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Multiple Grenades


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in my latest games against Grey Knights following questions arose:


1. Can a unit use different grenades in one assault phase?


I.e. when a GK unit charges, can it use Frag- AND Psyk-out Grenades simultaneously?


2. Do a unit gain the benefits of the grenades from an independent character?


I.e. when a unit without defensive grenades is accompanied by a (independent) character with defensive grenades (or similar like rad grenades) is charged, does the whole unit benefit from the character's grenade? How about offensive grenades?



What are your thoughts?





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Clear from the rules for specific grenade types.


Offensive grenades all specify *models* equipped with them, so only the models that have them benefit.


Defensive grenades all specify *units* equipped with them, so only one model needs to have them and the whole unit benefits.


Edit: amusingly, none of the melee grenade profiles are given the melee type...  So.. um.. does that mean they can't technically be used in melee?  Intention is obviously 'they can be used in melee' here, but aren't melee weapons required to have the melee type?  GW: cannot write rules to save their life.

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Clear from the rules for specific grenade types.


Edit: amusingly, none of the melee grenade profiles are given the melee type...  So.. um.. does that mean they can't technically be used in melee?  Intention is obviously 'they can be used in melee' here, but aren't melee weapons required to have the melee type?  GW: cannot write rules to save their life.


I believe this is cleared up on page 50. Under Range it says "If the weapon's range contains '-', it is (unless otherwise stated) a Melee weapon". Under Type it says "weapons with the Melee type can only be used in close combat". So grenades are melee weapons but do not have the melee type as they can also be used as shooting weapons.



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If they have a CC profile you can use them as a CC weapon, same for ranged. Simple. With weapons youre restricted as normal for assault/shooting.


As for the effects you get out of them.... theres no restriction. The effects dont usually stack between multiple grenades- IE three sources of rad grenades are still just -1 toughness in total- but different types like assault grenades and rad grenades all work, even if you only have one model who could throw them.


Either theyre good at juggling or have the most awesome bandolier ever, you decide, either way it works.

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Thanks a lot. I guess, you guys are right about different types of grenades and offensive/defensive grenades on ICs. Though it is still weird, that a unit can through several kinds of grenades at the same time.

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