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last night I was involved in a "Slay the Alien" battle.  I mowed down an entire squad of wyches.  However, there was an HQ with the wyches that was left alive.  Thus, I was denied the kill point by the player.  As it was a friendly one:one battle I just let it slide.  However, that same HQ then joined with a different group of wyches the next turn and came back at me.  In the last turn I mowed down that squad as well.  However the HQ lived with one wound left.  Again I was denied the kill point.


My question is this... At what point are you denied a kill point due to squad formation?  Where is there something in the Rulebook that I can reference?  I feel as though a squad is a unit from Codex, that once the entire troop selection is dead, a kill point should be awarded.  However many people say otherwise.  If this is true, I could theoretically jump a Librarian from squad to squad, just to deny players kill points, similar to what happened to me last night.  Thoughts?

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You get a VP for each full enemy unit destroyed or run off table/falling back/in reserve in that mission. For the purposes of this mission, ICs and dedicated transports count as a separate unit. Therefore, if you wipe out a unit of Wyches and the IC survives, you score a VP. If the IC joins another unit which is then wiped out you score another VP. If you eventually kill the IC, you get another VP, and so on.


This fact is clearly stated on page 127 of the main rulebook. I'm sorry, but your opponent seems to have cheated you in this instance.

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Independent Characters are treated as seperate units for determining kill points. So you would technically have had two kill points there, if you killed the HQ that would have been a third since he is an Independent character. Now on the flip side he is not an Independent character he can't join other units if his dies, but he isn't worth the extra kill point. Like sergerants and what not.

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Or Wolf Guard, or Necron Crypteks and Lords of the royal court. Those kind of 'unit attachment' characters dont give up kill points.


Anyone with the Independent Character rule does.

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Remember, when in doubt, check the rulebook. If it's right then you know it's right from now on, if it's wrong then you are right about it. If someone tried to pull this on me, I would have instantly gone straight to the rulebook.

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