads if they could take TLACx2 loadout - the butcher cannon is the nearest equivalent, not twin linked, but higher strength, and it does not sacrifice combat ability.


I agree that they are probably not the best way to spend 250pts, but they can throw a spanner in the works through being so hard to kill (especially with MoN).

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I really like the Contemptor it is everything I want in a dread roughly high av, good save plus being able to take marks. I would either run it with butcher cannon, lascannon or multi melta with mark of Nurgle, one question though with the mark of Nurgle subtracting one from the damage chart does that effectively mean it will never explode or am I just reading it wrong?
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A lot of people said they would take chaos dreads if they could take TLACx2 loadout - the butcher cannon is the nearest equivalent, not twin linked, but higher strength, and it does not sacrifice combat ability.


I agree that they are probably not the best way to spend 250pts, but they can throw a spanner in the works through being so hard to kill (especially with MoN).

The problem is that they can be fairly safely ignored, they just don't have the damage output they need to be worth bothering with, and aren't scoring so it isn't enough for them to just survive.


A dual reaper dread would hypothetically cost, what, 110 points? 120? Not 250. At that price, I'd want two butcher cannons to even consider it, or to come packaged with some sort of drop pod delivery system.

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one question though with the mark of Nurgle subtracting one from the damage chart does that effectively mean it will never explode or am I just reading it wrong?


You minus one on the chart, but AP2 or 1 add to the chart. It will never explode from AP3 or worse, AP2 explodes it on a 6, AP1 on a 5+.

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