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Recount Your Lavish Tails of Failures of Epic Proportion!

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I figured this kind of thread would be interesting and most likely prove us with a few laughs.


What are you biggest blood angel fails? things that have gone horribly wrong - Or man made mistakes!


I've only played 5 games so far with my BA - And yesterday was my second game trying out Mephiston. Last game he did great. He was able to disaptch a unit of Biker Nobz. Playing against nidz, I felt pretty good bullying his Tergivon and devourer tyrant.


Well, about that. This is the first game I gave out Slay the warlord without my opponent actually doing anything to my model. I got 4 back to back perils of the warp (only one of them was under Shadow in the Warp!) All double 6s. Down to his last wound, the doom charges Mephiston at this point. I then got a brain fart. Fired my plasma pistol in overwatch, gets hot, fail armour save.


I face palmed so hard my hand print is still on my face. We both ended up laughing about it for almost 15 minutes.

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Well many moons ago, way back in 2nd edition, I'm talking Angels of Death Codex I played Blood Angels.

So my friend and I decided to play a game. It was my 2k worth of Blood Angels vs his 2k worth of Ultramarines. there was no rhyme or reason to these army lists, there was the standard 1 HQ and 2 Troops choice but besides that our army layout could have been better picked by lottery numbers.

The scenery, it was snack cakes. My dad was a bread delivery man so he would always bring home tons of bagels, muffins, twinkies, ho-hos etc. Well when my friends would come over my mom would just open the cupboards and just tell us to eat all the snack cakes. So we used the snack cakes as scenery, it looked like alien landscape so it worked out. We had a rule though that if the army passed the scenery it disappeared (was eaten cause being an Army general is hungry work).

It came down to Dante vs. Ultramarine Rhino. All I had to do was get behind the Rhino and use the Inferno Pistol to blow through the armor and ta-da I win. His turn he decides to try and run me over with the Rhino. "Ha!" I say "All I have to do is not roll a 1, and then this game is over Smurf!" Well the gods heard me, the die is cast and it hits a chocolate brownie before it decides Dantes fate. One

Dante is unceremoniously crushed beneath the treads of the Rhino. That same Rhino is still in service today with the Ultramarines. Angel Killer has had a glorious career dropping off Tac squads and cushing the enemies of Macragge. It does this while having a beautifully crafted jump pack mounted on the front of it verymad.gif

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A few years back I played a game against a friend who plays Eldar.  We played a lot of games in those days.  This day was little different.  I had a pair of Landspeeder Tornadoes both with Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon.  I had first turn.  Moved my army as usual and set up the Landspeeders to light up some poor space elves with the Emperor's divine judgment.  Roll for shooting on the first speeder... 7 ones... really.  Roll for the second speeder... 4 ones... 3 twos... face applied to palm.



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Full-wounds Mephiston charged a 3-wounds remaining Trygon: Wings, U-Rage and SangSword activate. 4 hits, then rolled 4 ones for Wounding. Well ok, now I'm less upset I spent my warp charge to U-rage instead of saving it for Force Weapon. I get to re-roll those 1s now..... receive 3 ones and a 2.


So I had to deal 3 wounds to win, rolling 4 dice on 2+ with reroll. And only dealt 1.


Trygon deals ALL FIVE wounds in return, and eats Mephiston. Such is the price for failure!

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2,000 game my Blood Ravens being used as Blood Angles versus Orks. Between 2 Storm Talons, 2 drop pods, and 3 land speeders about half my force was in reserves. I had intended to use the reserves in a pincer attack and break orks between my tactical squads that were dug in in reinforced cover and the reserves which would come in from behind the orks.


End of Turn 3: My tactical squads were dead, all objectives were in Ork hands. And not a single model from reserve had shown up.



edit: Der. was using my Blood Ravens as Blood Angles to try out the codex.

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Sixth Edition had just dropped, and I was playing an old friend of mine who plays Eldar.  Overwatch was completely destroying the 5 man assault squads I was running at the time.  But, fortunately for me, his army wasn’t fairing much better, and by turn 4 all of our scoring units were gone.

And then I saw it: Eldrad and the remainder of his unit were regrouping to mid-field, within striking distance of Mephiston.  I may not win the objectives but, by the Emperor, I will slay his Warlord.  So I charge in with Mephiston turn 5, I take two wounds on the way, but I’m not worried.  By the time I charge in I’m feeling pretty confident that this one’s “in the bag.”  Even without psychic powers, Mephiston could wreck his face.  Mephy challenges the venerable Eldar leader, and he accepts.  But nothing goes right, and turn after turn the two are locked in combat exchanging blows.  The challenge ends on turn 7 when Eldrad puts the final pimp slap down on the Lord of Death.  

I was disappointed, but right then, I was sold on the Challenge mechanic.  It was a cinematic end to a bloodbath of a game:  Two weary warlords finding each other in the fray.  Their forces, all but annihilated, stop fighting to cheer on their leaders.  The outcome of the entire battle lying squarely on the shoulders of the Generals as they are locked in mortal combat.  Their minds tear at each other in the warp at the same time that their weapons clash on the battlefield.  Memorable game.  . .

Mephiston has never fallen so short of my expectations.  But, there was a lot of bad rolling on my part.  And in the end, this is still a game of chance. 


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Not game related, but ...


Years ago I had an accident where my model case flew open sending multiple models to the floor. Kind of my fault.


Years ago still I had another accident where my DC bit the dust in rage sending them to pieces. Mostly my fault.


A while ago my paint station tipped over sending multiple models to the medics. No my fault.


Sad to say I have picture of them somewhere.

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When playing against my little brother, and his Chaos marines, i had the victory in my hand.. But was the closest i've ever been at killing Abaddon, so i just had to go for it.. It was the end of turn 5, my last turn, and he had 1 hp left from some serious shooting..


I assaulted him with what was left of a squad of assault marines, my warlord librarian, and a Furioso dread with blood talons.. He got to hit first, killed my assault marines AND my warlord, leaving my dreadnought left, and of course the weapons of choice did nothing, and it tipped the score in his favour, and i once again lost..


If i where not to assault him, i would have won..

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When playing against my little brother, and his Chaos marines, i had the victory in my hand.. But was the closest i've ever been at killing Abaddon, so i just had to go for it.. It was the end of turn 5, my last turn, and he had 1 hp left from some serious shooting..


I assaulted him with what was left of a squad of assault marines, my warlord librarian, and a Furioso dread with blood talons.. He got to hit first, killed my assault marines AND my warlord, leaving my dreadnought left, and of course the weapons of choice did nothing, and it tipped the score in his favour, and i once again lost..


If i where not to assault him, i would have won..


You did the right thing - Suffer not the Heretics to live... Or die trying!

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First time I played as Blood Angels I was fighting the new Tau Codex. I didn't realized that units deep strike out of a storm raven so I loaded it up with a furioso, 11 DC, and a chaplain. They deepstruck out, Riptide intercepted, killed 8 DC and the chaplain in my turn :(

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Playing 2k Blood Angels back in 3rd Edition and thought that I'd try out a devastator squad... I wanted a bit of template and AP2 fun, so I chose two missile launchers and two plasma cannons.  for the first four turns they raged and didn't get a shot off, never remotely catching up to anything.  Turn five they get to shoot and I roll two ones on the plasma cannons... two dead marines.  Two 2s to hit with the missile launchers.  Turn six they rage into close combat where they were sliced apart by Striking Scorpions and a Wraithlord.


Old Death Company rolling with a Flesh Tearers army:  I never did the min-max for Death Company of taking a crap-ton of scouts to fall to the rage, so I had a fair army list with termies, assault marines and the like... 3 of 5 termies, 9 out of 20 assault marines across two squads, 2 of 3 bikes and a bunch of tactical marines.  Of the ten scouts?  0.

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