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Alternative Warp Spawn Models


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I found dozens of threaeds on this last week across the internet. Now today it's like they don't exsist. I can't even get to GWs models. I searched google, here and across several mini's companies. It's like the interent I can't get to from here.


Cough /end rant


Anyway, I looked through all of the warhammer fantasy models and didn't find anything particularly appealing. Ghouls are too small and the rest aren't chaotic enough. So anyone know of some good alternatives? I might end up modeling my own from green stuff but I havn't had as muh time as I've wanted lately.

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Try vamp counts crypt horrors / vargheists.  It's a dual kit monstrous infantry plastic box, so they should be about the right size, and come with enough variety of bits to get some suitably chaotic spawn out of them, though you might have to remove some of the bone decorations from the crypt horror bits.


Looks nicer than the chaos spawn models, imo, though doesn't save you much money.  On the other hand, while the spawn bodies aren't so great, their great proliferation of eyes, spikes, hornes, claws, & tentacles makes their kit rather useful conversion fodder.

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I saw the horrors and they look like furies more than spawn. I might buy the spawn kit and use the spare bits for bashing with random loose models that "spantaniously" mutated.


Also I figured out why I couldn't find them, aparently they aren't called "Warp Spawn" but "Chaos Spawn". Oh silly me.

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Crypt Horrors are a dual kit.  The winged ones are vargheists, crypt horrors are basically ogre sized ghouls



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Oh, so they are, my mistake. I'm not sold on them though. I looked at the spawn sprues, you were right about the volume of extra bits, there are so many extra bits it's borderline insane. With all the bitz I've accumulated it might be the way to go.

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I had a rummage through my bitz box and made my own.



They have a certain 2ed vibe I think, but I like them. I have been thinking of bulking them up so I can give them MoN without it looking odd. Now I think T5 looks fitting, but I would like to try them with T6 instead, but the models just don't look like T6 imo.

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Conversions are the way to go.


Choose/make a base model (spawn sized)... You may use different models for each spawn. Then mess them up and make them look weird. Do you have any specific look that you are going for?

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That RAFM link is good and Excessus' are good as well. I found a Spawn box on eBay for cheap and got some tyranid warrior legs/tails and some bases. Using all the daemonic bits I have plus the surplus in the spawn box I'm going to make some custom ones using greenstuff. I've been wanting to push my sculpting skills after my bipedal soul grinders muscles came out well.

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For my spawn I semi created my own. I took some of the Chaos Spawn arm bitz and mixed and matched them with Tyranid Genestealers. I really like the look of mine. You could even go as far as to clip the genestealer tails in a way to suit your own fancy if you wanted. I used all genestealer torsos and heads with Chaos Spawn arm bitz.

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Well I "converted" my with chaos hounds painted in albino colors. I am playing VIII legion without deamons or mutations so I glued two of "hunting beasts" (count as spawn) on right sized base. I think its a good idea to put some of count as or conversions of our spawns. 

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