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The Forgotten Sons (EDIT: Now the Long Forgotten)

Dark En Raul13

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-NOTE: I decided to change the name after I realised someone else has already claimed the name for another chapter, therefore I decided id change the name.-


"Our past is long forgotten...it is not a man's history that makes him known, but the deeds he accomplishes today. We may have been forgotten, wiped from history by our own doing. They may try to silence us, to destroy what we stand for. Just like the records that once bore our name, just like the battle brothers we once knew, they shall fall. One by one they shall fall...and as they turn to dust, grandfather Nurgle will bless us with the immortality we have craved for so long...you cannot escape him...not even the creature you call Emperor can escape Nurgle's embrace" - The Oracle of Decay, Lord and master of The Long Forgotten



The records that detailed the founding and the deeds of the Long Forgotten were destroyed millennia ago, the only information that remains of them are the whispers and rumours of madmen convinced they have seen them. The Long Forgotten attempted to erase themselves from all Imperial records some time during the thirty eighth millennium.The chapter split into two faction, one loyal to the Emperor of mankind and the other loyal to grandfather Nurgle after the Chapter Master Sebastian Oranus (later becoming The Oracle Of Decay) was corrupted after being attacked by a greater daemon. A chapter-wide war began between the Long Forgotten on their home world of Oblitus, it raged for two Terran years as the planet was cut off by violent warp storms, its inhabitants battling until a victor finally emerged. After the warp storms subsided the planet was little more than a husk, the Long Forgotten fleet now surrounded the planet, every ship in the hands of Nurgle worshipping marines. As the last of the chaos-serving marines fled the planet the ships opened fire. Oblitus was made completely lifeless, its atmosphere destroyed and its surface reduced to little more than a rocky desert.


The Long Forgotten, now followers of Nurgle, fled to the furthest reaches of the galaxy until the chapter came across a huge space hulk, its huge mass creating its own atmosphere and gravity. The chapter made the hulk-like-planet their new home, renaming it "The Sanctuary". Within months the chapter had pillaged three planets and kidnapped a large number of the population to make slaves of, within two years the The Sanctuary had been fortified and turned into a huge, planet sized fortress. Within a decade the Long Forgotten had conquered and absorbed 15 different chaos cults into their own renegade chapter, tripling their numbers and adding more vehicles to their arsenal, converted numerous planets into disease ridden hives and infected countless planetary populations. The Sanctuary still acts as the chapters fortress home and had appeared numerous times, every time leaving destruction and disease in its wake.


Home World:

The Sanctuary is a huge, moon sized space hulk roughly the same size as Terra's moon Luna. It is home to the Long Forgotten and numerous other warriors of chaos, the Forgotten sons themselves only number 346 of the hulks population, the vast majority of the population is made up of chaos cultist loyal to grandfather Nurgle and the rest is made up of mutants and beastmen.


The Sanctuary drifts through space, it randomly disappears into the warp and appears in other, random locations throughout the galaxy. The hulk is not guided by any engines, instead it is followed/orbited by the Long Forgotten fleet of ships at all times and is used as the fortress of the entire chapter and its chaos cultists. It is fortified to the extreme, the outside of the hulk covered in huge weapons and planetary defence lasers, reconstructed and salvaged from the original guns found on previously attacked forge worlds.


The Sanctuary has been attacked many times by various different forces, however the chapter knows the hulk inside and out, and any enemy who boards the hulk is either lost in its maze of tunnels filled with various, daemonic creatures. Or they are lost to the steep falls and razor-like blades of the hulks more damaged area's.


Combat doctrine and organisation:

The chapter's squads are all different in their tactics, no squad uses the same type of fighting style and every one of these warriors are all savage and brutal. Every unit is lead by a aspiring champion of Nurgle, and follows his orders to the letter in the hope that he will bring them glory in the name of Nurgle. This has lead the squads to fight with remarkable determination and with unseen devotion in any other chaos renegades.


The chapter itself almost all favour the bolter, however every single marine carries a chainsword or corrupted combat knife in case the fighting does make it up close. just in case.



The chapter holds the firm belief that chaos is the true, uniting force in the galaxy or even the universe in some more fanatical marines opinions. This belief is based upon the idea that Nurgle is the lord of death and decay, and all living things will eventually die, including the Emperor of mankind. Therefore the Emperor cannot be a god and is in-fact blaspheming against the true gods, the gods of chaos.


The chapter see's the oracle of decay as their high master, for it is his words that echo those of grandfather Nurgle. The oracle is actually the first Chapter Master of the Forgotten Sons, corrupted by Nurgle until he was nothing more than a gibbering, fly like creature. He is now held aloft by huge wires in the chapel of Nurgle at the heart of The Sanctuary, and speaks the will of Nurgle to the current champion of the Forgotten, Azengall, high commander and regent Chapter master of the Long Forgotten.


What do you think of that then?

It's ok. It would be interesting to have some hints as to how a chapter came to be swayed by Nurgle, but I like where they end up.


What are the Forgotten Sons' objectives now? There are some interesting hints of an underlying purpose - with the concerted effort to erase all the records about themselves, and the Oracle of Decay. Are they just looking to survive day to day while honouring Nurgle? Do they have some longer term objective? If so, how are they trying to bring it about?


One thing - a planet sized space hulk sounds a bit fanciful/would be difficult to secure. If you said it was the size of a small moon that would be plenty huge for a fortress monastery without seeming too exaggerated.


A nickpick - the light pink text of the quote is awful to try to read. I reckon just leave it the standard colour.

What are the Forgotten Sons' objectives now? There are some interesting hints of an underlying purpose - with the concerted effort to erase all the records about themselves, and the Oracle of Decay. Are they just looking to survive day to day while honouring Nurgle? Do they have some longer term objective? If so, how are they trying to bring it about?


My idea was that the Forgotten Sons' seek to show the Imperium the error of their ways, they're trying to convince the Imperium that the Emperor is decaying, and therefore is being embraced by Nurgle. They are trying to show the Imperium that the god-emperor they worship is actually a pawn of Nurgle himself, therefore they all are in-fact serving Nurgle in a way. 


I'm still thinking of a way that they plan to bring around the conversion of the imperial truth to that of Nurgle's embrace, but I have not come up with any idea I think really does them justice, so if anyone has any idea's then id love to hear them.


The plan was to make them self loathing of their former selves, seeing themselves as being tricked by the Emperor. This leads them to wipe all record of themselves from history and to try and start again as the priests of the true god, Nurgle.


-I've now edited the chapter to change the name and sort out some of the little errors pointed out-


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