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My WIP Blood Angels Army

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http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p644/ChrisO33/bth_IMAG0195_zps9a42d583.jpg?t=1368755202 The start of my new Blood Angels army, just sprues and primer, no big deal - yet. Getting set for the ETL challenge and testing out if I am posting pics correctly. Better pics to follow as I get things painted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Picked up a brush for the first time in years.  Must have been at least 5 or so.  Well, now that I think about it, I have not painted anything since 4th edition first came out, but that's another story.  Touch ups to be done for sure but so far I am very pleased.




This first pic is my 5 man Tac squad.  Nothing fancy, just seeing which colors I wanted to go with. First time I have ever done emblems free hand.  Sorry about the cropping, still learning how to do it properly.



This pic is of the Scout biker sergeant with his combi-flamer, the fuel canister is in his left hand as if he was getting ready. I am going to run the squad with 3x grenade launchers so I wanted a template weapon to put with them as insurance. All of the bikes have chipping to show they have been in service a while.  I liked using 2 different reds on the armor and the bike to show they were different materials.





This next one shows the sergeant and another scout.  I didn't find anything I liked for the cluster mines so I put a crate on the back of this bike as the mine holder (counts as anyone?)



2 more scout bikes




And the last 2.  I went with different heads on each one as well as attempting to show each rider with a different weapon load out.  More accessories to come, as well as touch ups, But they are table legal right now and I like how they are coming along.




The last biker on the left is my favorite one, The picture doesn't show it well enough but I cut and repositioned the arm to make it look like he was reaching down and grabbing the shotgun out of it's holster.

  • 8 months later...

So real life came up and I had to put everything away for a while - hence the Oath Breaker in my sig line.


I have recently started again and I have a few pics to share.  I apologize for the poor pic quality as these were taken with my phone.



This was supposed to be a kitbash Librarian but it doesn't look right to me, looks more like a Captain who just got shot to be completely honest.  I am leaving this one alone until I decide to either strip him and start over, or use him as an objective piece for games.



These guys are the start of the Death Company.  Backpacks and jumpacks will be magnetized for different load outs depending on the game. Finish work to be done, but at least they are game legal.



The last update for now is the game table I made for the basement.  The Local GW Battle Bunker has closed and relocated to a much smaller 2 table store, so going there for games is probably not going to happen anymore.  I made a simple desert table for my oldest son and I to game on.  The brother-in-law is welcome too of course.





  • 2 months later...

And the latest edition is Mephiston for my ETL vow.  As he will be a part of the army into the WIP thread he goes.





I :think: the red is better this time, as I did thin my paints with water.  Might not be a bad idea to go just a bit thinner though.




So you're doing Mephiston for the ETL too? Snap. teehee.gif He's looking pretty suave. I'm impressed with the squad markings on your first tactical squad. What are the buildings made from? They're looking good so far, but I'm concerned with the distinct lack of skulls. laugh.png You can't have a building in the far future without slathering it in skulls apparently. Keep up the good work.


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