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Your Emperor Needs You - The 27th Founding

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Such is the woe cast upon the Domains of the God-Emperor
of Mankind in these times that in their wisdom and beneficence, the High Lords
of Terra have this day issued this decree: Let there be a Founding of the
Adeptus Astartes, and let the foes of the Emperor know that this galaxy belongs
to Him, now and forever.

Welcome gentlemen, the high lords have decreed that a new generation of Astartes are to be created. The effort of an entire generation has lead to this day. Whole forge worlds have been set over to the task of producing the Ships, Armour and Weapons. The new gene seed has been grown. Now all the Emperor needs is the men to lead this new generation.

Not every Chapter of this Founding has yet been announced but the Emperor's Tarot has chosen a number of our honoured brethren and named their forces as such:

Brother Aquilanus and his Sons of Cruor

Brother Paladin and his Desert Scorpions

Brother Tancred and his Void Raptors

Brother DeathSpecter and his Hands of Ferrus

Brother LamenterMarine and his Sons of Skaros

Brother Demus Ragnok and his Smilodons

Brother Zhodair and his Lightning Dragoons

Brother Lephisto and his Brotherhood of Lions

Brother Maverik Prime and his Blood Brothers

Brother Noctis Cornix and his Shadows of Mysis

Brother Shadow Song and his Stone Jackals

Brother Chapter Master Furiuos and his Order of Vigilance

Brother Passion Fruit Power and his Inferno Warriors

Brother Grotsmasha and his Thousand Blades

Brother Emperors Immortals and his Sons of Myrmidon

Brother Corsair and his Heart Eaters

Brother Callius and his Sanguine Templars

Brother Hasdrubal and his Prandium Ghosts

Brother Kastor Krieg and his Brass Lions

Brother SickSix and his Dark Swords

Brother Daemon Redeemer and his Ordinem Sanguine

Brother Dragonkin Arenis and his Iron Sentinels

Brother Roninmodern and his Sons of Neptune

Brother Jaspcat and his Broken Fists of Dorn

Brother Colossus and his Black Arms

Brother Stepper and his Nova Angels

Hey guys, this is where you come into it. I've had this one at the back of my head for a while now but I think this would be a cool one.

Basically this is your chance to create a new chapter, come up with some background and paint a few guys. You could even take one of the barely mentioned chpaters GW came up with and flesh it out.

Ok, so the rules (the few that there are)

- Anyone can join in, just nominate your chapter name and some background.

- Got to paint some guys too, that's why we're all here right!

- Don't take it too seriously and have fun.



I might have to give my DIY Rainbow Warriors IA a bit of a scrub and post it in here along with some WIP stuff, unless a stipulation is that we all do one from scratch?

I'll get around to rebooting my Amber Dragons, as I've done naff all with 'em since I created them just over two years ago! blink.png

Hey guys, glad that so many of you are taking to this. Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with. Once you post your chapter names I can start making a list in the first post.


Count me in for inventing the chapter but i don't know how it'll be 'bout minis. as i paint and build DA at the moment


Like I said, all about fun. I'm not expecting full armies of these new chapters. Just a few guys to see what they look like. At any rate one test mini.


So it doesn't matter what the chapters founding is or if they are already inprogress? (Both IA and Minis)


The founding does matter, this is a new founding, the 27th ( since the last stated one is the 26th). If you already have a IA/fledgling chapter that you want to flesh out that's cool.


If the ETL wasn't starting in 5 days, I'd be all over this; sadly, I can't  focus on more than one thing at a....


Heathens, all men know that we pretend that we can't multi task so that our girlfriends/wives don't expect too much of us so that we can have more time to play with out toys do our hobby.




So here is a bit about my new chapter: The Sons of Skaros.

The Sons of Skaros are a successor of the Ultramarines line. Named after the legendary warrior of the Heresy, that penned one of the oldest
and most widely copied versions of the Codex Astartes that exists today.

The Sons are to be trained and led by a cadre of the Inceptors. Following from their near total annihilation in the Euxcine incident the remnants of the Inceptors Chapter's Command was left with a difficult choice. Virtually inexistent as a military force and stripped of all war materiel of note their options were short, either die in a last battle against overwhelming odds or rebuild.

Upon receiving a summons from the high lords of terra for officers to train the new chapters Marneus Calgar himself decreed the remaining Inceptors be given the duty. With that they were conveyed to Mars to begin their work.

The Sons, will be sent to the Halo Stars as a fleet based chapter to continue the work of the Inceptors started in the Macharian Crusade.

Their colours are to be green and will comply with codex rules regarding squad markings save for the 1st Company whose armour, in deference to their new master’s former chapter, will be of the Inceptors’ colours. The chapter’s symbol being that of a Scorpion.

The new master of the Sons of Skaros, along with all descendants of the Ultramarines, has sworn an oath of vengeance against the Minotaurs. That such a man has been given the means to exact his vengeance is an ominous sign in these times.


I'm guessing the Iron Snakes don't count as "barely mentioned" as they have a novel, even though it's not technically official fluff.


If they would be cool with you, I would do them.


Sorry FP, don't think you could get away with the Iron Snakes. They were created some time ago which doesn't really fit with the whole new founding theme we are running with here.

You could just add another army to your list of ones to do already....after all you can get away with some background and a painted guy.




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