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How is 6e treating the BA?


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To be honest my BA has not seen much action during 6e. mainly because I started a CSM army and has been playing that for a while. So my question to all you hardcore BA player; whats working and what is NOT working in 6e? Have you noticed a significant drop in your win ratio or is it about the same in 6e? Thanks for any input you might have..

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BA still win in the hands of a player that knows how to use them. They never stopped.


DoA doesn't work due to only 50% reserves, but it was a false friend anyway, and only useful vs specific armies, so the point is moot.


Lost our edge in combat due to no +1I from furious charge. Tactical marines got stronger, and BA are (as they always have been) a mobile, shooty marine army.


Your lists need to be more balanced.

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 Personally I think they can still be competitive, but it's hard work to make them work this edition. Flyers have hit us hard, yes we have the best one in the game, but it's expensive and now easy killed. Meta for the moment is all over the place and I can't seem to find a good balanced list within a reasonable points limit, I always feel I'm lacking in some area. This could just be my model range, but for now I've put my BA's on hold and returned to the Greater Good at least for the time being. I still can't bring my self to add fortifications or allies to my armies. I know I should, but it just feels to much like I'm being forced to start a new army. And for forts I don't have the arms to carry any more to my gaming sessions. I already rock up with two large cases and a backpack! For me the fun is in making a good balanced all-comers list that's unique to me and at the moment it's to much like hard work.

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the main problem for BA is 6th edition emphasizing on scoring units. Other MEQ armies are doing far better, because they have great troop choices at bargain prices. Space wolves and Chaos come to mind. The army works well, but relies too much on non-scoring specialized troops to do this.


I think Death Company might become scoring next codex. Most armies with deathstars can make them scoring. Why not Blood Angels? Especially with a unit that 0-1.

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6th ed BA Locally:


2012 National Champions.

2012 4th Regionals Champions.

2013 Veteran's Tournament Champs.


Must say I think we're still kicking ass and taking names.

Only three wins so far? Damn you're slacking.
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6ed is the Shooting Edition, and Assault-based armies have suffered death by 1000-cuts in the forms of Random Charge Length, Directional casualties, Overwatch, Reduced Cover, Challenge System, Nerfed Multi-charge, Nerfed Furious Charge, Nerfed Transport rules, etcetcetc. No one thing nerfed Melee-Armies, but together they did.

Especially one thing I think many people seem to miss is that 'directional casualties' adds more distance between you and your opponent. In 5ed, the scrubs in the back of the Squad died, meaning you could reliable close the distance. Now, the dudes in the front die first, adding precious inches to your potential charge ranges.


6ed BA lists require a shooting-base and use melee as supplementary support. In 5ed, you could have reversed that sentence but not anymore.

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Morticon, thats an impressive resume sir.  I have been scratching my head over and over to find a way to deal with alot of the Meta lists out there and have all but given up making an all comers BA army without some sort of allies.  What are you running?  I too would love to see your list.  How are you able to deal with tripple helldrakes and still have the ground pressence to repel stuff like wriath wing?


Honestly the issue I run into when making BA lists is that right now if you build to withstand 3 Helldrakes you don't take enough ASM's to deal effectively with Wraithwing supports by Night Scythes.  How are you working that balance?  My best guess would be by meching up, but not really tried that yet.   

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Mech has been good to me since 6th edition. The hull point thing was jarring at first but now I tend to enjoy my tanks performing more reliably instead of getting randomly nuked by a single Lascannon on turn one.


The list was originally Baals, Preds and Razorbacks has evolved to adding a pair of Vindicators, less Razorback squads, podding 2 Fragiosos and combat squaded Sternguard and some MM Attack Bikes. Dreads shotgunning your infantry and getting into assault the following turn while Vinicators are rolling up on you is nasty fun. My main issue is only taking 3-4 scoring units, but their RBs tend to hide in the back field, sniping or using their mobility to escape a threat.


I have actually yet to face a spammy Helldrake list, fortunately, and I never liked fliers in 40k in general so I tend to ignore the Valks and Stormraven I see, prioritizing on what I can reliably kill. Baals and TL Plas on my RB fare reasonably well against them when I have a free shot on suitable armor, the TL pays off.


Our spammy mech or jumper lists don't seem so hot any more. However I'm having success (casually gaming) with a balanced, super aggressive mech/threat overload list - and most importantly it's fun!

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6th ed BA Locally:


2012 National Champions.

2012 4th Regionals Champions.

2013 Veteran's Tournament Champs.


Must say I think we're still kicking ass and taking names.

Only three wins so far? Damn you're slacking.


Only been four tournaments :P 


(not including the doubles! :P)

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Morticon, thats an impressive resume sir.  I have been scratching my head over and over to find a way to deal with alot of the Meta lists out there and have all but given up making an all comers BA army without some sort of allies.  What are you running?  I too would love to see your list.  How are you able to deal with tripple helldrakes and still have the ground pressence to repel stuff like wriath wing?


Honestly the issue I run into when making BA lists is that right now if you build to withstand 3 Helldrakes you don't take enough ASM's to deal effectively with Wraithwing supports by Night Scythes.  How are you working that balance?  My best guess would be by meching up, but not really tried that yet.   


Sadly too much is dependent on local meta, mate. What works here may not work your side. As an example, we dont have any triple drake lists here at the moment - triple Vendettas- sure. No triple drakes at the moment - that may change in the next regionals though.


My Nationals list was: 



snippy dread

4x 5man Razors (2xTLAC,2xlas/plas)

2x baals - (hbss)

2x Ravens (1w/ extra arm, 1w/hurricanes)


Will try remember the vets list later. 


Im having great success with a pod list at the moment, but I think the drakes will eat that one up! So, wouldnt recommend. 

I dont think ive ever played the same list more than one tourney though! So i usually mix stuff up.

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My Blood Angels are doing ok, though every other BA player has abandoned the army for greener pastures (Dark Angels mostly). 


I like to play a jumpy heavy list.  I'm finding the squads from reserve come in and usually do very well, but whatever starts on the table gets hammered.  Need to work on that part.

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I still enjoy my BAs (of course, I don't have any other faction).


Most what changed was what I was bringing and how I'm equiping my dudes.

Instead of bringing Pred/Vindis, I tend to bring a Aegis Defense Line or Imperial Bastion filled with Devs. Or Bikes. T5 all the time is really nice

I'm also bringing more Bolters. Even my DC (when I run them) will have a few Bolters in the unit.

But I still run assault units. Even with the boost to shooting, assault still has a place. Snap Fire still needs 6's to hit, and FNP works against most stuff, even if its at a 5+ now.

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