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is a cultist rush viable?

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 So thinking about going to chaos for a second army, and khorn is my favorite chaos god, so why not. My idea I had is to have a very big Tyrant's legion esqe army with lots of cultists running up the field while the marines plink away in back with heavy weapons. maybe the cultists act as a screen for maulerfiends and khorn beserkers.



is this a viable idea? I know it will fall flat against tau (what doesn't) but the idea is to just flood the field with so many guys at least some will get into combat.

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Well, I think the best way to go about this would (although not khorney) be to go with Typhus and a bunch of plague zombies. You can take like 35 per squad (if I remember right). I've never tried it myself, but I think that might work pretty well.

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I think you'd be better off going with IG as a primary and CSM as allies there mate. IG can get bigger squads, special CCWs on the characters, morale boosters, etc. Then use some CSM units alongside. It'd definitely give you a tyrant's legion sort of feel I think.

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The two biggest obstacles I see are:


1) Making cultists fearless

2) providing anti-tank and anti-MC firepower.


The basic cultists will handle almost any infantry eventually (assuming their Fearless) but they bring nothing to the table to deal with armor reliably. This means the bulk of the rest of your army will have to be cost effective long range firepower.


As for providing fearlessness, a pair of cheap chaos lords would be my choice.

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If you want to be able to use power armored bodies in large GEQ mobs then go for it man, it won't be super competitive but it wouldn't be horrible. A couple really large 35+ unmarked cultist squads with cheap lords (maybe a claw/fist) for fearless and you'd have a pretty solid core. Just have to be careful with templates.

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Any marks on cultists are a pretty big waste of points honestly. They die far too quickly, instead of getting marks I'd just recommend adding more cutlists. For the lord, that'd work if you don't mind him being slow. If you mount him on a jugger, he'd be able to move as cavalry so he'd go better with spawn but then if you do that then the cultists lose fearless.

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I've been using lots of Cultists as allies for my Khorne Daemons. I definitely think they could work as a basis for a Khorne CSM army. Use them as the meat of your army, while everything else can deep strike or otherwise zip up the board.

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So keep them a big bloody meatshield while maulerfiends, spawn and maybe some beserkers rush up the field?

I reckon that kind of thing definitely could work. I'm adding even more cultists to my army and so will have to try it out with CSM, but I think the same principle could apply as for Daemons: make a horde of little guys to back up the big gribblies as they race up the field. Maulerfiends, Obliterators, Terminators, Bikers, Spawn, Heldrakes - even allied Daemons if you want.


Berzerkers have the issue of no reliable way to get to combat, but if you take enough units in Dirge Rhinos then it may work.


and would it be un-khorny to have a firebase?

I do not believe that shooting goes against Khorne's nature (the high BS of Khorne Daemons backs this idea up). If it spills blood and doesn't use direct psychic powers to do it, then it's all good as far as I'm concerned.

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Could the Rhinos or the Cultists be used as a sort of "fire shield" for the Berzerkers? Just walk them behind the shields and then rush around them? Because doesn't shooting require a line of sight unless otherwise stated?
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I've had 2 games yesterday with 40 Khorne cultists and I've gotta say that MoK is the absolute worst Mark for Cultists.


Not only does it cost 2 points per model, but also Rage and Counter-Attack don't matter when you're I3 and have no Frag Grenades. Cultists offensively suck against almost everything in the game, so it isn't cost effective at all to buff their offensive capabilities. Those 2 games I've played were practically with 80 points of handicap. With some other point drops I've could've added 20 additional Cultists and in retrospective that would've been much better idea.



and would it be un-khorny to have a firebase?


Khorne is the god of war, not a god of close combat. So, guns are ok. In fact, autoguns are the only upgrade worth giving to cultists and IMO it's a must-have.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wouldn't suggest giving all of your units the Mark of Khorne. In my limited opinion (I haven't played a game yet with CSM in 6th), the Mark of Khorne should be used on units that are either going to be aiming for CC from the start, or will be mid-range most of the time. Put the Mark on your Cultists, regular Marines, Raptors, anything that is going to either run up and hit things, or is in danger of being charged at themselves.


Example: Your Cultists, raptors, and mutilators will be fighting in Cc, so give them the Mark.

------ Your regular Marines will be midfield, and althought they are more Range-Oriented, they can be charged by the enemie's cc units. Not only that, but they can have the opportunity to tie up enemy units until your dedicated CC units can get to grips with them. Give them the Mark of Khorne and use them as fire support, charging in wherever your other units need a hand digging out of a tarpit, but otherwise keep them blasting away with their boltguns.

------ Your Obliterators and Havocs (if you use them, I would recommend it) are going to be your fire platforms. They hang back and shoot, and should be protected from charges by your assaulters killing/ distracting the enemy. Don't give them the Mark of Khorne and use those points to buy more assault OR support units.


Hope this helps.

EDIT: Oh, this conversation ended a good month ago. My apologies, I'm still getting used to the Mobile version of the forums. The mod will be alerted.

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