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Evenin' all

Guest Rosanna Weyland

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Guest Rosanna Weyland



I've signed up here primarily to showcase my 3D modelling works and prop/costuming efforts, and also to give back to (mainly) the costuming community in thanks for the resources that have been invaluable in developing my own skills.


Some of you may or may not be familiar with my works from The 405th - if you're not, I do aim to have some threads up soon to showcase my work. Primarily my stuff will be 3D model meshes for people to use in their own builds, and I'd be happy to take on criticism/comments/requests/commissions at a later time. My focus will be (initially) upon the Imperial Guard - mainly the Death Korps, but I may expand as time goes on to encompass other Guard regiments and perhaps some Astartes works (from time to time you may also see me post non-40K works in my modelling threads, as I tend to take the time out of one project to focus on another if one begins to feel sterile and boring).


I look forward to becoming a member of the community!

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first of all, welcome!, second, I'd be careful about the non 40k material. as this is a 40K-centric forum the mods may warn you about that. I do look forward to your DKK, I love those guys!


the Four Armies are watching,



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