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What is the total point cost of the chaos forces in DV set?


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A friend of mine recently bought the dark vengeance starter set and took a shine to the chaos models. He wants to battle my Ultras and I want to keep it a fair game. I dont need to know the cost of the individual models... just how many points of ultras I need to field.

He'll pick up the codex and additional models on our next trip to gw...

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+ denotes an upgrade

HQ - 117


Chaos Lord - 117
+plasma pistol
+power sword
+sigil of corruption (not listed in description on GW site but certainly doable)

Elites - 298

6 Chosen - 193

5 Chosen (4 chosen & 1 champion)
+add 1 chosen
1 w/ +powerfist & bolt pistol (standard)
1 w/ +power axe
1 w/ +power maul
1 w/ +pair of lightning claws
2 w/ bolters

Helbrute - 105
no upgrades taken

Troops - 218

10 Cultists - 107
8 Cultists w/ autopistols & close combat weapons
1 cultist w/ flamer
1 cultist champion w/ shotgun

10 Cultists - 111
9 cultists w/ autoguns
1 cultist champion w/ shotgun

Total: 633

So...the list above was based off some common images of DV and was based on the idea of maxing out pts while staying as close to WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) as possible - I deliberately did not use power-specific marks, as wells as Veterans of the Long War, since those are *always* hot buttons and will affect the overall cost. Other than that, I tried to make the "most likely scenario" type of list (if there is such a thing for Chaos).

Hope that helps.

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To add on to ChaosRising's great post, you could probably bring the Chaos army up to just under 750 points if you go heavy with marks and upgrades and treat the lord's sword as the Murder Sword.


Even more if you say that one of the Chosen models is a Sorcerer and decide to load him up.

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+ denotes an upgrade


HQ - 117


Chaos Lord - 117

+plasma pistol

+power sword

+sigil of corruption (not listed in description on GW site but certainly doable)


Elites - 298


6 Chosen - 193

5 Chosen (4 chosen & 1 champion)

+add 1 chosen

1 w/ +powerfist & bolt pistol (standard)

1 w/ +power axe

1 w/ +power maul

1 w/ +pair of lightning claws

2 w/ bolters


Helbrute - 105

no upgrades taken


Troops - 218


10 Cultists - 107

8 Cultists w/ autopistols & close combat weapons

1 cultist w/ flamer

1 cultist champion w/ shotgun


10 Cultists - 111

9 cultists w/ autoguns

1 cultist champion w/ shotgun


Total: 633


So...the list above was based off some common images of DV and was based on the idea of maxing out pts while staying as close to WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) as possible - I deliberately did not use power-specific marks, as wells as Veterans of the Long War, since those are *always* hot buttons and will affect the overall cost. Other than that, I tried to make the "most likely scenario" type of list (if there is such a thing for Chaos).


Hope that helps.


Add Heavy Stubber to autogun Cultists, since there is a model for that and its quite spot on.

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Thanks guys. Im surprised you get so much in the set. I tend to play 1000pt games with my other friends so he'll be happy to know a few more models will get him to that!
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By my codex it comes out as:


Chaos Lord, Powersword, Plasma pistol, Sigil - 120


Chosen, +1 chosen, 2 power weapons, pair of lightning claws, powerfist - 193


Helbrute - 100 (See FAQ errata - they dropped 5 points)


10 Cultists, 8 Autoguns, Heavy Stubber, Shotgun - 65


10 Cultists, Flamer - 55


For a total of: 533



Of course you can add marks and other upgrades as required but you are probably looking at between 500 and 600 points if there are no added models. It's probably worth sticking mark of nurgle on them to give them some chance of getting into combat - that brings the list up to 551 points.


It is also worth considering that this isn't a very good list - it's close combat themed but not very fast or very tough. So for a fair game I'd suggest taking a small, short ranged force that won't blow him away before he gets to you. One idea or making it a fair game would be to copy his units into space marines e.g. take a captain, dreadnaught, some scouts and a small vanguard unit (if you can fit all that into roughly 550 points.)

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Hmmm big difference there :-/

Lol thanks, I was thinking of mirroring the list anyways. Wont be fun blowing him away with a flyer and other exotic units :-P

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So.. on behalf of my friend, what units should be added to:


A: Make the list decent

B: Push it to 1k points



I can provide the lists of the c:sm and necron armies he will face...

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Ishagu, on 16 May 2013 - 14:10, said:

So.. on behalf of my friend, what units should be added to:


A: Make the list decent

B: Push it to 1k points

Welcome to CSM. We have one suggestion for everyone:

1. Typhus, to transform your cultists into Zombies.

2. Another 50 to 120 zombies in addition to those 20 you already have.

3. 3 Helldrakes with Baleflamers.

4. Obliterators with Mark of Nurgle.

5. Do not use chosen and hellbrute at all.


That's to make a decent list. But probably you could just make a fan starter list adding more cult units, like Plague Marines or Noise Marines.

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Easiest is probably make the lord nurgle and then take a couple of plague marine units. Add oblitorators/helldrakes as appropriate. The chosen are best split up and used as champions in other units or characters (the mace one looks like a nice lord or sorcerer with minor conversion). The helbrute is not optimal but I've found they are ok used in low points lists or in with groups of other light armour. It is something to make way as the army grows.

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Chosen Champ = Sorceror for sure. that's what I did with mine.


Depends on what he wants to do with it really, does he want a theme? Cheapest way possible to get to 1k price wise? Most effective army price wise?


Personally with all the DV kits on ebay, I found it good to buy cheap cultists and chosen (the 20 cultists for for around £13, the chosen for around £6, I bought 18 for £20) then I converted my chosen to regular marines/chosen with plasma).


This means I've got 2-3 squads of 20-30 cultists each, for grabbing backfield objectives and cannon fodder, plenty of regular marines or chosen to pack a bit of punch, and cost me £40. I added a rhino for the chosen to get about. Optimal, nope, but does alright against my mates.


Heldrake is a must however, the unit is just too good to pass up, and helps take out enemy fliers. So £85 quid should get you a sizable force. Plus if he fancies modelling his cultists as zombies he can go the zombie hoard route.


Everyone says bikers are the next best unit after the drake, but I've never been a fan. the Raptors aren't bad, but pricey at over £20 for 5  models.

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So.. on behalf of my friend, what units should be added to:


A: Make the list decent

B: Push it to 1k points


Use the chosen as anything other than chosen: squad leaders, dude with a mace as an apostle and blob the cultists, bolter dudes as regular CSM, 

Get them to pick models they like. Terminators are always a good and cool choice. 4 dudes, 2 combi plas, 2 combi melta, convert one to a lord/obliterator.

Any standard list performs well in the hands of a good player. Picking the 'easy win' option when getting into the game makes you complacent and a worse player in the short term, as you dont learn important skills like resource management.


Let your friend pick the units the like, and get good with them.

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Lol thanks guys. Very good advice.


As for suggesting he gets 3 helldrakes... I dont want him to actually beat me! I still have nightmares about the necron scythe spam I suffered once!

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Thanks guys. Im surprised you get so much in the set. I tend to play 1000pt games with my other friends so he'll be happy to know a few more models will get him to that!


Woah woah now.  "getting so much" is a bit strong.  You'd be tacking on stuff that isn't necessarily or as effective-the Chosen are a horrific points sink, though DV is a good opener to Codex Chaos Cultists and Heldrakes (with grand totals of 1 Chaos Space Marine in the army >:(  ).  Why not start him off in a 500-750 point game, something he can easily reach without starting to tack on Bling which he might not need?  Plus it will be quick, and you might be able to get two games in.

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