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monstrous creatures firing ordnance

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Rules query,


If you fire an ordnance weapon on a non vehicle model, you can't fire any more weapons that phase (brb, p51) relentless enables you to fire ordnance counting as stationary, and even to assault after firing it, but doesn't say anything about shooting other weapons, (brb p41) does this prevent a mc firing another weapon? Raw I think it does? (its with reference to nova charged riptide weapon, about the only ordnance on a mc I can think of) thanks in advance for your replies.

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Rules query,


If you fire an ordnance weapon on a non vehicle model, you can't fire any more weapons that phase (brb, p51) relentless enables you to fire ordnance counting as stationary, and even to assault after firing it, but doesn't say anything about shooting other weapons, (brb p41) does this prevent a mc firing another weapon? Raw I think it does? (its with reference to nova charged riptide weapon, about the only ordnance on a mc I can think of) thanks in advance for your replies.

It does.  Firing an Ordnance Weapon also prevents a Super-heavy Walker from firing more than one Ordnance weapon (as they all seem to be Blast weapons which can't be Snap Shot, by RAW).  Can't wait for the updated Apocalypse rulebook...

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A riptide has a multi-tracker which allows it to fire one additional weapon than it is normally allowed each shooting phase. 


The raw is:

A model with a multi-tracker can fire an additional weapon in each Shooting phase. ~Tau pg 69


So there seems to be a conflict between base rulebook "can't fire any other weapons" and the codex "can fire an additional weapon." 

In my opinion, the codex wins out. 

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A riptide has a multi-tracker which allows it to fire one additional weapon than it is normally allowed each shooting phase. 



The raw is:

A model with a multi-tracker can fire an additional weapon in each Shooting phase. ~Tau pg 69


So there seems to be a conflict between base rulebook "can't fire any other weapons" and the codex "can fire an additional weapon." 

In my opinion, the codex wins out. 


You're actually wrong here.


Otherwise PotMS would let you fire an additional weapon at BS when you popped smoke.  No more weapons means no more weapons, period.

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While I lean on the side of the Multi-Tracker does not allow the riptide to fire more than one weapon when firing the Nova Charged IA, I will point out most Tau players probably don't care. There is no target you would use a S9 Ordnance weapon on that any of the other weapons would be useful against given the shorter ranges of the other weapons.


I still say in that specific shooting phase I'd say only one weapon, but that just seems to make the most sense.

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A riptide has a multi-tracker which allows it to fire one additional weapon than it is normally allowed each shooting phase. 



The raw is:

A model with a multi-tracker can fire an additional weapon in each Shooting phase. ~Tau pg 69


So there seems to be a conflict between base rulebook "can't fire any other weapons" and the codex "can fire an additional weapon." 

In my opinion, the codex wins out. 


You're actually wrong here.


Otherwise PotMS would let you fire an additional weapon at BS when you popped smoke.  No more weapons means no more weapons, period.

Power of the Machine Spirit, BRB, pg.40.


"Page 81 – Land Raiders, Power of the Machine Spirit.

Ignore this paragraph – refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.", C:SM FAQ
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A riptide has a multi-tracker which allows it to fire one additional weapon than it is normally allowed each shooting phase. 



The raw is:

A model with a multi-tracker can fire an additional weapon in each Shooting phase. ~Tau pg 69


So there seems to be a conflict between base rulebook "can't fire any other weapons" and the codex "can fire an additional weapon." 

In my opinion, the codex wins out. 


You're actually wrong here.


Otherwise PotMS would let you fire an additional weapon at BS when you popped smoke.  No more weapons means no more weapons, period.

Power of the Machine Spirit, BRB, pg.40.


"Page 81 – Land Raiders, Power of the Machine Spirit.

Ignore this paragraph – refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.", C:SM FAQ


Okay, that's just weird.  I totally didn't expect a unit-specific rule like that to be covered and redefined in the main rulebook.


Still, no has always meant no in GW's interpretations of the rules, I'd be shocked if they changed that in 6th edition.  But I don't even know where I'd look for a clear statement of that since it was in a FAQ for 5th, and the place I'd look (PotMS) is now totally different.

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I think Squirrelloid's point is a valid one. However now we really don't have any real guidelines to go on, aside from "this is how it used to work".

I recommend talking it over with your opponent, as its anyone's guess now and could be argued either way.   

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I think Squirrelloid's point is a valid one. However now we really don't have any real guidelines to go on, aside from "this is how it used to work".


I recommend talking it over with your opponent, as its anyone's guess now and could be argued either way.

Not at all, it's very clear now:

"Furthermore, if a non-vehicle model fires an Ordnance weapon, then the massive recoil from the Ordnance weapon means the model cannot fire other weapons that phase,", BRB, pg.51

"A model with a multi-tracker can fire an additional weapon in each Shooting phase.", Codex: Tau, pg.69

"On rare occasions, a conflict will arise between a rule in this rulebook, and one printed in a codex.  When this occurs, the rule printed in the codex always takes precedence", BRB, pg.7

Codex > Rulebook
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Honestly? I'd still say that's debatable, just because gw often make unforseen messes with their rules cos they don't playtest sufficiently.


Well, GW still insists that a Codex BS set (Signum) can't override a BRB BS set (Snap Shots) but a Codex BS bonus (Markerlights) can, despite pg.7 (Codex > BRB) and pg.2 (multiplication -> addition -> set). teehee.gif

So the RAI may be debateable, but the RAW is crystal clear.

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