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High BS re-rolls and precision shots


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In a recent game my opponent fielded Brother-Captain Tycho. Late in the game he decided to use the captain's combi-melta, but rolled a 1 to hit. Since the good captain's BS is 6, he was then allowed a re-roll as per the rules, requiring a further a roll of 6 to score a hit. He rolled and got lucky; the die came up 6.


My question is this: does this count as a precision shot? The CRB says that re-rolls can count as precision shots, but it doesn't differentiate between re-rolls from, say, a twin-linked weapon, where the re-roll simply uses the firer's BS, and high-BS re-rolls where the firer requires a specific number or higher regardless of stats or modifiers. Likewise, a quick skim of the official FAQ shines no light on the subject.


Seeing as I myself am a Tau player and often use Advanced Targeting Systems and Markerlight BS boosts in combination, I'd like some clarification for future games.

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You do not distinguish between the different sources of re-rolls. If you are allowed to re-roll for any reason then you simply follow the rules on page 5 which tell us that the second roll counts and the first is ignored.

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Agreed. In this situation it counts as a precision shot. There is nothing to say otherwise. Also remember that for BS6+, not all misses are then hit on a 1. For BS7 or better it's a 5+ or better. In the situation of a BS5 model, consider whether a BS1 model would get Precision Hits or not, despite the fact that it can only hit on a 6. The answer is it would, so wouldn't the BS6 model get a precision hit if it hit on its re-roll?


A bit convulted, but some comparisons and examples for you there. :)


Also, welcome!

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Thanks for the input and the warm welcome! I've lurked here a few times looking for answers to rules questions, and always saw polite and concise answers in the past, so I figured I'd make you guys my first stop for my own queries.


It does seem (more than)a bit wierd to me that a model with BS 1 would always get precision shots, but I suppose it's not the least confusing rule in the book. :p


I couldn't quite put my finger on why i was so convinced that the high-BS roll shouldn't count as a precision shot, but it struck me just now: My concern is that it may not technically count as a re-roll, but instead be an *additional* roll to determine whether the shot hits or misses. This will depend on the wording of the rules for high BS, but I seem to remember this being the case in previous editions(though I'm talking like, 3rd ed here so it's a bit murky). I'll look it up for myself when I get home.

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I would compare it to the tesla weapon from necrons, firing snap shots can only hit on 6s, on 6s it generates 2 automatic hits, and they work. So I feel this is a hang up from previous editions (I get so many of those its getting annoying).

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On closer inspection the rule books states specifically that the model 'gains a re-roll whenever it rolls a 1 to hit with ranged attacks,' so it would indeed be a precision shot. This cost me a valuable battlesuit last night, but in the long run I believe this rules quirk will work out in my favor far more often than my opponents'.


Thanks for the help everyone!

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