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Best anti-vehicle choices for BA?


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Having recently purchased the BA Codex I can see it has plenty of options for tearing apart infantry and most units with Toughness values, but what about tanks? Annihilators seem quite expensive, and a squad of Lascannon Devastators is almost as much. 


What should I go for?

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1. Multi melta attack bike. 50 pts per shot. Up to 3 a squadron/unit. Range 24"

2. Bike squad. 2 melta, 1 combi melta.120/3 shots. 40 pts/shot. Range 12"

3. Deepstrike 5 man assault squad. Moelta, infernus pistol.125 pts.


A bit depending on list I'd take 1 for mech/foot Inf. 3 for jump heavy.

Option 2 is in the test phase for me.

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I like running a 10-man ASM with 2x Melta, IP + Meltabombs and then combat squadding all three melta weapons into the same squad.  Gives a lot of punch on the drop and the small squad size means its unlikely that you'll scatter into something that you shouldn't.  Plus then you've got another scoring half-squad with excellent mobility.

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Assault Cannons are also pretty good anti-armor because of rending, better than lascannons against most targets.  (As I recall AV 13 is a wash, but all other AVs favor Assault Cannons).  So Stormravens and Baal Predators are pretty good anti-armor.  The Stormraven also comes with a Multi-Melta, a bevy of S8 AP1 missiles, 4 weapons to fire when zooming, and PotMS to fire at a 2nd target with one weapon.


Similarly, a Furioso can come with a S6 rending template, a melta-gun, and a magna-grapple, all of which are plausible anti-armor.


(And then of course there's a pile of ways to turn tanks into scrap during the assault phase).

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I like running a 10-man ASM with 2x Melta, IP + Meltabombs and then combat squadding all three melta weapons into the same squad.  Gives a lot of punch on the drop and the small squad size means its unlikely that you'll scatter into something that you shouldn't.  Plus then you've got another scoring half-squad with excellent mobility.


This is exactly what I do, usually takes out a vehicle on the deep strike.    

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10 man ASM with 2 melta guns and bombs on the sgt. Also, Storm Ravens. lots of them. best flyer in he game and they consistently turn armor into goop. twin linked multi melta and POTMS means you get to nuke anything with AV on the turn you come in. AP 1 missiles are also a treat.

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As opposed to Morticon, Lord of "table flipping" death. ;)


For cost efficiency you just cant go wrong with MM attack bikes. A command squad with 4 meltas and apothecairy will certainly get the job done, but is a good deal more.


Blood Lance can be a nasty surprise, as long as quadruple ones dont surprise you that is...

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C:DA for Las cannon Devs, and C:SM for twin-linked Meltas happy.png

We got las cannon devs of our own? ermm.gif good catch on the twink-linked melta but I think its abit expensive way to get good AT in our army, specialy when we already have plenty of acces to non twin linked melta ^_^

Nice catch with the TH termies Bushman. With FC we have S9 combat attacks on the charge, not bad at all either! whistlingW.gif

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I have not tried it yet but I have been thinking about using 3 land speeders with the dual melta load out. The only thing I'm not sure about is how survivable they would be with only being AV10 but I guess they do get a jinx save and depending on board layout could take advantage of terrain to get close enough to unleash the 6 melta shots.

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I have not tried it yet but I have been thinking about using 3 land speeders with the dual melta load out. The only thing I'm not sure about is how survivable they would be with only being AV10 but I guess they do get a jinx save and depending on board layout could take advantage of terrain to get close enough to unleash the 6 melta shots.


You should be even more worried about assaults. Getting with 12" of a vehicle very likely puts you in assault range for some kind of infantry. Even scouts will do a number on speeder squadrons.

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