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Your Emperor Needs You - The 27th Founding

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The Shadows of Mysis will march from the ashes and defend against the nightmares of the Ghouls Stars just as their for-bearers did. Here do I, Chapter Master Mihes do declare my oath upon the bones of my fallen brother, fealty to the High Lords of Terra and the defense of the Imperium. We will offer no respite. We will offer no mercy. We will offer only death.

The founding progresses brothers, currently nine new chapters are to be thrown into the grim darkness of the 41st millenium but the Emperor, as yet, has deigned to keep their origins from us...for now.


Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.




I used to have my own DIY chapter called the shadow dragons, they were vastly known to be. Successor of the salies but nothing was even confirmed, their favourate means of battle were to fight the nids, and they were a camo green. But im too focused on my crimson fist

the new chapter i would like to enter is The Order Of Vigilance. they are a very knightly themed chapter. I haven't done any sort of modeling or fluff yet, im just trying to get the feel of the Chapter to see what kits I want to use. 


CM Furious 

The start to my Void Raptors fluff and a test scheme. Painted model to come.

The Void Raptors are a successor of the Silver Skulls after reports of several Prognosticators divining visions which ultimately had the same meaning. Something dark was coming from the Storm of the Emperor’s Wrath, and Varsavia could not stand alone against it. Usually the Northern entrance to the Imperium was well defended by the Blood Angels from Baal, an Imperial Fists crusader fleet and a various other Chapter worlds. But the visions of the Prognosticators predict a time of Great War ahead and the Imperium’s defences will be thin. Chief Prognosticator Vashiro took this concern to Lord Commander Argentius with only one possible course of action, a request to the High Lords of Terra to form a new chapter to watch and aid in the protect the North.


The Hands of Ferrus are a successor of the Iron Hands chapter. Created as a fleet bound chapter to help patrol edges of known imperial space.And protect planets against the intrusion of the tau.The hands follow IH combat doctrine and also believe the flesh is weak.As of now Iron Hand veterans serve as sub commanders till full training is complete.Also it has been noted that the Adeptus mechanicus has placed a small fleet and a forge ship to help supply the new chapter.The Hands of Ferrus follow the clan system.As of current date 3 clans are at full deployment.One of the three are serving with the deathspectres with boarding operations against hive ships of Jormungandr.





Awesome stuff guys.

It'll give me some motivation to shift gears from my Blood Ravens. So announcing the Blood Brothers Chapter of Space marines (5 points to anyone who can actually guess who progenitor legion is whistlingW.gif )

Blood angels??

How long will this go on for? Cause I won't strat building or painting for another 4 weeks due to University Exams.

I feel your pain brother, I would have started this earlier were it not for exams. There's no time limit so post as and when, exams come first.

I am working on test schemes for the Sons of Skaros at the moment so might have something to show off in a few days.



While I'm a realitivly uncreative in tye writing sense, I'll have a bash at this. So far all I've decided is they'll be a particularly fortunate Blood Ravens successor named The Thousand Swords, and as such, rever Librarians with the current CM being a Librarian.




The Order Of Vigilance

Order Of Vigilance

The Order Of Vigilance are a Chapter unlike any other, with cold fury and determination they obliterate the enemies of Humanity

for the Emperor of mankind. The Order has there beginings stemming from the Black Templar blood line, which is what gives them

there similar characteristics. It was decided the the Halo stars region of space was in dyer need of a more offensive chapter who

would bring the fight the enemies of Mankind where ever they may reside. By the decreed of the high lords of Terra, the Order of Viglance

was found in 985:M41.

well that's it for now smile.png i will be going out today to by my first tactical squad to start the modeling of these bad boys.


CM Furious

Glad to see some stuff is coming through already.

CMF that red is looking good.

DR - can't wait to see that guy finished.

I haven't been completely inactive, I have started on a test figure for the paint scheme.

I present anonymous henchman:


Promise to only post this guy again when he's done.



Hello LM, id love to enter my current DIY - The Sons of Myrmidon (name may change), a Ultramarine successor created to reinforce the Perseus sector, a massive narrative setting I'm working on now. I'll post a few concept pieces later.


Some really nice work so far :)

Just a very quick and simple update for now, but you can expect an enormous update very soon with models and lots of fluff. But for now, I simply wish to state a change in the name. They are now 'The Shadows of Mysis' more will come soon.... You have my word....


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