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Iron warriors lists in 6th edition

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I guess that depends on the player himself. Is he in this game to win tournaments or in it for the long haul hobby wise?

In my case (being a new Iron Warriors player myself) I chose them because I love the fluff and general look of the Legion. Wether i get creamed by 'cron air or grey knights means little to me. Just in this for the fun.woot.gif

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we're all playing to win.


the good thing about being in for the fluff is that you are not bound to use one specific set of rules. SW, HH legions, SM, GK and even crons and tau represent certain aspects of the IV legion just as fine as CSM. you can choose the rules that work best for you.

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Please don't digress from Iron warriors armies into a discussion of playing to win vs fluff, thats a never ending spiral (never ending until the thread gets locked for people insulting each other anyway).


Back on topic, I'm starting up an iron warriors army, well getting all my undivided stuff together and painting it iron warriors, and I've been looking for advice too. 


My current theoretical list is:

Huron 160
6 chosen, 3 melta, 2 flamer, combi flamer, rhino dc, dz 203
10 marines, plasma, autocannon, votlw 175
10 marines, melta, combi melta, lascannon, votlw, rhino dc 230
10 cultists, flamer 55
1 heldrake 170
vindicator, siegeshield, combi bolter 135
predator, autocannon, lascannon sponsons combi bolter 120
2 oblitorators mon 152
ADL quadgun 100
I've also been considering running Abaddon and a few 5 man las plas chosen squads as troops ( like our staple choice from the 3.5 codex), or allying in some daemons (as admech ofc) to get prescience, so many theory's so little time :D
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Hi Nurglez my concern with your list is you only have 4 bitz of armor. I find unless you saturate the field with armor you will lose your tanks and especially that Vindi real quick. personally I think it should be all tanks or all infantry. The other big concern is that Vindi is going to be pushing forward on its own? priority target right there! If you don't mind me asking what role are your csm filling? I generally find mixing weapons a bit ineffective.

I understand the concept of the list but personally 4 pieces of armor at 1500 points just doesn't seem enough.

My advice at this stage would be to decide if you want an armor or infantry list or tell us your plan with this list and maybe I will be wrong on all counts lol.


Feel free to ignore all this though. your plastic and all that. Good luck.

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No worries, I welcome criticism. My group isn't that competitive, so I felt like a change (and wanted to use normal marines in a chaos army). How I will deploy and what roles squads will perform will depend on my opponent, the game type, scenery and of course how I'm feeling that particular day.


Infantry squads can either deploy normally, infiltrate or outflank thanks to master of deception. I don't think this is a optimised army at all, but I wanted to try a few units out (will probably swap the troop lascannon for an autocannon and a combi plasma on the other champ).


This is my beer and pretzel army, my undivided force that can loan parts of to my nurgle focused force (I have painted my hadesfiend, baledrake and 5 havocs as Iron warriors as it felt wrong having "nurgle" havocs in my force, more believable that my nurgle commander and IW commander had struck a pact).


Also my play style seems to work better with 3-5 tanks, sometimes the rhinos give up first blood, and sometimes they don't enter the board until turn 2-3. I

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OP: The basic take home message from this is that you can take whatever models you like in your army.


If you go up against players that optimise and fine tune their armies for a tough game, then a non-optimised army may get washed.


There are all kinds of players. I make non optimised lists with the units I have painted, and relish the challenge of taking on tuned lists with good players. Win or lose, I can accept the outcome.


Pick 1000pts of the units you like, and get some games in. If you find you are getting beat, work out what units you could have used in the previous game to help you win. Slowly build your army up to 2000pts with effective/needed units, while keeping that core of HQ+Troops that you love.

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@nurglez: if you tell us what you're aiming to achieve with this list, then we can give advice.


can't really say what work best with bakery/drunk and I doubt you need tips about what units you want to try out/paint next. 


if it's not supposed to be optimized (for what?) anyway, anything is just as good as everything else.

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Here's my take on a "line breaker" build.... tanks, bikes and a mandatory drake at 1500 pts. I'm aiming for a quick moving yet hard hitting army with long range support.





Chaos Lord - 145

- Power Sword

- Burning Brand of Skalathrax

- Sigil of Corruption

- Chaos Marine Bike

- VotLW






Chaos Space Marines I - 217

- squad of 10

- PG

- AC

- VotLW

- Rhino w/ Havoc Launcher


Chaos Space Marines II - 217

- squad of 10

- PG

- AC

- VotLW

- Rhino w/ Havoc Launcher


Chaos Space Marines III - 217

- squad of 10

- PG

- AC

- VotLW

- Rhino w/ Havoc Launcher




Chaos Bikers - 126

- 6 bikes

- 2x MG

- Combi-Melta

- Power Sword

- VotLW


Helldrake -170

- Baleflamer




Chaos Predator - 115

- Lascannon sponsons and AC Turret


Chaos Predator - 115

- Lascannon sponsons and AC Turret


Chaos Predator - 115

- Lascannon sponsons and AC Turret

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point taken, Im thinking of taking the quad gun out since the only viable option of manning it is the CSM squad 1 and they're scoring! And you do have a point about the Lord begging for an Axe. Thinking of dropping the quad for a few more bikers and a rhino for squad 1. just to keep with the Linebreaker theme.

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well if you want a stationary squad in the quad gun, a good bet is 4 ac havocs with the champ manning the gun.. at least if you want "more of the same"

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