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Heldrake conversion

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I have been thinking of converting the heldrakeusing bitz from the maulerfiend to giv it a more hunched bulky appearance. I remember seeing something like it before,cops sibyl on the B&C, anyone remember what I'm talking about/done something like this before?
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I've seen a few heldrake conversions that use the fiend torso w/ mauler arms to get a bulkier look.







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Nice, pics of it painted would be sweet

the links after the first picture include painted pics.


I couldn't find pics of the second conversion painted.  Neither conversion is mine - my own in progress conversions can be found in my Black Legion thread, iirc its linked in my sig.  But I didn't use the fiend torso which OP asked about, so my conversions didn't seem relevant.



As for the modeling height issue, If I were to do something like the latter, I'd try and at least mount it on an an elevated ruined building kind of thing.  As big as it is, with the wings pointed up, you probably won't be able to hide it behind buildings that shouldn't hide it anyway.  I wouldn't claim cover saves unless the terrain would have hidden the usual model, though.

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hm, definately awesome, but I'd rather go the 4-appendage-route...


what do you think will work better, forgefiend legs on the drake body (and tentacles as tail) or heldrake wings on the fiend body (instead of the simian upper arms)?


how big is the wing shoulder-capsule, upper or lower fiend arm size, or is there one at all?

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