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Shadows of Mysis: The Tortured Minds of Heathens and Noctus

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Ok, update time on my end, folks. No test painting quite yet, haven't quite had the time to just sit down and paint yet. I should maybe have some time for that and if not, tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled for paint.


What we have so far is just a few little things here and there. I'm mostly focusing on sergeants and more important individuals as I feel that often helps me get into the feel of the army more then I can start working on the standard troopers. Heathens and I have broken down into two differing armies. I will be focusing on the actual crusading fleets, Space Marines in power armour sailing the twisted ghoul stars, slaughtering nightmarish entities and keeping Imperial planets in check no matter the cost, while Heathens will be making an army representing the neophytes of the Chapter still at home, training to become the initiated by butchering their own people. Good times, ya?


So, while I'll be doing a primarily crusading force, I will still have a heavy influence of Scouts in my army. Roughly 15-20 by the end, maybe even more. It really depends on how much more involved I want to get into this army.


Now, one thing to keep in mind during the course of this project and a bit of an explanation to certain things. Heathens and I have agreed that every single marine will have something at least partially obscuring the face. If they do not have their helmets on, they must have something covering the face be it a hood, a sand cover, a vox grill, night vision goggles. Something that obscures the face and at least marginally dehumanizes the visage. Its something that we're trying to provoke with this army's theme.


Without further stalling, here's what I have today.


First is a work in progress Sergeant. I haven't decided what I'm going to do with the rest of him but so far I like this guy. If anyone has any ideas I would be happy to hear them.






Next up we have a couple scouts. I've just done some simple sand covers on these guys, practicing my Green Stuff work (really rusty it seems)




And last up is a WIP of our first sternguard veteran. I'm actually pretty happy with this guy so far, but he's really going to need just a bit more work on him to bring it all together. What that is though I'm not quite sure. A thing to note is that the Shadows of Mysis utterly lack any sense of that warrior monk mentality that we see in a great man other chapters. They don't have purity seals, oaths of the moment, or anything like that. Their seals are all a bastardized versions, often encompassing kill counts, names of planets they have scourged, or justifications for their actions. There is no organized sense of honorifics so medals aren't handed out like candy as it is with the Ultramarines. Its all purely personal taste because basically no one cares. Now, as for this sternguard I wanted to try something out. For the parchement on his right shoulder I would like to, instead of making it an oath or prayer, have it be a flyer from one of the many planets they 'protect' instating that Marshal law is in effect and all citizens are hereby to utterly obey the word of the Astartes on pain of swift and brutal execution. The Ghoul Stars are a cruel and unforgiving place to live in and great sacrifices must be made to keep the peace.


(and yes, all those scratches on the left are kill counts)









Very nice. Really like his pose and the "everyone must have an obscured face" thing, I think that will look really good across the whole army.


I have one niggle about the last Sgt. though - is it just my eyes or is his left arm noticeably longer?

@Artemid: I think the arm thing is a camera angle thing, with the arms swinging in full stride.


Noctuc, Heathens, this is awesome already, and I can tell it's only going to get better.




@Artemid: I think the arm thing is a camera angle thing, with the arms swinging in full stride.


That's what I thought it must be at first too, but the picture from his right side doesn't help as much as I feel like it should then.

Looking good, Noctus. I'm a bit drawn on the Warrant Paper, but I can't deny it's a solid idea. The scouts look good, and also gives me a solid vision of what my own conversions have potential to be. The Sergeant has a great pose, very intimidating; I would agree with others, though, that his arm looks a bit long, even after taking in the angle, might be worth a second look.


Yes, my army will be entirely neophytes, learning to open their eyes to warfare in it's most pure form: when one is forced to fight their own; in this case, an insurgency. Only in this fashion can one Awaken, and pass on to travel the stars in an effort to become a full Marine. The Awakening is key; without it, the potential for confusion (deciding what's right or wrong) on the battlefield still exists. Only when man has opened his eyes to the truth can they see clearly. I'll explain this more in detail in my next story, though.


If you're wondering why so many scouts are partaking on the field of battle in our army, you need to understand how recently our Chapter was... re-established, and the difficulties in rebuilding an entire Chapter with only two men, and a few favors owed to us by the AdMech (and now owed to them, possibly), only beginning just over two hundred or so years back. You're seeing a snapshot of only the third (maybe fourth) generation of Astartes of the Shadows of Mysis, stymied by a large number of deaths in dealing with a homebound insurgency that becomes bolder daily, plus some other... ahem...issues. Even these numbers are thanks only to an accelerated training and implantation program which has pulled a number of the stops out, and a hyper-aggeressive salvaging program.


The fething Flesh Tearers and Crimson Fists most likely outnumber us, outgun us, and out-experience us, to put it plainly.


But they don't have the clarity of mind on the field of battle that we do, nor the raw potential for devestation. Even the savage sons of Sanguinius balk at using white phos, or chemical weapons. We, the Corpse-Lions of Nemia, have no such thoughts; only we commit while staring at our own actions, numb and silent.


I have no idea why, but this guy reminds me of a character from Metal Gear Solid 4: Rat Patrol 01's heavy weapons nut, Jonathan. Probably the hair.

That aside, this is stellar work, chaps - I'm enjoying the fluff, and I'm especially enjoying the models as and when they come.

Keep it up, gents! thumbsup.gif

Thanks for the support so far, guys.


Concerning the Sternguad's arms, its based on quite a few different factors. Most importantly is its an inentional part of the pose. I wanted to give him a 'cold killer walking composition and to show a sense 0f motion, his arms are in swing, hence why the knife ar seems longer and the gun arm seems shorter because it's swung back. It also doesn't help that the hand of the laft arm is arched downward, giving it a slightly extended look. They are both the same size though, I assure you of that.

Looking good, Noctus. I'm a bit drawn on the Warrant Paper, but I can't deny it's a solid idea. The scouts look good, and also gives me a solid vision of what my own conversions have potential to be. The Sergeant has a great pose, very intimidating; I would agree with others, though, that his arm looks a bit long, even after taking in the angle, might be worth a second look.


Yes, my army will be entirely neophytes, learning to open their eyes to warfare in it's most pure form: when one is forced to fight their own; in this case, an insurgency. Only in this fashion can one Awaken, and pass on to travel the stars in an effort to become a full Marine. The Awakening is key; without it, the potential for confusion (deciding what's right or wrong) on the battlefield still exists. Only when man has opened his eyes to the truth can they see clearly. I'll explain this more in detail in my next story, though.


If you're wondering why so many scouts are partaking on the field of battle in our army, you need to understand how recently our Chapter was... re-established, and the difficulties in rebuilding an entire Chapter with only two men, and a few favors owed to us by the AdMech (and now owed to them, possibly), only beginning just over two hundred or so years back. You're seeing a snapshot of only the third (maybe fourth) generation of Astartes of the Shadows of Mysis, stymied by a large number of deaths in dealing with a homebound insurgency that becomes bolder daily, plus some other... ahem...issues. Even these numbers are thanks only to an accelerated training and implantation program which has pulled a number of the stops out, and a hyper-aggeressive salvaging program.


The fething Flesh Tearers and Crimson Fists most likely outnumber us, outgun us, and out-experience us, to put it plainly.


But they don't have the clarity of mind on the field of battle that we do, nor the raw potential for devestation. Even the savage sons of Sanguinius balk at using white phos, or chemical weapons. We, the Corpse-Lions of Nemia, have no such thoughts; only we commit while staring at our own actions, numb and silent.

I'm hoping that this means we'll see at least one squad equipped with a Rad-Missile Launcher and some Phosphex bombs.  I have yet to see anyone use that missile launcher in a post heresy army and this one is just begging for it.

Everything so far seems great! I really love the chapter's dark origins and the grim outlook of the Shadows. Heathens, what draws you to chapters with such harsh natures?


Any chance this insurgency has been helped a bit by a certain traitor legion? Perhaps one known for sowing discord and promoting rebellion within the Imperium? We are closer than you think, after all...

Everything so far seems great! I really love the chapter's dark origins and the grim outlook of the Shadows. Heathens, what draws you to chapters with such harsh natures?


Any chance this insurgency has been helped a bit by a certain traitor legion? Perhaps one known for sowing discord and promoting rebellion within the Imperium? We are closer than you think, after all...

Sorry, no. No Alph Legion or any other traitor legion involved. :P



Everything so far seems great! I really love the chapter's dark origins and the grim outlook of the Shadows. Heathens, what draws you to chapters with such harsh natures?


Any chance this insurgency has been helped a bit by a certain traitor legion? Perhaps one known for sowing discord and promoting rebellion within the Imperium? We are closer than you think, after all...

Sorry, no. No Alph Legion or any other traitor legion involved. :P
Darn. I was hoping to see them going up against the Night Lords, Murderer a Murderer.

Everything so far seems great! I really love the chapter's dark origins and the grim outlook of the Shadows. Heathens, what draws you to chapters with such harsh natures?

Any chance this insurgency has been helped a bit by a certain traitor legion? Perhaps one known for sowing discord and promoting rebellion within the Imperium? We are closer than you think, after all...

Sorry, no. No Alph Legion or any other traitor legion involved. tongue.png
Darn. I was hoping to see them going up against the Night Lords, Murderer a Murderer.

Pretty much what Noctus said. Nemia is a dying world, vunerable and suffering tragedy after tragedy. Aliens and traitors will take advantage of this from time to time. The insurgency, though, is being assisted from a different quarter...

another thread with great fluff and models and all that made by heathens and noctus? AWESOME :tu:

@noctus: the green stuff on the sergeants shins and the masks of the scouts looks a little lumpy in places, but as you said, rusty skills take time to warm up againwink.png

looking forward to more of this!

Quite like the obscured faces idea. Concur with others on the arm looking off.


The pamphlet could be neat, though it might be easier as a piece of terrain (objective?). On the shoulder, getting it big enough so it looks normal would seem to be the tricky bit - and though I could see a Marine carrying a massive poster around on his shoulder pad, it still might look kind of strange, and I'm not sure it'd work aesthetically.


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