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a question about Smash and when it applies with other rules


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bothers, i present to you a query that has come up in my local gaming community. i seek an outside opinion to see if others reasoned the understanding of the rules as we have.


a players wishes to field a Bloodthirster with a Blade of Blood. the weapon's stats are "STR User AP 2 Type: Melee, Bloodlust, Specialist Weapon"

Bloodlust gives the weapon's Bearer the Rampage rule from the BGB. (D3 additional attacks if outnumbered in melee, for those not sleeping with their book).


he wanted to know if a Bloodthirster with Blade of Blood hits in melee and uses Smash, becoming STR 10 and Attacks go from 6 down to 3, would this be:

  • 3 Attacks from doing a Smash attack
  • +1 Attack for charging
  • +1 Attack for wielding 2 specialist weapons (because it comes with an Axe of Khorne, which is also a specialist weapon)
  • +D3 Attacks if also outnumbered due to wielding a Blade of Blood

a few think the answer would be yes to all od the above, but from reading the description of Smash and its FAQ entry about what order you add the bonus attacks for charging, I myself and a few others believe only the first 2 bullets apply because you're choosing to Instead do a smash attack instead of your normal melee attacks with your weapons.  the narrative example being that the Monstrous Creature decides to cast its weapons aside and smash its mighty fists down upon the would-be hero's head.


how would you play out the list of possible attacks the model would have, brothers?

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Just like any other MC and Smash.  It gets half of it's base attacks and adds on any extra for charge, Rage, two weapons, or other.


It also follows neatly with the order of operations regarding modified stats.

1st - Multiply

2nd - Add

3rd - Set


He gets 6 base so start with six.

Do all multiplication/division opperations (half of 6 is 3)

Do all additions (charge bonus, two weaons, +D3 if outnumbered)

Do any set values (no set values in this case so it is skipped)


5 +D3 attacks at S10 AP2

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Indeed. Smash just halves the users base stats, he gets modifiers as usual. So as Fibonacci has rightfully said, the Bloodthirster would have 5 attacks at S10 AP2, with a possible D3 more should it be outnumbered.

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