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Death Guard 1500

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Greetings brothers,


Some advice on my DG list if you would be so kind. Any thoughts on how to improve it would be welcome, anything is fair game!


Chaos Lord: Mark of Nurgle; Burning Brand of Skalathrax; Terminator armour. 150


5 Plague Marines: 2× meltagun. 140

5 Plague Marines: 2× plasma gun. 150

5 Plague Marines: 2× plasma gun. 150

5 Plague Marines: 2× plasma gun. 150


Heldrake: baleflamer. 170

Heldrake: baleflamer. 170


2 Obliterators: Mark of Nurgle. 152

2 Obliterators: Mark of Nurgle. 152

5 Havocs: 4× autocannon. 115


1,499 points


The obvious advantages are high toughness and good firepower, but the downside is that it is very slow (being totally footslogging). So far I've beaten a mixed chaos army and lost to some nids. Any advice?

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Hey Vomikron Noxis,
First of all, I think you're meant to post this in the army-list section :P.

I would say you're focused on shooting a little too much. You WILL get into combat at some point, and although you're tough and will weather the wounds against you, your damage output won't be that much (I'm guessing that's what happened against the Nids). We have the Boon table and mean melee for a reason

I'd suggest taking out a couple of the Obliterators and having single-man squads. That way you can spend some points on a some Power-fists/Power-axes for you Champs, and some combat prowess for you Lord.

- Malatox

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