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Hail and well met, Brothers!

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Good evening!

Brother Diceman here, finally making an account after lurking for Guilliman-knows how long.  A friend convinced me that now was the best time to sign up, and so I'm here.  

I play Codex:  Space Marines featuring the Ultramarines colors.  I'm a mix of gamer and painter, and have recently started experimenting with Green Stuff (Proudest achievement so far- custom Telion with a hand-made beard).  


So...there I am.  Glad to be here!

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We're glad to welcome you, Diceman! Hail and well met, welcome to the B+C! smile.png

Ultramarines have their own subforum for all your targeted discussion needs, but don't limit yourself to just your own faction's subforum. Drop by and chat will all of us, even we heretics down in Chaos Ascendant! msn-wink.gif

I also highly recommend checking out the PCA forums and starting your own thread in either (or both) the WIP or Hall of Honour subforums. Show off your work, especially your ventures into greenstuff. You can get a lot of tips and tricks from people dropping in, not to mention inspiring others to attempt something they've never done before as well.

Feel free to ask any questions, and once again welcome to the B+C!

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