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Good Day to All

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Greetings fellow Legio members. I've been lurking on the site for the past few weeks while I was trying to figure out which army to jump back into the 40k universe with. I'm an old Guard player from back in 3e about 8 years ago (Armored Fist) with limited success, but moving changed my gaming dynamic and I'm only now going to be moving back to a location that supports regular gaming.


I've always had a soft spot for the nearly codex first/second founding chapters since they have seen very little love from GW. So I've decided, as the profile suggests, to go with the White Scars successor 'Rampagers' as my initial army, with the possibility of some IG allies to use some of the old armor I still have in storage. I hope to hear from any of you willing to put in your two cents and plan to be scouring the boards for suggestions to aid me in my build. The idea for now will be a hybrid bike army, with Command and Tac squads on bikes, Scout Bikes, some Land Speeders and perhaps a Predator or Whirlwind. I'm looking to be between 1.5k and 2k points wise. Again, any suggestions will be considered, though I'm looking more at an army matching the spirit of the Khan than at tournament-centric meta builds.


So that's my tale. Again, good day to you all and may the Emperor guide you all to Victory!

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