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Iron warriors lists in 6th edition

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Tough question, a lot of it depends on how you believe an IW army should look on the tabletop. Are you looking for a gunline? A siege force? A garrison force?


The "Chaos default" choices seem to revolve around as many Heldrakes as possible, Havocs or Obliterators as support and some mix of Plague Marines, Noise Marines and Cultists. That said, I think there are more options out there and I wouldn't fixate on what others are playing.

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If I were you i would take an allied detachment of Guard.


Chaos Cultists for guardsmen, chaos up some heavy artillery, Basilisks, Medusa etc.

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There really isn't a standard Iron Warriors army any more. 


Back in 4th edition (with the 3.5ed Codex) it was:

HQ - Daemon Prince with Dreadaxe (and whatever upgrades you fancied)

Elites - Obliterator Spam (3x3)

Troops - Min-maxed Las-Plas CSM units (maybe with Tank Hunters or Infiltrate)

Fast Attack - None

Heavy Support - a mix of Basilisks and Vindicators (With Mutated Hull and Parasitic Possession)

Which was downright unpleasant to face.


Then in 5th we got:

HQ - 2x Winged Daemon Prince

Elites - Chosen with Special Weapons or Termicide

Troops - CSM in Rhinos

Fast Attack - None

Heavy Support - Obliterators + Maybe a Vindicator


In 6th it's a whole new ball-game, pretty much all the Daemon Engines fit nicely into an Iron Warriors Force, as do Obliterators and Mutilators.  Tanks always work with Iron Warriors.  In fact the only restriction if you're wanting a fluffy army is "no Cult Units" (except 1x Berserkers - to "take the breach"), one could argue that possessed and warp talons don't quite fit either, as the fluff tells us that Iron Warriors aren't exactly devoted to the Chaos Gods, and often replace any mutations with bionics.


At that point, it's as Minigun says - the mix of units you choose should fit your play-style.  The three broad strategies are the gunline, line-breaker and dark-mechanicus themes.

Gunline - lots of CSM, Havocs and Obliterators backed up with an ADL, possibly with Guard Allies to add more bodies, guns and tanks (and a Vendetta for Air-cover).

Line-breaker - Bikes, Special Weapon Chosen in Rhinos, Obliterators and Vindicators with either cheap units of CSM or Cultists to hold/take objectives.

Dark-mechanicus - Daemon Prince, Fiends, Drakes, Obliterators and cheap CSM/Cultists, possibly backed up with Daemons (Daemon Prince, Skullcannon/Soulgrinder)


But you can pretty much justify any list you like.  You can happily use cult troops with a little creativity:

- Noise Marines - Experimental Weapons, Bionics: Enhanced Reflexes

- Thousand Sons - Experimental Ammunition, Bionics: Power Field Generators

- Plague Marines - Reinforced Armour, Biological Weapons Specialists

- Berserkers - Assault troops for storming a breach in a citadel (no further justification needed).

( - Possessed - Experimental Bionic Enhancements)

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Thank you so much guys for the replies and outlining the three strategies, you guys are god-sends!


Excuse my naivity, but just wanna clear one thing up.......

...... Are you looking for a gunline? A siege force? A garrison force?

Dam13n has already stated what the "gunline" force is. But what is a "siege force" and "garrison force" comprise of? Or are they the same as the "line breaker" and "dark mechanicus" forces as Dam13n pointed out?

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Thank you so much guys for the replies and outlining the three strategies, you guys are god-sends!


Excuse my naivity, but just wanna clear one thing up.......

...... Are you looking for a gunline? A siege force? A garrison force?

Dam13n has already stated what the "gunline" force is. But what is a "siege force" and "garrison force" comprise of? Or are they the same as the "line breaker" and "dark mechanicus" forces as Dam13n pointed out?

They are going to be similar in some ways.

In my mind, a siege force is going to be more aggressive than a gunline. This could be rhino squads, maulerfiends, raptors, bikers, drakes, terminators (deepstriking) vindicators etc.

The idea is this is the army that will claim the enemy's base once the gunline has breached the walls, so speed and aggression.

Garrison force, to me, is kind of a mix. An army with a strong fire support base with some fast reaction elements. Fluff wise, I imagine this being the force that is left to defend a newly captured stronghold.

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With either one I'd start by making a decision.

"Do I want armor or bodies?"


If you take the armor route, Predators and Forgefiends will be your firepower foundation.

If you take the bodies route, Havocs and Obliterators will be used instead.


Even in a gunline, you'll want some troops who are fast enough to claim objectives. This normally means Rhinos but you could consider using Huron to infiltrate some troops closer to objectives.


After that, it's mostly adding your HQ to some sort of fast attack squad (Bikers or Spawn) as an assault threat and sprinkling in a Heldrake or three.


If you're considering allies, IG would be a strong choice for either route you take.

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With either one I'd start by making a decision.


"Do I want armor or bodies?"


If you take the armor route, Predators and Forgefiends will be your firepower foundation.

If you take the bodies route, Havocs and Obliterators will be used instead.


Even in a gunline, you'll want some troops who are fast enough to claim objectives. This normally means Rhinos but you could consider using Huron to infiltrate some troops closer to objectives.


After that, it's mostly adding your HQ to some sort of fast attack squad (Bikers or Spawn) as an assault threat and sprinkling in a Heldrake or three.


If you're considering allies, IG would be a strong choice for either route you take.


Hmmm...... i think actually i would probably go for the "gunline" as i like the ADL propsect. and as for bodies or armour, i'll go for armour.


so where next?


(again cheers for all the help and input here)

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Possessed could just be the 'starting point' of Mutilators, Obliterators and Warp Talons.  A team of candidates are injected with the Magic Sauce/Obliterator Virus/experimental bionics and nano machines.


Depending on how their battles go, and what the Proto Forms are "fed" determines their "evolution".  They could change to Warp Talons (killing Jump infantry and fast attack choices), Mutilators (killing close combat special units, HammerNators etc.) or Obliterators (killing Devestators/heavy support).

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Hmmm...... i think actually i would probably go for the "gunline" as i like the ADL propsect. and as for bodies or armour, i'll go for armour.


so where next?


(again cheers for all the help and input here)

I'd say the next step is to consider which models you like more, evaluate your local meta opponent's likely armies and start building an army that covers all of the important bases.

*claiming objectives

*high AV targets

*light AV spam

*infantry heavy armies (horde)



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Garrison; Heavier fortifications, the kind of thing that makes for a great thematic battle between a line breaker or siege armys. Key thing: Fortifications; Bastions, Fortress of Redemption (a Chaosified version)

Siege Force: Vindicators, Close support kind of stuff, Melta's and flamers , Things that are capable of "taking a breach". Personally I always think you should take Huron for this so you get infiltrate so your Veterans can pry open a breach (y'know as they are supposed to). I would give an honourable mention to the Maulerfiend for laughing at enemies puny fortresses.

As a guide for appropriate Cult Troops if you're interested in doing Iron Warrior versions of Cults, they aren't very relgious at all for the Chaos Gods (one aspect you can even suggest some IW hate them as much as they are slaves to them, but that's my take - a supreme bunch of bitter swines burning across the galaxy because they're dammed and they want to dam everyone with them msn-wink.gif )

Note: These are just my own take on things that I like the idea of:

Khorne Berzerkers: I personally would just use Khorne Berzerkers. The implication in Exterminatus is those in the forlorn hope are looked down on and are already a bit made so it would be natural that they either fall to khorne or failing that use Khornate zerk warbands to get blasted apart on the ramparts while the carefully calculated battle plan is enacted which the Berzerker (the bullet magnets) draw fire. Alternatively, You could use a multitude of bionic implanted weaponry. Think of the Pit Slave weapons for Necromunda

Plague Marines: People I find, myself included use Bionics and/or shields for Plague Marine counts as. I would also add Mark II armour as well for the classic "Iron Warrior" look;

Siege shields: click here

I'd check out the other Iron Warrior thread, Insane psychopath uses these really well.

Bionics: I really like Anvil Industries for their exo-lord bionics which fit marines. I'm just about to make up some more plague marines



Noise Marines: I've always looked at the pre-heresy stuff for inspiration, they're more likely than other legions to use pre-heresy weaponry IMO (what with working closely with the Dark Admech and having a greater technical affinity than other traitors). I personally like the look of the Volkite Weaponry to represent the Noise Marine weapons. Perhaps with these guys more grandiose gear; cloaks etc.

Volkite Weapons

Thousand Sons: I personally really like the look of TS so I will likely just use them, alternatively you could use robots, or hellforged daemonically possessed robots or even reanimated Iron Warrior corpses more machine than flesh (I like the idea of Heavily mutated Iron Warriors going this way)


Dead Marines: ALL the Bionics along with maybe Zombie bitz?

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Just gonna weigh in here if you don't mind. As I'm sure everyone will agree is that a big part of making a competitive list depends on your local gaming group and what sort of armies you will be playing so some information in that regards may help us narrow things down for you. As for the fluff if I may ask what is your perspective? What I mean by that is for example I personally would not have an Iron warriors force without loads of armor, Wouldn't have any marks or cult troops and definatly no daemons and that's just talking about a list. Don't even get me started on modelling lol. Also certain units which are as a general rule not the most efficient in the codex can be easy to discount and for good reason but that doesn't mean they can't be useful. For example the last game I had my Maulerfiend tore through 2 Land Raiders and a Predator all because my opponent underestimated it.


If this helps here is an example of the 2k list I am currently running. Is it competitive? Not overly but it is my idea of fluffy and its fun to play.


Warpsmith - 110



CSM x10



Plasma gun - 175



CSM x10

Plasma gun x 2


Rhino - 215



CSM x 10

Plasma gun x2


Rhino - 215



CSM x 10

Plasma gun x2


Rhino - 215




Baleflamer - 170




Baleflamer - 170



Chaos Bikers x 7


X2 Melta gun

Combi Melta

Power sword - 202



Maulerfiend - 125




Siege Shield


Demonic possession - 150




Siege Shield


Demonic possession - 150



Aegis Defence Line

Quad Gun - 100



1997 points


Feel free to tear it apart.

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honestly Iron Warriors probably arent too fond of bikes. They are a large legion though so they certainly have access to them. Other than the Warpsmith and vidis it doesnt scream Iron Warriors to me though.


having said that, its not a bad list.

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In siege or trench warfare the ability to run down fleeing messengers our close the gap quickly is very important. While they have more armour than other legions out doesn't mean they have less bikes than say a word bearer host
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thanks for posting the army list!


The replies have been most helpful from everyone and im very thsnkful. Just have one more request from you guys.....


Can you post what you view as a typical "gunline" list, a typical "seige force" list and a typical "garrison force" list?



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honestly Iron Warriors probably arent too fond of bikes. They are a large legion though so they certainly have access to them. Other than the Warpsmith and vidis it doesnt scream Iron Warriors to me though.


having said that, its not a bad list.

And this is why I love this subject. Everyones opinion is different and there is no wrong answer and this shows this perfectly. when I get home I'll have a look at some lists for ya.

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I just quoted you both because it's awesome.


First step is to get the codex, and pick the units you like. Any IW army will rely on big guns to break the opposition before moving in for the kill in combat.


Good bases are always 2x10 CSM, with or without rhinos. Your favourite HQ choice, and your favourite heavy support.


Remember in a game of 40k, your army will only ever represent one aspect of a siege (unless playing apocalypse), so your army could either have the big guns, or they could be the force that storms the breach. You could run a force of IW that are trench diggers and gun emplacers, lots of cultists, defence lines, a warpsmith/overseer and some ordnance.


Pick the units you like the look of and work the backstory around them.

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honestly Iron Warriors probably arent too fond of bikes. They are a large legion though so they certainly have access to them. Other than the Warpsmith and vidis it doesnt scream Iron Warriors to me though.

having said that, its not a bad list.

And this is why I love this subject. Everyones opinion is different and there is no wrong answer and this shows this perfectly. when I get home I'll have a look at some lists for ya.

No! Opinions that differ from mine ARE wrong and if you disagree, I'll lay siege upon you and your wrong opinions until you realize the error of your ways laugh.png.

For Iron Warriors, a Warpsmith is nice as would be a half breed Chaos Lord with a power axe and bare shiny silver right arm. I personally would add daemon engines, allied Guard artillery (or better yet Renegades and Heretics artillery), Terminators, and some Chaos Marines with spades or pickaxes hooked on their belts or hanging from their backpacks. Fortifications are a must, either Aegis Defense Lines if you want to be the attacker or Fortress of Redemptions if you want to be the defender in your list theme. Also see if when deploying terrain you cannot litter the battlefield with barbed wire, tank traps, and mine fields. Perhaps I have read Storm of Iron a few times too many, but arming your chaff (Guardsmen or Militia) with little more than lasguns and maybe a flamer or two and sending them ahead of the rest of your force suicidally seems like a great use for them.

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I actually played quite a few games with a heavy armor theme, and found the list to be quite "hit or miss" based on a few critical rolls in most cases. Usually things like.. can a krak missile actually 1 shot an av12 target? You can if you roll enough 6s. This is NOT competative by exact definition, but that doesn't mean a list of this type can't win.



1x9 csm with melta (group with smith) rhino w/ havoc

1x10 csm with 2 plasma guns rhino w/ havoc

tri las predator


dakka fiend

2x helbrutes one multimelta and one plasma cannon



Depending on points value, more drakes or a landraider crowded with terminators. The basic strategy being to completely ignore all small arms fire for most of the game then drop troops on objectives near the end.

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I'd say the next step is to consider which models you like more, evaluate your local meta opponent's likely armies and start building an army that covers all of the important bases.

*claiming objectives

*high AV targets

*light AV spam

*infantry heavy armies (horde)




All good advice, but I would skip the "evaluate your local meta opponent's likely armies" part. You'll have more fun (maybe) if you just worry about what's in youir own army, never mind other peoples. Pick your favourite HQ. Get a unit of CSM. Pick another troop choice you like, then pick the units that you want to use, factoring in the things you need that minigun mentioned.

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