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Arizonajirt's ETL II, WIP Page

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In the only fashion that JIRT knows, here we go, this is my 1st Vow, all of this comes from my warhammer closet that i found today.


I Arizonajirt answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following list from Codex, Space Marines of total value 4,492 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Salamanders and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end


1 drop pod heavy bolter 35

1 storm raven gunship lascannons multi melta 200

1 dreadnought lascannons multi melta 135

3 rhino 105

1 razorback lascannon 75

5 assault terminators 5x lightning claws 200

5 assault terminators 5x TH/SS 200

5 termintors 2x Chain fists, 1 HF 215

7 sternguard 1x combi melta, 1x PF, 2x HB 165

5 vanguard vets 2x PW, 2x PP, JP 235

1 techmarine BP 50

5 servitors 2 HB, 1 MM 120

1 chaplain BP 100

1 chaplain PP 115

1 captain artificer armour, lightning claw, combi plas 140

10 tac marines SGT (bolter) 1xmelta, 1 ML 105

10 tac marines SGT (bolter) 1xmelta, 1 ML 105

10 tac marines SGT (BP CS) 1x MM, 1 flamer 105

10 tac marines SGT (Bolter) 1x flamer, 1 ML) 105

10 dev squad SGT (BP CS), 2xLC 2XMM 270

10 dev squad SGT (BP, CS) 3 PC, 1 ML 260

5 dev squad SGT (BP, PW) 4 HB 165

10 scouts 5 Shot guns, 1HB, 4 CCW/BP 150

10 scouts 1 HB, 4 Sniper rifles/Camo cloaks, 1 CCW/BP, 4 Bolters 162

5 assault marines SGT (PF/SS, 1xflamer 150

1 LR redeemers MM 250

1 LR redeemers MM 250

1 LR Achiles 325



Monday I will be able to get a start on this beast of a vow. So pictures will follow then.

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Good luck with that! I couldn't even afford to buy all that plastic, much less find the time to paint it.


Same here! :blink:  In fact, I think all of my Loyalist stuff put together doesn't amount to that points cost! :lol:


Good luck with it! ^_^

So I've finally gotten a chance to start on my vow. So far I've killed a pot of unfortunate flesh and 3 pots of snot green in this and I'm not even into more than 16 troops. Here are the before pics and some WIP ones.






Now the WIP





I've had to order more snot green/warp stone glow because my shop ran out. So ill keep going until I run out of paint.

Forgot these WIP pics.




It was all done with a brush. I attempted a method I found online but it turned out like crap so I ended up applying everything with a brush. So a base coat of this sandy yellow color, can't remember the name off the top of my head, followed by 2 coats of snot green/warp stone glow and then a heavy wash of bial tan green.


I'm currently working on all of the vehicles, the heavy weapons marines and the dread. The heavy weapons guys are almost done. Just need to do the final details and a final wash and they are done. I finished the dread yesterday.


And as for the bases, since I know this will eventually be asked. I'm going to design and cast up all of the bases for them. Since it will be part of my upcoming business, it helps to design the bases now. I have work the next 4 nights so the next day ill get to work on my models will be Monday afternoon. So it will be on again then.

i just use an old large (about 1/2-3/4 inch wide) shoft bristle brush. if the bristles are bent, dont care. its my base coat brush. when i do the top coat, i use a much smaller brush (1/8-1/4 inch wide). it works good for me. but I do most of my painting with a 10/0 or a 20/0 brush.


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