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An 3nigmatic 3ntrance


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Thunderous footsteps resounded through the fortress monastery. Serfs and attendants rushed to bow before the mighty warrior walking the hallowed chambers. They kneeled in suppliance, crying his name and that of the Emperor of Mankind. Blessings, prayers, grateful cries to the Emperor.... All filled the warrior's ears as nothing more than a quiet murmur, the susurrus of a thousand voices blended into one. The Space Marine drew to a halt as he reached the great double doors at the end of the long hallway, branded with the words "Legio Bolter and Chainsword" in High Gothic scripture. The warrior smiled as he pushed the doors open, and the mighty Legio was introduced to...


Hello everyone. Now that the grand entrance is over and done with, I thought I'd introduce myself to you all. I'm a 40k gamer located in Northern Virginia. I'll admit it; I'm young. I've been into the hobby for an almighty total of 4 years. sweat.gif Which, I suppose, isn't all that little, but when compared to gamers who have been involved for 20 or 30+ years, I imagine myself as the neophyte walking the halls of the Chapter monastery for the first time.

I love to convert and kitbash models to use in my games. I definitely consider myself more of a modeller and gamer than a painter, my meager skills a laughingstock you folks might or might not be acquainted with sometime in the future. Over my four years of gaming, I've played Black Templars and Blood Angels, and I'm currently looking into Space Wolves and maybe even vanilla codex Marines...

I also love to write 40k short stories and fan fiction. I expect that most of my posts will be toward the Liber Astartes or the Fan Fiction section of the Black Library. But that's just me. I hope to become a regular here at the B&C, and I hope I can serve the 40k community here well!

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