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Monstrous creatures in small games


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Hey all,


Faced Tyranids @ 600 points today, and my opponent had 20 gaunts, a Hive Tyrant and a Carnifex, both of which had some special abilities amongst which were Str 10 attacks and ignoring armour saves.


I had a 5-man ASM squad, with attached Reclusiarch and Sang Priest, a 5-man Scout squad w/ HB, and a Furioso w/ Frag Cannon and DCCW/Heavy Flamer. I did have some unlucky rolls, the Furioso took 3 glances from 3 attacks by the Carnifex.


Since these creatures can't be insta-killed (their Toughness is too high) and they have a lot of wounds, I'm guessing sheer weight of fire would do more good than a few strong units. But the problem is, I can't fit many guns into such a small amount of points.


How can I fight huge, tough units on a tight budget?



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He used smash attacks. did he proper half his attacks to use this?


The obvious answer to the budget solution is Mephiston. you can even convert one if you know someone who bought a couple dark vengeance boxes and has extra librarians.


Otherwise, a Baal Predator will bring lots of dakka to shoot at the TMCs.


Sternguard will stand a great chance to wipe out Monstrous creates with a 3+ save thanks to their 2+ poison bolter ammo. you can convert those from regular bolter marines, or even just give them an outstanding paintjob ( A veteran coloured helmet for the whole unit, or give them them back banners like I did.


These are thee easiest solutions I can come up with without spending too much money.

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I think he did play correctly, yes.


I did consider making a Mephiston, maybe out of a heavily converted Templar Sword brethren model.


And yes, the Sternguard look cool too, thanks for the ideas!

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4x ML Devastators are also rather nice for anti-MC duties: S8 AP3 usually wounds on 2+ or 3+ and ignores armour.  Pair them with a Div libby w/Force Sword for nifty psychic powers (Ignores Cover is wonderful in that situation), and put them into cover and you've got an even chance of knocking off the MC on the charge before it can strike.

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Furioso with blood talons EAT tyranid monstrous creatures (aside from the hive tyrant maybe), specialy the carnifex. Hits it on 3's wounds on 4's with reroll AND ignores its armour. You also hit before him. So I dont know if you got 2 spare arms lying around? teehee.gif

Carnifex is base strength 9. It can take an upgrade granting it furious charge (as I doubt he would halve his attacks to get +1S...) but the hive tyrant is only S6 (IIRC) so he probably did. I think what hurt you the most is your small unit sizes. A 10 man tactical squad can actually butcher a carnifex in combat easily. Specialy if you have a PF in there... No matter who charges though that thing only has 4 wounds. It dies insanely fast to 1 or 2 turns of rapid firing bolters.... You hit him on 3's. Use krak grenades when not charging for the S6 and hes bound to fail a few wounds. If you softened him up with bolter/plasma/lascannon fire hes bound to go down fast.

10 tacticals, plasma, lascannon, poweraxe. 205 pts. Thats a tactical squad load out that I use frequently. Very effective as a firebase and can be easily combat squaded as well. There generally arent a great deal of tyranid units that you want to assault...

The fragioso can take on anything in that list other then the hive tyrant very easily. 3 flame templates on a large brood of gaunts sees the vast majority die. Then charge them and see them turned into paste underneath the dreadnoughts feet. Against the Carnifex the 2 frag templates and heavy flamer have goods odds of wounding him and 3 S10 attacks at AP2 wound even a Carnifex easily. Im suprised he took 2 MC's to a 600 point game though ermm.gif where I come from that would be a free pass to hit him with a dreadsock...

Oh the sheer cheese...nuke.gif

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Sternguard with some plasma are now my main MC killers.. Rapid fire plasma ignoring armor saves and rapid fire bolsters wounding on 2+ forcing too many saves are awesome. I play against nids more than anyone else since that's what my best friend plays and I have to say the sternguard are now his worst enemy. Backed.bu a divination librarian for prescience and you will kill any tyranids MC in one salvo of shooting nearly every time.


If you play another 600 point game maybe try taking a divination librarian, 10 man sternguard, a furioso (try the librarian one they're fun) and an assault squad for troops/scoring. Sternguard not only are IMO our best weapon against MCs but will also put more bodies on the table which is especially important in a small point game.

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Scout snipers are also not a bad choice. 4+ poison and rending for cheap.


Mephiston is always the answer. HG squad in front w/ plasma to give him FnP and cover.


Baal preds are good against Nids in general.

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