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E Tenebrae Lux II is finally upon us. Last year I managed a moderate vow of a Epistolery, a Techmarine, a 10 man Tactical Squad and a 5 man Assault Squad, all as one vow. While I managed to complete them all, I didn't complete them to the level I would have liked. I started off strong, getting the Epistolery, Techmarine and some of the Tactical Marines done to a good standard, but faltered with the remaining Tactical Marines and the Assault Marines and just finished them to a basic level. They were also only one vow's worth of models. I never managed to do a second vow, which I originally intended to.

Epistolery and Techmarine from ETL I


Tactical Squad from ETL I


Assault Squad from ETL I


To my shame, i've never gone back and finished these models.

I can't rectify last year's failure (not within the scope of this year's ETL), I can ensure that my performance this year is of a significantly higher standard. I aim to do three things during this years ETL.

Firstly, I intend to finish all my models to a standard i'm happy with. That means completely painted including all levels of shading and highlighting, chapter and squad markings and based.

Secondly, I intend to paint more models this year. I've sketched in a rough number of 1000 pts, but that might be changed as ETL progresses. I will not sacrifice the quality of the models for quantity of points.

Thirdly, I intend to complete five vows (the maximum allowed). This is kind of connected to my second intention and will require me to split up the total models that I intend to paint into groups legal for ETL and making sure I have enough time to finish each group within the allotted time frame. I will not sacrifice quality for quantity of vows.

I'll keep the rest of this post free in order to allow me to link to important parts of the thread - ie the finished models.

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Onto my first vow.

I Toxichobbit answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one Chaplain (crozius arcanum and bolt pistol) and one 10 man Sternguard Veteran Squad (power fist, combi-melta, combi-flamer, combi-plasma, heavy flamer) from Codex: Space Marines of total value 400pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ultramarines and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

And starting pictures for my first vow



(I won't be painting a banner for him for this challenge).

Sternguard Veteran Squad



I'll have photos of the remaining four Sternguard Veterans when i've finished converting them (or, when the parts for them arrive).

Cheers guys.


@ Rich, yep, it's the head from Seraphicus. I thought it's such a nice helmet, better put it to use in a real Chapter*. It's easy to convert too. The Dark Angels symbol is so small that with a bit of filing it looks like an aquila. Or it could just be filed off completely. Or replaced with a brass etch of choice.


I've made a good start so far. Bolters & melta have been drilled on the Sternguard and they've been undercoated, followed by a basecoat. The black on the Chaplain's armour is finished and i've base coated all of the bone areas. There is, to my dismay, a lot of bone areas. I didn't think that one though while assembling him.



*I kid :p. I have two Seraphicus', one is staying a Dark Angel, the other is spare parts.


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