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Abaddon's bodyguards (on the tabletop)

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I'm looking at running Abaddon for fun, using him to make Chosen scoring, blah blah there. Anyway, out of the various groups of squads to run him with, what should I do? Foot chosen? Cultists? Squad of foot Zerkers? Teleport him in? I'm not sure, and I was hoping to get advice on what would be fun. As I said, not serious at all, I'm not trying to win, just have a good time. If anyone has advice, I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks!

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Well, in the fluff Abaddon's bodyguard are the Black Guard. They are chosen terminators and probably the most dangerous group among all of the Chaos legions. 

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Well, in the fluff Abaddon's bodyguard are the Black Guard. They are chosen terminators and probably the most dangerous group among all of the Chaos legions. 

Where does that come from ?

Personaly, I go freaking out of the window with the retinue of my count-as Abaddon.

A squad of 10 terminators with Slaanesh stuff (to give Abbadon Feel No Pain, it's almost unfair), then two 5 men strong squads with mark of Nurgle. The whole stuff makes an Annihilation force (apocalypse formation) and wrecks face. Even titans are like children when my annihilation force teleports in.

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I've been running Abaddon quite a lot lately and honestly the most effective bodyguard I've found for him are Chaos Cultists, usually 20+ of them.  The problem with terminators is that they don't really help him accomplish anything that he couldn't do already.  I've played with the idea of a squad of Slaanesh Terminators to give him FNP, but really, it ends up being just that, 200 points for FNP on a guy who is already T5 W4 Eternal Warrior with a 2+/4++... Kind of excessive.

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Personally I enjoy running him in landraider, with MoN mutilators, & a unaligned Lv. 3 sorcerer. 

You take biomancy on the soccer and pray for Endurance, then you have  FnP and It will not die on Abaddon which is brutal. 

The mutilators are essentially terminators however they give you six wounds rather than the four your would normally be able to take and with T5 their unstoppable an make a great body guard to take the wounds. 

If your can keep the Land Raider alive long enough to get him in the enemy deployment zone then this squad will tear through everything. 

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I've been running Abaddon quite a lot lately and honestly the most effective bodyguard I've found for him are Chaos Cultists, usually 20+ of them.  The problem with terminators is that they don't really help him accomplish anything that he couldn't do already.  I've played with the idea of a squad of Slaanesh Terminators to give him FNP, but really, it ends up being just that, 200 points for FNP on a guy who is already T5 W4 Eternal Warrior with a 2+/4++... Kind of excessive.



Well, it IS done with Slaanesh stuff, and Slaanesh is the God of.... Excess. and pleasure. 

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