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What to paint up for ETL II - Army selection help needed!


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Got a tourney coming up in October and I'm stripping my old SW's and repainting them for it. A friend Lord Sondar mentioned the painting challenge going on here so I thought I'd have a look and it seems I could lend a hand to the Pack's total with what I need to get done anyway. msn-wink.gif

I've got to come up with lists for the following games ...

Game 1 : Mission 1 : Purge the alien : Deployment: Dawn of war : 2K points

Game 2 : Mission 2 : The emperors will : Deployment: Hammer and Anvil : 1K5 points
Game 3 : Mission 3 :The relic : Deployment: Vanguard strike : 1K

Not really worked out lists yet though so need to get that done sooner rather than later. Any tips or ideas for list builds would be welcome as I've not played that much of this edition yet. I prefer to have a high body count and slog it across the board rather than use vehicles (I have plenty of them but they need stripping as well and don't think I've got time to get them stripped/fixed/repainted in time for October never mind the painting challenge). So I can see having 50 - 60 GH's in the 2k list.

I'm guessing there will be a chunk of the units crossing over each list but there will be units which will not cross over and so I'll need 3k or more painted asap. Got a feeling I'll be wallbash.gif before this is over.

Will stick up some possible lists for your perusal and feedback before sticking up a painting pledge.

I was thinking of the following for the "Game 1 : Mission 1 : Purge the alien : Deployment: Dawn of war : 2K points".


Wolf Priest - Plasma Pistol, Saga of the Hunter ... 125pts

10 Grey Hunters - 2 Melta Guns, Power Fist, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard ... 205pts

Wolf Guard - Frost Blade ... 38pts


10 Grey Hunters - 2 Melta Guns, Power Fist, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard ... 205pts

Wolf Guard - pair Wolf Claws ... 48pts


10 Grey Hunters - 2 Plasma Guns ... 160pts

Wolf Guard - TDA ... 33pts


10 Grey Hunters - 2 Plasma Guns ... 160pts

Wolf Guard - TDA ... 33pts


10 Grey Hunters - 2 Plasma Guns ... 160pts

Wolf Guard - TDA ... 33pts


Rune Priest - TDA ... 120pts

6 Long Fangs - 5 Missile Launchers ... 140pts

Wolf Guard - TDA with Cyclone Missile Launcher ... 63pts


Rune Priest - Chooser of the Slain, Runic Armour ... 130pts

6 Long Fangs - 5 Missile Launchers ... 140pts

Wolf Guard - Storm Bolter and Storm Shield ... 46pts


6 Long Fangs - 5 Heavy Bolters ... 115pts

Wolf Guard - Storm Bolter and Storm Shield ... 46pts


Total Points: 2,000pts

Model Count: 79

I like your list. It's really model dense and I think it will do well. My only comment is the guy with the two wolf claws, for the same points you can have a wolfguard in tda with a wolf claw and a power fist. This makes a more versital squad leader for challenges. With almost 80 boots on the ground I think this list will do quite well tho.

Cheers for the feedback. I opted for the twin claws as I had the right number of points, there's an extra attack and it looks cool. devil.gif

Hmmm ... Not sure how to get the extra 5 points for the change though? (Edit: Just re-read and you mentioned same points if in TDA ... Doh!!!)

I'm going to be using the 2 Njal models for the 2 different Rune Priests so on the pledge side I'll count them as the models they are for maximum points. I'll also be using Ulrik for the Wolf Priest so that'll be a healthy number of points off 3 models. They'll be stripped by the weekend so I can get them started.

Well I'm almost ready to start off the painting of my 1st Vow ... "Logan Grimnar, Njal Storm Caller (in Runic Armour), Njal Storm Caller (in Terminator Armour), Ragnar Blackmane and Ulrik the Slayer".


I've pulled Logan and Njal in TDA out of my "to paint" box just need to drill some holes so I can mount them on wire to paint them.  The other Njal, Ragnar and Ulrik are currently in a final bath of Dettol to get the last of the paint off them so I can make a clean start with them.


I'm hoping once these have been started they should be finished quite quickly though I've not 100% decided on the exact shad of grey to use quite yet.  I'm liking the older flat grey finish from the HH rather than the baby blue they've been seen in of late.  May have to crack on with Ulrik first while I finalise which shade of grey paint I'll end up using.


You'll notice I'm just 2 special characters short of full house.  I'm not a great fan of the idea of Thunder Wolves so Canis isn't going to be making a show.  However I've just located Bjorn so he'll be included in the 2nd Vow when I get to it. I was wanting to include a load of Grey Hunters and Long Fangs with the 1st Vow but a lack of enough shoulder pads is hampering  plans.  So they may be relegated to the 3rd vow depending on sourcing issues.


I've also started to cast up bases for my army.  I've had a lot of fun with this side of the hobby towards the end of last year and this year.  Currently created these: http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee214/SW1-SWC/Casting%20Projects/Finished/140320132462_zpsf671a665.jpg


I'll be adding more variety to the 40mm bases before the 1st vow is finished.  The 4 I've currently got at the moment are not detailed enough for characters.


I think the bases will be more brown/rusted and will have a brown rim rather than the silver/black finish the above ones have.

Getting closer to completing my 1st vow, but a lack of the pads I want is hindering getting cracking with the models for the above list.

Currently stripping the old paint job of literally 100's of SW's including some OOP metal Land Speeders, a few Dreads and plenty of metal TDA Wolf Guard. I've got a feeling these will be making up my 2nd vow if I don't sort out the pads in the next week.

Really need to be able to do something toward getting the army done though. furious.gif

I'm also going to need to think about trying to tackle stripping a load of tanks at some point. Just need to get a big enough supply of Dettol. Think I'm going to need to locate somewhere that sells it by the gallon rather 750ml (the biggest I've currently managed to buy it in). I'm also going to need to upgrade the hand protection as I'm going through disposable gloves really fast as they keep ripping. I've already worked out a system of filtering Dettol so it can be reused minus the gunky old paint bits which in the long run will save quite a few £'s.

I've also got to come up with decent armies for the other 2 games which will be:

Game 2 : Mission 2 : The emperors will : Deployment: Hammer and Anvil : 1K5 points
Game 3 : Mission 3 :The relic : Deployment: Vanguard strike : 1K

The other thing I'm pondering about is tweaking the Long Fangs pack to include 1 or 2 Lascannons in the missile launcher packs. Not sure where I'll get the points from yet though. dry.png

I'm looking forward to the Land Speeders. There isn't a sight finer that a properly pined metal Land Speeder. If not properly pinned then there isn't much worse.

Good luck.

Lol ... Watch it smash and crash if it's not stuck together well enough. laugh.png

  • 2 weeks later...

I've finally got the 40mm bases cast up from my original sculpts and I'm quite happy with the results.  So I'm expecting to have the 1st vow completed by the end of the week.


My old SW army is now 95% stripped and finally at the stage where I'm sifting through the models to put bak into units and get all the bits for the speeders and dreads together.  I'm likely going to end up taking out a lot of none SW marines as the old great company was 400+ models and I can't see it being that big this time around.


As I sort out units from the models I'll list them here with the total unit points values so I don't have to work it out on mass later.


Models/units available (assembled ready to paint) for SW army, ETL entry:



Ragnar - 240 points

Ulrik (converted with same load out) - 180 points

Wolf Lord (WC + PF + WTN + WTT) - 160 points

Wolf Lord (Jump Pack + BP + FB + WTN + WTT) - 165 points

Wolf Lord (WTN + WTT) - 115 points

Rune Priest (TDA+ WTN + WTT + CotS) - 145 points

Wolf Priest (TDA+ WTN + WTT) - 135 points
Wolf Priest (Jump Pack + PP + Runic Armour + WTN + WTT) - 175 points
WGBL (2x PF + WTN + WTT) - 135 points

HQ Total: 1,450 points 



Iron Priest (BP) - 50 points

Iron Priest (BG + WTT) - 55 points

Wolf Guard - 1,304 points

  • Arjac 
  • TDA (AC + SS)
  • TDA (FA + SS)
  • TDA (TH + SS)
  • TDA (2x WC)
  • TDA (CML + 2x WC)
  • TDA (CML + SB + CF)
  • 8x PA (2x WC)
  • 2x PA (TH + SS)
  • 2x PA (TH + SB)
  • 1x PA (FA + SS)
  • 1x PA (PP + CCW)

Elite Total: 1,409 points 



Fast Attack:

10x Skyclaws (PF + PP) - 220 points



Still needs to be finished assembling:


3x Wolf Lord (? + ? + WTN + WTT + TDA) - ? points

Bjorn - 270 points

Bjorn (TLLC) - 290 points


10x Wolf Guard (TDA + ? + ?) - ? points

Venerable Dread (TLLC + ML + Extra Armour + WTT + TDA)- 235 points

Sorry NOOB question. What does the TDA stand for? and why a single wolf guard after each GH unit.

Don't worry I've got plenty of things I'm a complete noob on and I've been collecting for 20+ years. When people talk about tactics and start talking about MEQ's or TEQ's or whatever it is I'm completely lost.

TDA - is short hand for Tactical Dreadnought Armour which is also know as Terminator Armour.

PA - Power Armour

RA - Runic Armour

Listing the Wolf Guard after each unit just shows which units they are being assigned to. If I'm having a unit of Wolf Guard who will stay together I'd list it as a complete unit. :D

If you have any other questions feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them. thumbsup.gif

ok i just read up on this in the codex, that really does give any GH unit a big fricking kick !! thats amazing


The big pay off is if you want to mount them in a rhino or drop pod as you have to drop a member of the pack to fit in the WG.  This means you loose the free special weapon.  If you're foot slogging them then it doesn't matter.  :D


I've started to foot slog a lot more now.  :D

It depends what else you have in the army.  If I was going to have a single Drop Pod WG unit dropping in on the enemy side of the board unsupported it'll get 1 round of shooting out before getting shot to pieces.  If you do the unit cheap and expect it to die for example 5 WG with combi-plasma it could be a sacrificial unit to take the heat from the rest of the army while they move up.  Remember that a unit coming in via a drop pod can move 6" and shoot but can't assault the turn it arrives.


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