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Sternguard epicness!

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Hey all, just wanted to share a quick story from tonight's game.


After being active on this board for only about 2 weeks and getting advice from other sons of sanguinius I decided to revise my list to include 2 drop pod sternguards backed by divination librarians and 3 dual heavy bolter speeders. After my first game using both of these units I have to say that they stole the show and were easily my mvps!


I've played against daemons only three times since I started playing towards the tail end of 5th Ed (actualy now that i think about all 3 of said games were in 6th ed) with two (terrible) loses and a very, very lucky win thanks to the dice gods. Well tonight I went up against a flying monstrous creature list with daemon princes and a lord of change. Usually my only counter to this dick list are my two storm ravens, which has never been enough to keep them from slaughtering my ground forces.


This game however, was a little different. The sternguards firing poison shells and plasma shots rapid fired with prescience as well as the squad of speeders with prescience from the other librarians managed to take down The Lord of change and one of the princes while my ravens focus fired the second prince down. All of this in one glorious turn of shooting. The look on my opponents face was priceless enough to remind me why I enjoy playing 40k so much.


I guess the point of this post was part storytelling and part thank you to those that gave me the idea to use two units I previously have all but ignored since I started playing blood angels.

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