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Angels of Pestilence back ground and stories

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So hey guys as I am working on my own Nurgle warband I thought I would write up some stories and background about them so heres a bit of basic info about them


Name: Angels of Pestilence

Chaos God Alligned to: Nurgle

Number of marines currently in service:2100

Originally known as: The Knights of Guilliman


The Angels of Pestilence were orignally known as the Knights of Guilliman. As a successor of the Ultramarines they had much in common and for a while it appeared that all was well with them. They fought many brave campaigns against many different foes and they even worked with the Inquisiton quite closely for the Inquisitor Lord Harmen Psherman felt that they were trustworthy and stallwart. Alast however this wasnt to remain the case. Their journey to chaos began way before the abyssal crusade infact it began with the inquisitor after he acquired a wound from a Daemon of Nurgleth. After being wounded by the foul daemons sword he slowly succumbed to Nurgle and joined his forces. While keeping the truth of who he was worshipping a secret he began to corrupt the Angels of Pestilence from the inside by using their fear of dieing and not being remebered against them. For the Knights were proud and that much was clear from the start their greatest fear wasnt death it was that they would be nothing in the history of mankind. Over the next 20 or so years the Inquisitor began to gradually corrupt almosdt the entire chapter with a exception of the chaplins a captain a tactical squad and 3 librarians.


In many secret meetings with the Chapter Master Kurahl he slowly began to corrupt him to show him that in the end everything decays and fades away but also that in life there is death. As despair entered the chapter masters heart it swiftly spreaded throughout the chapter for many of the chapters marines feared that they would never be one of the great chapters. Over time this dispair and fear grew stronger to the point of Kurahl thinking every force in the Imperium was determined to not see him and his chapter achieve their rightful greatness. As such when the Warp Storm Dionys came and their world was engulfed by it they agreed to go on the Abysall crusade. As they was preparing for it the Inquisitor told Kurahl that certain members of his own chapter were working against him. When asked who these members were Herman told him that it was the chaplins the 9th company captain tactical squad Gullimans venegance and 2 of the lexicanums and 1 of the epistolaryies. Herman told him that for his chapter to achieve greatness he must offer them up as a sacrifice to the great god Nurgalth who would give him the power to never die to be immune to plague to end his despair and to give them the greatness his chapter deserves.


By this point Kurahl was in Hermans grasp and so did what he said for by now he believed even the Emperor favered all the other space marine chapters over them. As the sacrifices were made a cloud of flies appeared in the chapter masters throne room. The creature that came out introduced himself as Kugyth. He explained that Nurgleth had sent him to be there for them to make the pact. As one the rest of the chapter swore alliegance to the dark god Nurgleth. Kugyth told them to go to the Planet of Lepracarn in the great eye for there they would find their new home world. He ordered the chapter master to bring everything that the chapter owned and the chapters geneseed. He also allowed them to bring the planets pdf forces and 2 imperial guard regiments who were utterly loyal to them. He also said as they were now Nurgles children they would be safe from the dangers of the warp storm and that it would do no harm or damage to their ships or them.


As they entered the great eye and found the world Kurahl decided that his chapter must be renamed as all his men now bore the mark of nurgle and not the corpse god Emperor. In one moment he changed their name to the angels of pestilence and vowed that they would build up a force strong enough to annhiolate all those so called brother space marine chapters who had betrayed them and tried to stop them reaching their destiny. While they remained on the plague world they increased their numbers from 9976 marines to 2100 marines within 4 millineums. Kurahl has kerpt his vow for now he has summoned a large horde of Daemons of Nurgle and has vowed thast once the cults of Nurgle have done their job his angels will unleash the greatest pestilence this galaxy has ever seen.

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