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Hey B&C!


By now I think there's no choice but to admit that the new Daemon Codex (And to a lease extent, the CSM codex) pushes more toward mixed god lists than Mono-god. But as a pure Tzeentch player, I find the notion of being forced to include the servants of the other gods rather... Distasteful.


So here's my question to you: how would you model or represent Tzeentch units that 'count as' units belonging to other gods? For example, Plaguebearers are vital troop choice, but how do you make them 'Tzeentch-y?'

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The first thing I think of is possession.

For example, convert up some fantasy chaos warriors and called them possessed suits of armor to count as bloodletters.


Plague bearers count as could be some sort of flesh golem. Would explain the S&P and increased toughness, might have to work to make it justify the shrouding. Maybe they have chameleon skin, blend into their environment?


That's my word vomit first reaction to your question.

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One of my Soul Grinders is Tzeentchian looking but I run it with DoN for shrouded. TO me it's a whimsical teleporting bird spectre thing, so hard to hit and shrouded in arcane smoke. Funny you should mention haunted armor, for my 'letters I use my forgezerkers(I also run a heavy daemon engine CSM list so they are mini daemon engines count as beserkers. I used fantasy chaos warroirs painted so it looks like they are glowing inside) and so on.

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