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Pinning and Overwatch


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I had a non-fearless squad of dudes charge my IG Stormtroopers, who had the ability to cause pinning with their first shot. Turns out the first shot was in Overwatch, so their weapons were pinning (mmm, plasma and hot shot). Would I be able to end the charge by forcing them to go to ground?


"If a non-vehicle unit suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with the Pinning special rule, it must immediately take a Pinning test. If the unit fails this test, it is pinned and must immediately Go to Ground." (BRB p40)



"A unit that has gone to ground cannot move, Run, or charge." (BRB p18)

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I had a non-fearless squad of dudes charge my IG Stormtroopers, who had the ability to cause pinning with their first shot. Turns out the first shot was in Overwatch, so their weapons were pinning (mmm, plasma and hot shot). Would I be able to end the charge by forcing them to go to ground?


"If a non-vehicle unit suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with the Pinning special rule, it must immediately take a Pinning test. If the unit fails this test, it is pinned and must immediately Go to Ground." (BRB p40)



"A unit that has gone to ground cannot move, Run, or charge." (BRB p18)

I believe overwatch can't cause moral checks or pinning.
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BRB Page 21 - bottom of paragraph titled "Resolve Overwatch":

"Overwatch cannot cause Morale Checks or Pinning Tests.  Any shot fired as Overwatch can only be fired as Snap Shots."

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