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Blood Angels successor Chapter The Blood Dragons

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Hey guys so im starting up a BA successor chapter the Blood Dragons and I had a couple of quick questions

1) Does it matter if a successor chapters paint scheme is similar to its parent chapters paint scheme?

2) For my army I currentl have 4x Tactical squads (2 with heavy bolter and flamer 1 with missile launcher and plasma gun 1 with missle launcher)

Devastators with 3 plasma cannons

Another marine with missle launchers

drop pod

2x Dreadnoughts with TL lascannons

Dreadnought with assault cannon

Land Raider

10x Terminators

3x Marine Bikers

Terminator Libby

Captain with Plasma Pistol and Power Fist.

What else should I be looking to add :) Obviously I want a chaplin eventually but shoiuld I be looking to add some death company some furiosos stern guard and assault marines

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The colour scheme can be anything you want it to be. If anything, the fact it would be similar to its parent chapter would represent its close ties.


I'd recommend getting your hands on some Assault Marines. They're mobile, cheap, and fun to use.

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Sounds to me that you got the more specialist units down already but lack a base!

Id add some assault marines. The battleforce is generally speaking a good choice. DC box and SG box (that are included in that) have some amazing icongraphy for blood angel models that you can generally always find a spot for :) Battleforce also comes with an assault squad box meaning you can put at least 10 assault marines together without problems :)

If you want to you can assemble a tactical squad instead with the DC box but most people (including myself) favour a good assault marine base first before adding tactical marines to a list whistlingW.gif

The rhino... euh, im sure you can find a use for that one sweat.gif

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Color doesn't matter in the least.  A lot of times there is something in the name or the iconography that indicates a close tie when the colors aren't present.  The Lamenters, for example, are yellow with black and white checkered patterns but their Chapter symbol is a bleeding heart.  My successor is boltgun metal, gold, black and white, but the Chapter symbol is a lambda with a red blood drop beneath it to tie into the parent chapter.


Definitely add assault marines, a jump pack chaplain and a jump pack Sanguinary priest.  Their buffs are indispensable.

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