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Background for my inquisitor Aldrin

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Inquisitor Aldrin Beraxus was born on the hive world schlornika. Being born to a powerful governer and his wife at first everyone assumed he would be destined to become just another solider of the imperium, however what he was destined to become is something a whole lot greater. At the age of 15 he began to experiance great head pains. Worried about their child his mother Martha asked the local seer to take a look at her son. At first the seer declared that there was nothing wrong with him but however as she examined him more she discovered he had psychic talent and had the potential to become a great psyker. Telling Martha there was nothing wrong with her child she told them to leave. After leaving the Seer contacted a Inquisitor known as Valdrin explaining to him how she had just found a boy who would make the perfect apprentice for him.


Two Months later

While in his bedroom Aldrin was thanking the emproer for the great head pains which had struck him had not been present since he went to see the seer. When he was about to leave the room he had a vison in which he saw Heretical daemons attacking and killing his parents and then coming for him. Rushing dfownstairs as he heard a scream his head began to hurt again. This time however he let out a scream of anger and thrust his hand in the direction of the Red Daemon which had black horns on its head. The Blast of energy which came out of his hand destroyed the creature and all the other creatures turned to face him. Waving his hand ast several of them they went flying backwards. As the Daemons recovered they got up and where about to run at aldrin when Inquisitor Lord Valdrin came through the door. Summoning his psychic might valdrin banished the remaining Daemons. He then ordered the remaining Grey Knights who had came with him to search the area and find the warp hole which had enabled the daemons to come through.


As Valdrin began to search the house he sensed another psyker in the room. Foccusing his sensing abilities he found Aldrin near his parents dead bodies. While normally the boy would of been put to death the fact that he had clearly fought off the Daemons and had great psychic potential gave Valdrin greast interest in the boy and so took him for he planned to train this boy to become a inquisitor and fight off the dark forces of chaos.


12 hours later

Aldrin awoke to find himself aboard a ship. He clearly wasnt at home anymore but he wasnt sure wether he was alive or dead. Remembering back to the events which had happened to him previously he remembered a Red creature alight with rage and him pushing his hand out and smiting it some how while sending the other creatures flying backwards. As he sat up a figure walked into the room and introduced himself as Inquisitor Lord Valdrin. He explained to Aldrin everything that happened and why he was still alive. He also explained that he wished to take Aldrin as his apprentice as he had sensed Aldrin had the potenital to become a powerful psyker and a powerful Inquisitor Lord.

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