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Any tips on going up against a heavy flying monstrous creature daemon list? Pretty sure he's going to be bringing flamers too. I've never face daemons before so idk what to expect, if I should be careful bringing librarians, etc. my only game plan is to bring 2 ravens and 2 10 man sternguard squads with plenty of plasma backed by divination librarians and maybe an aegis with either gun. Hoping the ravens/Icarus or quad gun can either kill then outright or at least ground then so the sternguard can blast then away with both poison bolter rounds and plasma fire.


Any tips against them? Again my knowledge of daemons goes as far as knowing I should probably expect about 4 flying monstrous creatures -_-

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you don;t need to cause wounds to cause grounding checks, only hits. It also is on a per unit basis. I like to use drop pods in a 1-2 punch. Basically you shoot it with the pod storm bolters, and whatever else can cause it to ground (he does not start the game in flight mode if he starts on the board - if you go first you can just blow it away -  just obliterate the unit with sternguard with poison shots) once it's grounded use the sternguard to clean house.\


you can also do this with double RAS in pods with plasma guns, with sargeants with plasma pistols.

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Alpha strikes may help.  

Sternguard in pods - FMCs cant start flying, so if you get first this is great.


Otherwise bring two ravens. 


My suggestion is a 430 point SM detachment.


Librarian (Nullzone - for reroll successful Inv saves)

5x Tacs 

Razorback - TLHB 

Storm Raven. 


Why a SM Raven? 


The missiles are concussive.  This means if you hit and wound a thirster with it- mephy can charge in and clean up. 


That combo will REALLY help out vs. the majority of Daemon stuff.

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That's the old 'dex.


In the new book, they deploy. But they can still elect to deep strike their troops. So beware of lonely mission objectives.


The flying circus is a tough list to face. Daemon Princes got boosted in CC, to the point where even Mephiston will have a hard time with them. They retained one major weakness, however. That is their toughness of 'only' 5, and their armour save of only 3+; Baal Predators are nice to gun them down while keeping mobile. The twin-linked AC also helps when you have to shoot the big stuff in the sky, as you can only snapfire at them.


Having a chunk of DC for counter-charges is always nice. Their big amount of attacks coupled with the demon's mediocre saves will wipe one unit after another.

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Lem!!!  Good to see you back buddy...though...your avatar makes me see double :P

I'm really starting to long for the simplicity of 3rd edition, flying madness just complicates the hell out of things.



I dunno man, rhino rushes were evil. 

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So I decided to go with the two ravens, two full sternguard squads each with combi plasma and 3 plasma guns, I was allowed a contemptor mortis with dual kheres + middle launcher (even though blood angels technically aren't allowed to take it, he let me) 2 divination librarians for much needed rerolls on my shooting And for the first time a squad if 3 dual heavy bolter speeders. Everything else in the army was pretty much assault squads split 5 and 5 for scoring and dealing with his plaguebearers and other junk.


I have to say the sternguard and ravens were what kept me alive. The mortis managed to take his lord of change (which came on too close and was in range of the assault cannons) down to one wound but was quickly destroyed due to good rolls on his part and terrible rolls on mine. The speeders heavy bolsters were surprisingly effective against the thirsters and other mc's especially with prescience casted on them. Game went super well for me as I believe I took the perfect list to counter what he threw at me. Game ended turn 5 with all of his nasty big guys sent back to the warp and my assault squads sitting uncontested on top of all but one of the objectives.


Thanks or the advice guys. Next time I think I'll try taking the 3rd storm raven as part of the C:SM ally detachment and go about wiping them out with mephiston.. That strategy sounds a lot more dangerous to use effectively but a lot more fun.

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