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Death Company Specific Question

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Hey all,


This might be a stupid question but I can't find the answer anywhere so I thought it'd be okay to ask here:


Can death company have both a bolter and chainsword? The codex says the Death Co are equiped with a chainsword and a bolter or bolt pistol but I thought I read somewhere that bolters were two-handed weapons. On top of that, all gw pictures of death company with bolters don't have chainswords. If I choose to take bolters, do I have to equip chainswords also to be legal? 


Thanks for any help

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There is no such thing as a two-handed ranged weapon. That being said, you are right that DC cannot have a bolt pistol and a Boltgun.


Why would you want to anyways? DC are relentless so they can shoot their boltguns even before charging. A bolt pistol without an additional CCW does nothing in close combat.

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Woops, my bad. Boltgun and Chainsword is perfectly legal. Why the Boltgun DC are not modeled with a chainsword on the GW site, I don't know. Generally mandatory wargear does not need to be present to satisfy WYSIWYG. You don't need to put frag and krak grenades on each model either. If you want to have both the boltgun and the chainsword on the model, just make the model use the boltgun onehanded. As I said there is no rule preventing the marine from firing the weapon with one hand.
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As such, it can be argued that Death Company support this website more than any other unit!

LOL. It also fits the color scheme and the symbol.


But isn't bolter the term for any weapon that fires bolts and boltgun is the term for the rapid-firing assault rifle sized weapon? So a boltgun always is a bolter, but a bolter not always is a boltgun. It could also be a bolt pistol, a stormbolter or a heavy bolter.

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As such, it can be argued that Death Company support this website more than any other unit!

LOL. It also fits the color scheme and the symbol.But isn't bolter the term for any weapon that fires bolts and boltgun is the term for the rapid-firing assault rifle sized weapon? So a boltgun always is a bolter, but a bolter not always is a boltgun. It could also be a bolt pistol, a stormbolter or a heavy bolter.

Only when a C:DA player is trying to cheese up their Banner of Devastation. To the rest of the W40k world, 'bolter' and 'boltgun' are synonyms.

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So does that mean DC can rapid-fire their boltguns, then charge and get an extra CC atk from the chainsword?


And while I'm at it, is it worth giving them jump packs too? THey seem awfully expensive...

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So does that mean DC can rapid-fire their boltguns, then charge and get an extra CC atk from the chainsword?


No because a Boltgun is not a pistol. For the record though, Rage USR gives them +2A on the charge anyway... Rapid fire and subsequent charging can be done due to the Relentless USR.


And while I'm at it, is it worth giving them jump packs too? THey seem awfully expensive...


Depends on your list, but it can get pricey.

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Since the BnC DC do not get an extra attack in close combat for wielding two CC weapons, most people don't model them with he sword... Technically speaking, wether they wield a chainsword, a kinfe, bayonnet or swing their bolter as a club, it all boils down to a normal Cc attack.
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The only reason my DC get some extra love is because of how they're written into my successor Chapter's fluff, but they should just be Marines in the armor they've worn throughout their service (unless Terminator, in which case they go back to their normal power armor), re-painted in black and red.

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Teblin: you can also buy DC models and paint them red for the rest of your army.  Death Company models get lots of nice detailing that generic marines don't.  (And they're all plastic now, right? I remember when DC were metal models with plastic arms).

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I had at first, thought that DC did have CCW Bolt Pistol, and Bolter as standard wargear.. and now that I know they don't I appreciate my grey hunters that much more. So on Jump Pack DC Bolters should probably not be bothered with ya?


Why would having a bolt pistol + bolter matter? They're relentless, so they can fire with a rapidfire weapon and then charge.  As long as you're short the Chainsword, bolter + bolt pistol gives a model with relentless absolutely nothing except the ability to take less shots.


(Edit: that is, in the situation where its pick 2: bolter, bolt pistol, chainsword, there's no benefit to having a bolt pistol over a chainsword while you're relentless).

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Probably not. Mobile Rapidfire is probably better achieved with the Honour Guard. HG with four meltaguns/plasmaguns costs 205/225 pts. In 6th you might reduce the special weapons to 3 and upgrade one member to Blood Champion though.
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