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TDA Lord in CSM squad


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Hey guys!

I need your help. I have build a stylish TDA Chaos Lord to be my DIY Warband warlord. I would really like to use him in my upcoming battle as it will be quite large format. However, Terminators didn't make it in my list so I am thinking about running him with CC+BP Chaos Space Marine Squad.


Do you thing it's utterly bad idea?


Thank you for your comments.

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It depends on who you are facing? The only real drawback to TDA is that you can't sweep, so if you are facing marines or some army which is fearless and thus can't be swept anyway, it's no problem at all.

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Sweeping is still useful against marines, because it can hold them in combat when otherwise they might fall back and leave your unit exposed.  It's only fearless units that never fall back where sweeping serves no purpose.  Generally, you'll want to support your charge with something that can sweep.  If you can't do that, and the unit you're charging doesn't pose much threat to your lord, and if the enemy doesn't have nearby counter-chargers, then you might want to split your lord off from his escort before charging.


Unless you're running a land raider, which I don't really endorse either, an infantry unit is really too slow to be kitted out exclusively for close combat.  Running the lord with an infantry unit is ok (not ideal, just ok), but if you're walking you want bolters and a pair of plasma first, and you can consider other upgrades (champ upgrades, extra models, extra ccweps, marks & icons, vets, probably in that order, depending on your lord's alignment) if you have points left over at the end.

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I like a MoN Termi lord in 35 cultists (preferably infiltrated for outflanking).

I've played against Typhus inside the horde of Zombies, and I can tell you it can turn against you. Cultists are wounded on 3+ by bolter fire, while Lord with MoN on 5+, that means that I'm killing front row of cultists and others wounds have to be saved by Lord, so his high T was wasted against shooting.
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yeah, but between a 2+ los and a 2+ armor save, it's usually not that big a deal.


Cultists work well as an infantry lord escort.  Lords (or apostles, I guess, but the're terrible), not sorcerers or smiths, though.  Cultists are going to lose combat by a ton, and that will just get non-fearless HQs swept.

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I like a Lord in TA with MoN, Sigil and Burning Brand joined to a unit of Plague Marines with double-Plas,


They just refuse to die... My opponents hate that unit (almost as much as my Chosen, who regularly wreck face with their special weapons).


I wouldn't waste a TA Lord on cultists, maybe a bare-bones PA one just to make them fearless, but then an Apostle will give them Hatred:All and comes with a 4++ and Power Maul for 100pts (albeit -1W compared to a Lord), which if you're charging them forward may well suprise an unwary opponent:


- "what, that entire unit of 35 has MoK (counter attack on Ld10 thanks to the Apostle), 2 CCWs and Hatred meaning up to 105A with re-rolls to hit on the turn they get charged, plus are fearless to boot, argh!!" 


Add in 3 flamers and not many people will be keen on charging them (or being charged for that matter) without expending precious fire power thinning the ranks of what is, in essence, a relatively cheap distraction unit.


I also wouldn't put a TA Lord with a PA combat unit, sweeping non-fearless/ATSKNF units is just too useful.  Khârn or maybe Lucius would be my choices there:

 - Khârn because he gives the whole unit Hatred:All thanks to his warlord trait and a 2+ Deny the Witch as well, plus he's a combat beast, capable of mincing anything in combat - just keep him out of challenges. 

 - Lucius can be a pain for your opponent as well - using fast dice for saves combined with look-out-sir and the armour of shrieking souls is a nasty combo (I leave you to think why... :P ).  Plus he's pretty handy against anything without a 2+ save in challenges and brings a Doom Siren to the party, great for thinning the herd before assaulting.

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I like putting Khârn in challenges, he's never lost.  He's a bad ass gladiator.


...use the Zerker champ to answer challenges and let Khârn murderize entire squads.  He's got too many attacks to waste them all on killing a single model.

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Good question in the topic....

I got myself recently Zhufor from Forge World and I'd love to use him as a Chaos Lord with TDA and MoK (and this sweet daemon axe). Is he a viable choice? At least a bit? Preferably not in a Terminator unit. Letting him go solo is probably a bad idea. Cultists? Berzerkers? Fluffwise I'd like Spawns but that might be a very bad idea.... or is it?

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